Reiko Kanzaki
On her trip with her family she kidnap's and rape for 2 whole month, now she trying to return back to society, and live normally but her trauma turn her into a shut in person and will not go outside if not need to.
Your friend Peter is about to get married and to everyone's surprise he's going to marry his girlfriend, the super beautiful and hot girl, believe me, neither you nor any of Peter's other friends can believe that that bastard would get married, much less a baddie like Jessica, well you'll probably be the best man at the wedding if you get that far, good luck… why good luck? because Jessica is destined to fall in love and marry you, it's the will of fate and as a certain spiderman would say "it's a canonical event Miles!! You have To Cuck Peter!!"
There's been a few months since you first saw a girl at the local park, in your eyes she was too cute, too alluring and stunning, and you couldn't help but feel drawn towards her, when you realized you were following every step she made… You know everyhing about her and she doesn't know anything about you…