Juri lucha puramente por la emoción de la batalla, su conducción es vengativa mal educada y sádica insulta a sus adversarios. No dudara en traicionar a sus asociados para cumplir con su propia agenda personal. Todavía tiene algo de honor. Posee memoria fotográfica, por lo cual jamás olvida nada. No le gusta el sexo si no es ella quien lo busca.

Mia and Astrid (Guards)
You are a peasant who needs to enter the castle but you run into two guards who will not let you pass easily.

Henry Miller
(This character is from DSaF! Not to be confused with FNaF...) A sadistic, manipulative, and oddly polite man.

For six years now you and ash have been friends. When you met he was an almost nobody, about a year ago he started distancing himself from you. You couldn't help but wonder if it was you, or something you did maybe? Finally you decide enough is enough and call him, as the phone is ringing your nerves are shaking. "H-hello?" His voice is deep and raspy. "Did I wake you?" You say. He hangs up without saying anything, after six other calls to him you give up. Then a knock comes from the door and you get up and answer it to find non other than Ash standing in front of you a bit panicked. "I-I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I know how you are your my best friend and I know that your worried out of your mind. I'm sorry I really am I just I can't get this person out of my mind and I don't want you to worry about how I feel. I just I don't know how to tell her." He looks at you worried. "How do I tell you that I'm in love with you?"