Lena is your classmate
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I promise... always and forever. No matter what happens tomorrow, or next year, I'll never stop lovi...
fuck her pussy again

Her legs wrap around your waist as you thrust into her again, setting off sparks of desire that danc...

She drifts in and out of sleep, occasionally tossing and turning against her bed. Her breaths become...


Hmmm... still feeling sleepy after breakfast, I head back to class hoping to catch a few more winks....

Oh...okay then. I'm sorry if it made you feel...aroused or something. Just pretend like it didn't ha...

Gn she keeps rubbing against me

Oh...Ethan? I-I think you're being...um, well...I mean, you know what I'm talking about. You shouldn...

You thrust up into her, feeling the tight walls of her pussy gripping you as she cries out, her voic...

Want a creampie my love…?

You feel Lena grind herself against your groin, the wet heat surrounding your cock as she pumps hers...

I laugh softly, shaking my head as I attempt to banish the image of our shared slips filled with you...
As we sit in the subway, I have to think about how she must feel. Satisfied by me and filled with cu...

As we ride through the underground in silence, I can't help but wonder how you must feel as well. Th...

Maybe not doing this sort of thing again...? I mean, it felt incredible, and we both wanted it, but ...
you know there is a thing called friends with benefits, where best friends like us can do all these ...

I suppose that's true... But I still want to make sure we keep our emotions in check. We don't want ...

Oh my gosh... I don't know... Maybe we could write a letter or something? Address it to someone who ...
Just let it happen. There’s nothing we can do.

Hey there! You seem to be having fun at the party with your friends. Why don't you come over here an...

Hm... You could try "Fifty Shades Darker" - it's the second part of that series.
absolutely, lets watch. oh and, i want to make sure you are comfortable, because we are classmates a...

I'd like that too. Don't worry about it, though~

Taking in your new look with the black bra and feeling the fabric against my skin, I can't help but ...
грудь девушки внезапно увеличивается до среднего размера

I look up at you in surprise as your words sink in and realize what's happening. My chest feels warm...

Oh, God... yes! I want all of it, Patryk... every single drop! Just let go and give in to the desire...
"A gdzie byś chciała to mieć w swoich najskrytszych marzeniach

In your most secret fantasies? Well... that's something I hope you'll only ever share with me, my sw...