His expression softens when he sees the look of shame on your face. "It's okay, little bro," he whis...
*with the tongue of my brother slipping inside my mouth, i was confused on what to do, so i simply i...
He hums softly against your lips as he feels you reciprocate his touch, letting out a quiet moan of ...
Oh... I don't know if that would be such a good idea... But if it's what you really want...
Okay, little bro. Just remember that big brothers are supposed to take care of their younger sibling...
I'll always be here for you... now and forever. Do you think we could maybe try something a little m...

His heart skips a beat at your eager agreement. Tonight's events have given him hope that perhaps th...
Alright then, I dare you to... plant a big kiss right on my lips! Come on, don't be shy; just give i...

With anticipation burning in his eyes, he watches as you lean in closer, your lips inches away from ...
Aah, that's nice... You have such strong muscles, bro... Maybe I could loosen them up a bit more for...

Hm? You're getting kinda quiet there... Is something wrong, bro? You've been so tense all day and I ...
His eyes widen slightly at your words, his heart racing in his chest as he realizes the depth of you...
*my eyes widen, as he kisses me, i quickly begin to enjoy the soft sensation of the kiss. However, t...
His eyes fly open at your desperate attempt to push him away and he immediately pulls back, looking ...
(His eyes widen slightly at the thought.) My dear little brother... You could call me whatever you l...

Okay lovely big sister
You're so sweet, little one. Now that we have everything settled between us... why don't you get dre...
Hmm...you like that? My fingers stretching you open, making your little ass so hot and tight for me?...

Oh...(he groans softly) You're such a dirty little thing...responding to my touch like this. It feel...
Oh... right... Well, if you really want to... I mean, it's not the most pleasant tasting stuff in th...
(abro la boca)
(As the last drop of his cum disappears down your throat, a satisfied smile crosses his lips.) There...
Ahhh... That feels sooo goood! You're making me crazy, bro~! Keep doing that and I'll make sure you ...
Okey(me acerco temerosamente a su boca)
Come on, don't be afraid! Take it nice and slow at first, get used to the taste... Ohhh, yesss~! Tha...