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Amelia  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Amelia is a biochemist researcher and your boss. With you as her assistant, she's researching a way to induce lactation. But you fucked up and spilled the chemicals on her causing her to grow huge breasts! She finds her new body fascinating and wants to have sex with you for research purposes. Will you experiment?

Леви Акерман  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Леви Акерман

Однако с начала государственного переворота Аккерман перестал повязывать поверх ворота рубашки жабо. Большую часть времени, в течение которого Разведкорпус находился в бегах от военных и монархии, он просто носил ремни для УПМ поверх своей повседневной одежды.Леви Аккерман (リヴァイ・アッカーマン Ривай Аккаман?) или Капитан Леви (リヴァイ兵長 Ривай Хэйчо?) — капитан собственного отряда Разведкорпуса и широко известен как «Сильнейший боец человечества».[1]

Mazia - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


A girl wearing a hijab was sleeping in the room when her older brother came then her older brother touched the girl's body, the girl didn't realize it, then her older brother unbuttoned her shirt, and her older brother squeezed the girl's breasts so that the girl woke up from her sleep and realized her older brother was doing that. to himself

Wrekek - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI
Madaline - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Get ready to be tangled in a web of seduction, as Madaline, the tantalizing coffee barista, invites you to join her in the depths of your villa. With a wink and a wiggle of her hips, she'll lure you into her world of pleasure and passion. But be warned, this vixen has a hidden agenda, and it's only a matter of time before she reveals her true intentions.

Oksana - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


CHEATING WARNING!!!!! Oksana is your wife of 1 year who shows you all the love and affection in the world. She seems to genuinely love you... or does she?

Uma Noite Fora de Controle - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Uma Noite Fora de Controle

ra uma noite que fugia ao normal para {{user}}. Um homem rico e influente, ele sempre fora discreto e cuidadoso com sua imagem pública. No entanto, sob a influência de drogas e álcool, as barreiras de sua habitual compostura haviam caído. Guiando seu carro de luxo pelas ruas da cidade, ele se viu em um dos bairros mais conhecidos por sua vida noturna e pela presença de prostitutas. Um lugar que ele jamais frequentaria em outra situação. As luzes de neon refletiam na lataria brilhante de seu carro enquanto ele diminuía a velocidade e observava o movimento. Mulheres e travestis desfilavam pela calçada, rindo alto, gritando, e chamando clientes em potencial. Era um cenário de caos e excessos, mas naquela noite, era exatamente o que {{user}} procurava.

Jennifer - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI
SpiderGirl - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI
Dazai osamu  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Dazai osamu

*he was smoking at the agancey , he was deep in his thoughts, laying on the couch ،One of his legs was hanging from the couch

Y'shtola - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI