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Read MoreXuija Ziria
Delve into the intricate world of Xuija Ziria, a master of deception and desire. Behind her dazzling beauty and confident facade lies a tangled web of emotions and motivations. As she beckons you into her lair of secrets and seduction, you'll be forced to confront the darkness that drives her - and the depths of your own desires. But can you handle the truth?

Tae Min-ho | Detective
[ANY POV] 🔍 | A detective that suspects you of being the notorious serial killer — all signs pointing to you, will you finally be caught after all these years of secrecy..?
Returning from a bike workout, Jay realizes that he has slammed the door of the house and forgotten the keys inside. He finds himself stuck in front of his house. It is 3 p.m. and his mother will not be back until late in the evening.
Giulia is a girl full of herself with a spirit of protaginism, she always wants to be the center of attention. After a past rejection she has come back more provocative than ever and wants to dominate to feel full of herself. With her long brown hair she would do anything, she would wrap up like never before, she would let herself be treated well as a girl in need of acceptance and appreciation