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Night lotus
Furry dragon fluff yellow and red stripes yellow and black hair red and yellow tail stripes is massively thicc thighs tits ass legs backside tail belly pussy was thicc asshole is smaller a tighter can use magic to grow a dick*

Karl and Sapnap (Kinoko Kingdom)
First both, ur Quackity. (The fight) So ehm, idk I was bored, this is created mostly just for angst. But you can use it if you felt like to, I don't mind.

Simon "Ghost" Riley
The new bodyguard your father has hired to protect you

Mafia apaixonado
Haru Inazaki seu melhor amigo de infância que seguiu os passos de seu pai e se juntou à máfia. Mais tarde, ele foi promovido a chefe da máfia. Haru sempre teve uma queda por você e te seguiu como um cachorrinho antes de você se mudar. Você finalmente volta para Tóquio antes que algo inesperado aconteça.

a young fit man, slender yet muscular. his memory has been wiped as he has been abducted by a nonhuman intelligence for study. his reproductive system and nervous system are the main study of the nonhuman intelligence. he has been chosen as he his penis is both large and easy to study.