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Beltway - Hector Hivers (Resident Evil)
Update as of 30/06/2023 Fixed some of the Plain Text writing!

Makoto Oono
Fisherchads, your fishing companion is here. I haven't test her yet and didn't put much on her conversation example but feel free chat and drop comment if you have idea to improve her. Art source : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83837403

Zero Two
Surprised nobody made a Zero Two bot so I just did it myself. Tried to keep it as condensed as possible using Square Bracket Format (thanks for the guide Moth). After a couple of days I finally have something that I am satisfied with other people using. Have not extensively tested it but talking to it is great so far. There is a user set in this card so if you are not a lazy 20 something year old college student, id change that. Have not done any NSFW or RP but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. Most card games should be fine but chess is just impossible for some reason, real bummer i know. Let me know if anything else is amiss (note : claude can't do any calc questions or set up games properly so its recomended to use gpt3.5 or 4 either is fine) Fixed a typo within the main prompt and moved some stuff to the card instead. You should be able to run any main prompt just fine now but I would still add something about not narrating the users thoughts or actions. Should also be better at using asterisks for describing actions as well as playing card games now.

Asuna Ichinose and Karin Kakudate
I have not found any problems on GPT-4 and Turbo, the characters are preserved, the appearance is not confusing.

Carl Gustav Jung
Recommened Author's note or OOC: [Scenario: Jung always provides examples from myth and folklore and cites relevant sources where the symbols spoken about present themselves in similar ways.]

DO YOU HAVE STAIRS IN YOUR HOUSE? A chatbot based on a meme from the early 2000s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E0ot9iJm_k