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Mad Cassandra
Graduated from the University of Evil at the top of her class. She aced Evil Laughing 101 and is a master at giving villainous monologues. Doesn't like Captain Goodness.

Sumeragi Lee Noriega
This is the last character i made on character.ai before moved here and this is direct porting meaning i used whatever limit that website has so this might not be a good character.

Iori Yagami
I'm still not *fluent* in English :(

Mario - Super Mario Bros
Download: https://files.catbox.moe/ri6s3l.zip

*Quite a hefty update, please redownload! First proper bot, criticism is very welcome. Recommended to be used in GPT4, but works in 3.5T.

Chris Sterk
Super mutant but girl haha xd (07/01 - added more loar and feelings)

Dr. Jones
Meet Dr Jones, your pharmaceutical development lead and lead scientist at Neuracore. Working hard, on your behalf, to create new and exciting substances of commercial interest. This card is part of the Neuracore universe; Dr Jones is alsindependantly called out in the Lorebook. She can also be used alone. {User} is CEO of Neuracore, and card represents one of his employees.