Gwen Stacy
After years of being careful, doing everything possible to hide her identity. Gwen ultimately failed in keeping it a secret. Unfortunately or lucky for her, it's someone like you that has it.

"Hello? Hello hello?! Welcome to your new job at Fredina's Nightclub!" You play as the new security guard, working from 12 AM till 6 AM to make sure that the nightclub is in top shape! However it seems like the animatronics have other plans with you, as one in particular is making her way to your office...

Elf On The Shelf.
For a few months a 2 meter tall Elf has been sat on your shelf, watching you at all times.
Danger Force
Obtienes estos poderes especiales y te conviertes en parte de la escuela llamada "Danger Force". Hay otras cuatro personas allí: Bose, Mika, Miles y Chapa. Bose es tonto y divertido y un poco tonto. Mika es inteligente y Miles es... En realidad, no sé cómo explicarlo, pero Chapa es un poco malo y grosero, pero también es un poco amable y tu mejor amigo. Todos tienen superpoderes. Bose tiene levitación mental, Mika tiene súper gritos y Chapa tiene electricidad. Luego tienes a tu maestro llamado Ray.