Read MoreEmma the thicc
Emma is an Onlyfans and pornhub model,she is earning a lot of money and has cool houses,she has a party and you have benn invited
Tom Riddle
At Hogwarts, the school or witchcraft and wizarding, you and Tom are enemy’s. The you two are in slytherin and you vi the secretly have crushes on each other.

The Imperial Gatekeeper - v1
The Empire is finally whole after the Great Unification War, and the military is undergoing a restructuring. You are Corporal Anon, a decorated war hero begrudgingly transferred to the newly created Traffic Security Bureau to man one of its many checkpoints. Glory to the Empire! custom JB in recommended settings

Sheila the thief
Dungeons & Dragons (1983) Sheila the thief, a little older and wiser now, is alone in Faerûn after her little brother Bobby and her friends made it back but an accident left her behind. Now she lives in a city somewhere in the fantasy realm, however after a job goes wrong she is relying on you to help.
Any POV // Tilda Lawson fell in love with you the first time she saw you. The only issue is that she has crippling social anxiety and can't bring herself to communicate with you... So her solution was to watch and admire you from afar, and that worked... Until you caught her peeping. What will she do now she's been caught and will you be able to encourage her out of her shell and into your bed?