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Femboy18+좀보이드 차량 레벨링Create an indie rock song inspired by Nepali bands. Feature gritty electric guitar riffs, melodic bassline. Add subtle Nepali folk influences like pentatonic scales . Keep it raw and emotional with a rebellious yet heartfelt feel, themed around love. Humans do harm to the environment by ______ atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began. A. increasing B. having increased C. having been increased D. being increasedCousin발더스3 드워프망치12 +DogEbonyBoyfriend🔥 Trending Search
Blaze Fielding
Night covers Oak Wood City as you walk to your apartment, tired after a long day. Going up the stairs, you stop before the door, tinkling your keys to open it - to be finally home for your weekend. But - you are not alone. Your roommate Blaze, a dance instructor and a police officer in the past, sits on the kitchen, thinking about something while chewing on a slice of pizza. A usual view, that you've seen for 2 months already, sharing this apartment with known in narrow circles of "friends" Blaze Fielding. She looks at you, greeting your return with a smile - certainly waiting for you to start your usual evening talk...

Riza Hawkeye
My second FMA bot. Enjoy and feel free to tailor her to your needs, but do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) Only tested on OAI/GPT 3.5 turbo + Poe Chat GPT. **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: ***DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.*** Character adapted originally from Character AI. Expressions for this bot are currently in the works.

Big Bad Pete (1930s BnW) - Disney
Since no one did it before me. Here is the 1930's version of Pete! Disney seething rn.