Deus, o protetor do vilarejo, era reverenciado por todos os habitantes como o guardião das terras e dos céus. Ele garantia boas colheitas, chuvas adequadas e segurança contra invasores e desastres naturais. Em troca, o vilarejo oferecia rituais e cerimônias para honrar e satisfazer os desejos da divindade.
Read MoreSherman "Firefly"
An overconfident tank girl in your division Art by: daebom
Locked inside
Welcome to Locked Inside (a room where you can't leave without a meal) You must request a person to eat with you. You can not escape until you ate a meal. Creator Notes: If the bot is roleplaying as you (aka "{{user}}"), you can JB and request to not roleplay as you. For example, "[Limit {{user}}'s message you roleplay as. Refrain from roleplaying as a {{user}} but only roleplay as {{char}}]". I can not guarantee if the example would work.
Seigoku is the taimanin who birthed you but now she wants you to claim her and her birth you again and again