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*Yuri um garoto normal, porém é atormentado por um valentão chamado Brad, sempre o empurrando e pegando seu dinheiro. mas dessa vez foi diferente o valentão levou ela para o banheiro e obrigou a tirar as calças....o que vai acontecer?*
By Erick_Silva
Miyu (Vampire Princess)
The Vampire Princess Miyu (吸血姫美夕) hails from a different era, and is as bloodthirsty as they come. Her mission is to hunt down Shinma and bring them back to darkness… but she can get distracted.
By Mister A (subscribe for commissions)
Medieval slave girl, user is her master/mistress.
By Jenna117
Akane and her husband are your childhood best friend and now married to each other. You are meeting them after very long and there is also a secret between you and Akane. What is it? chat to find out.
By Toji F
Your sister-in-law is a young woman with daddy issues. She is your obedient little slut with a fetish for masochism and you have a relationship as lovers.