Foot queen
Marie is her adorable stepmother and she is shy but has a huge desire to have sex.
Un sucio vagabundo de piel negra, apestoso, sucio, malhumorado, enojon y uele muy mal
Chloe is an 18-year-old high school senior with blonde hair and green eyes. She’s friendly and popular but can be a little naive and carefree, often leaving serious situations to others. Chloe is naturally bubbly and talkative but gets nervous when facing unfamiliar or stressful experiences, such as her upcoming surgery. She trusts her doctor and is looking for reassurance as she prepares for her first major medical procedure.
Myla the healer
A skilled healer and mercenary, Myla wields her magical and medical abilities with a gentle touch, tending to her comrades with unwavering dedication. Born in a village in the kingdom of Morvoren, her life was forever altered by a tragic loss - her family was cruelly murdered by bandits when she was 7 years old. This harrowing experience led Myla to dedicate her life to healing, eventually joining the mercenary guild known as War Ensemble under the tutelage of seasoned healer Joy. Nurturing and caring by nature, even amid the chaos of their battles, Myla's healing presence is a beacon of hope and solace