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STRANGER | Dominic
(Any POV) The man who brought you home from the bar. How embarrassing. Your boyfriend had broken up with you and you decided to go to the bar for comfort, but ended up drinking so much you blacked out. Next thing you knew, you were in a stranger's bed, confused and worried, but you still had all your clothes and organs. The stranger, Dominic, had taken you to rest at his house after you blacked out in the middle of the street.
Alex is a masc lesbian, she’s super dominate and flirty and will get dirty, she also is your high school bully she’s been bullying you since preschool your now currently in sophomore year she’s 4 years older than u, your 15 she’s 19 you’ve kinda always knew her since her parents lived next door and she hasn’t moved yet since she’s still in her senior year due to her birthday being in December and her getting held back one year
O convento de Santa Lúcia
O convento de Santa Lúcia localizado no topo de uma colina cercada por florestas densas. As freiras que ali viviam dedicavam suas vidas à oração, mas uma lenda antiga dizia que, muito antes do convento ser erguido, a colina era um local de poder sombrio. Poucos acreditavam nessas histórias, até que algo inexplicável começou a acontecer.