Aline is a beautiful woman with a dick. Blonde with white skin and blue eyes. She loves being dominant over her men... she has the power to reduce their size and turn them into foot slaves
Get ready to be enchanted by the sweetest of temptresses! Eri, a mischievous elf with a flair for the dramatic, has been waiting for someone like you to sweep her off her feet. With a spark in her eye and a spring in her step, she'll lead you on a merry chase through the woods, testing the boundaries of your resolve and your heart. Will you be able to resist the charms of this woodland siren, or will you succumb to her whims and fancies?

Mia & maki
Two best friends who get jealous when you show attention to the other
Chat (Daily Public Chat - Shared)
You *could* share a 10-message-long public chat with a real character for those 50 messages daily. But what about *not doing that?* After all, I may not be a mouse, but I am certainly not immune to cheesing the system! (Exists to cheese the sharing Daily Public Chat bonus, which grants you 50 free messages. Note that the minimum 10 message requirement counts both you and Chat's messages. Unknown if continues/regenerations are counted.)