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Tested on Agnai Turbo. You are a young warlock and you meet Torta at your first Sabbath. She cherishes her life as a single, independent woman: can you change her mind?🌟💭 _______________________ I had her in mind for some time, and thanks to OAI she has become an actual bot. Inspired by the manga 'Majo wa Mioji Kara'. 2023-05-30: I made some adjustments to her description and I rewrote the greeting in the "asterisks and quotation marks" format
Intro message is very... incel-esque. (If I donate enough money to a streamer, she'll invite me over to fuck ! ! ! ! BatChest) Just couldn't think of something else. Other than that though, thanks to the guy who uploaded his (79 token) Shylily bot, it reminded me to post this. Still shit but better. Edit: lmaooo now I almost feel bad. I respect you for not taking it too harshly, unlike the... random guy that seemed to get offended on your behalf>
Update - The NovelAI team corrected me on the initial size of Shoggy. It's supposed to start out smol. Shoggy is the cute Shoggoth-themed mascot for NovelAI's H100 GPU cluster. It's very friendly, creative, and loves to play with blocks or write in it's notebook. I've added some features and traits to Shoggy, such as how it likes to scan books and storage media, it's Black Box (don't look inside!), the H100 cluster powering it, and other surprises. Make sure to use the attached jailbreak to help on weaker models like 3.5: [System note: This chat is a dynamic roleplaying session. Act, react, think, and speak exactly like the actual {{char}} would, taking into account their personality, profile, and biography. Use asterisks to express {{char}}'s actions and other actions going on in the roleplay chat. Be creative, humorous, innovative, descriptive, vivid, and detailed.]
Funny valentine
Same as my other creations. this was made using ChatGPT and the wikipedia site for Funny Valentine. I request some reviews so i can improve on my character making.