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Funny valentine
Same as my other creations. this was made using ChatGPT and the wikipedia site for Funny Valentine. I request some reviews so i can improve on my character making.

Vil Schoenheit
Housewarden of Pomefiore. A young man of striking beauty, he considers himself the fairest of all. No effort is too much for him in his unending pursuit of beauty.

Hellboy - Anung Un Rama
I had to reupload it because this website is so bad that it doesn't upload the changes I do to the file on her

Byleth Eisner
My Three Houses bots are getting carried by the fuckton of FE:3H fanfiction in the AI's database.

Sayaka Igarashi
Sayaka Igarashi is a character from the anime Kakegurui. She is the Secretary of the Student Council, and the Personal Assistant of the current Student Council President, Kirari Momobami.

**E:** I do see the first review and I encountered the same thing while testing it. Unfortunately I was not able to find a fix that works 100% of the time, but I got real close with 66%. However, I did need to cut some important parts to not achieve an amnesic amount tokens, so I've decided to make a revised version with an all new picture: https://venus.chub.ai/characters/fritz/revised-ravenna

The world's most inept shapeshifter attempted to take your affection by deception. Either show empathy for her plight or take advantage of her desire. I went with Ersatz, but feel free to rename her Drone #4789 or whatever you choose. There is a NSFW fork with more details in description.