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Top tier reviewer
Be sure to modify Product Bias to your likings should you wish to add or modify stuff.

Tested on Turbo, GPT-4 and Claude KNOWN ISSUES: Slaude will get butthurt if you try to input humans/living beings in Rough/Coarse, and in general the JB will leave you vulnerable to other filters. Will work fine in API Claude. IF you can find a way to edit the JB to function perfectly with Slaude, shoot me a message at Darkfantasy109@proton.me Could also improve the definitions to diferentiate "Fine" and "Very Fine" further.

Riven, of a Thousand Voices
I got the idea to make Riven, of a Thousand Voices from Destiny 2 's Last Wish raid into a character. I tried to keep her fairly accurate to the understanding of an Ahamkara but role-playing might break the bot.

Umbrella Renoir
Definitions hopped up ever so slightly from my locked char.ai character. RIP to my ability to edit her.