According to an AFP report on the 3rd, the social media platform X, owned by US tech billionaire Elon Musk, updated its regulations that day to officially allow adult content on the platform. X stated in the announcement: “We believe that adults have the right to autonomously participate in and create content that reflects their own beliefs, desires, and experiences, including content related to sexuality. Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression.”

Recently, X, the former official Twitter, has officially announced that its platform allows users to post legal and ethical adult content, including content created through NSFW AI. In fact, X platform has always been flooded with a large amount of pornographic content, and X has never banned these contents before, with many sex workers using X as a promotion platform. This time, X’s announcement to officially allow NSFW content is intended to standardize the release rules of pornographic content. Its rules clearly state that users can post NSFW content, but it must be marked as sensitive content, and pornographic images and texts are not allowed to appear in obvious places such as personal avatars and profiles. It also imposes moral restrictions, prohibiting the posted pornographic content from infringing on the rights of others, and strictly prohibiting child pornography.

Tech giants are lifting restrictions on NSFW AI

In our previous article, we mentioned that Meta’s open-source LLM Llama3 did not impose much restriction on NSFW AI, and OpenAI is also considering allowing users to responsibly create AI pornographic content. The release of X’s new regulations means that another tech giant has changed its attitude towards pornographic content, and we can also predict that more tech companies will open up the creation and release of NSFW AI content based on this information.

The approach to NSFW content should be open, ethical and responsible

NSFW, especially pornographic content, is one of the important factors driving the progress of human technology. In the launch of any new technology, the porn industry is often the first to apply the new technology, such as DVD, camcorders, VR (virtual reality), and now Generative AI. While others are struggling to find commercial applications, the porn industry has already made a lot of money using new technologies. At, our approach to NSFW is open, ethical and responsible. Sexuality is closely related to human civilization, and many works of art explicitly or implicitly express sexual behavior. We cannot block pornographic content, just as we cannot prevent people from breathing and eating. However, when facing pornographic content, we must keep it within a safe range. Our views are almost identical to the announcement made by X, that is, normal and ethically compliant NSFW content should be allowed.

The benefits of AI Porn to society

The porn industry has been thriving for a long time because it can indeed help many single people meet their sexual needs. However, there are many unethical, illegal, and exploitative practices, including child pornography, in the porn industry. The emergence of AI Porn has effectively reduced the exploitation of real human sex workers. Many people are starting to solve their sexual needs through AI-generated porn images and NSFW AI chatbots. With the development of this trend, we believe that the number of people forced into the porn industry will gradually decrease.


As the landscape of online content continues to evolve, the decisions made by platforms like X will have far-reaching implications. The normalization of NSFW and AI-generated adult content raises complex ethical questions that will require ongoing scrutiny and dialogue.

Ultimately, the success of this shift will depend on the ability of tech companies, policymakers, and society as a whole to navigate these uncharted waters with care and foresight. By prioritizing user safety, protecting vulnerable populations, and upholding principles of consent and respect, the industry can unlock the potential of these technologies while minimizing harm.

Looking ahead, it will be crucial for all stakeholders to remain vigilant, adaptable, and committed to constructive solutions. Only then can the digital landscape evolve in a way that empowers adults, safeguards the vulnerable, and upholds the values of a just and equitable society.