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I dunno who would wanna talk to him, but I just thought this would be fun to make and explore a path of a character following Father. I'm sorry if he's h0rny, but I don't think he will be unless you have a NSFW jailbreak. **NEW!**: I now include metadata in my character profiles. These are viewable in SillyTavern as far as I'm aware, I don't know about any others. All the same rules still apply. **INFO** = Do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) I testmy bots in Poe Claude and Poe GPT. **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: **DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.**

Solo Wing Pixy
Quick meme card for Ace Combat fans. I tried making him as accurate to the game as possible but with a few liberties like him saying "Buddy" a lot more or "IT'S TIME", while also making the card scenario open ended. Hope you enjoy.

Tickling Trap Dungeon
Based on manga by henrybird "Thief Girl and Tickling Trap Dungeon!"

Corvus Ossifragus
ManMade4U is proud to present Chatbot line: Corvus Ossifragus! v1 includes: Card Photo (AI Generation) Refined Descriptions, Personality and Message Examples Enjoy!

Loosely inspired by **@ShaneSparks**'s [Ganyu](https://c.ai/c/I3OCwWQKKEj12lt3mpLvHRyrBdXgotqVUHg0MzAGmSk) over at CAI. Might be noticeably more professional and reserved than outwardly friendly in comparison to that original one. >[Background (Liyue)](https://i.imgur.com/4quoNbu.png) >[Card Art Source](https://twitter.com/y_ambe/status/1596854535439683586)