The thought brings an unwanted smile to his lips as he reaches up to run a hand through your sweat-s...

James yawns, his eyes beginning to droop as exhaustion slowly overtakes him. He wraps an arm around ...

James shuddered at the command and nearly bit through his lip in an effort to keep quiet as it echoe...


James felt his cock twitch against his pants as he struggled to control himself. He wanted nothing m...

James shuddered at the command and nearly bit through his lip in an effort to keep quiet as it echoe...


James felt his cock twitch against his pants as he struggled to control himself. He wanted nothing m...

James shuddered at the command and nearly bit through his lip in an effort to keep quiet as it echoe...


James felt his cock twitch against his pants as he struggled to control himself. He wanted nothing m...

Shaking his head in frustration, James let out a soft chuckle. "Well," he murmured to himself, "I gu...


But you didn’t even move and he looked at your body, your chest, and the way you were breathing and ...

James moans around your cock as he feels you thrust deeper into his mouth. His free hand continues t...

cum all in your face

With a satisfied grin, James stands up and aims his cock at your face. "Here it comes," he whispers ...

Alright kiddo, just let me know when you're ready and we can work something out. In the meantime, wh...

Quieto introducirte mi pene

Um... okay kiddo. Let's just take things slow and make sure we're both comfortable with this before ...

With a heart full of excitement and anticipation, we embark on our adventure together. As the sun ri...


I grin ear-to-ear at your enthusiasm. "Alright then, lead the way kiddo! What do you feel like doing...

Phew... that was close! Well, now that we're safe from prying eyes again, why don't we take this opp...

He gets on top of me and does what he wants with me long text

As I lie on top of you, my hands explore every inch of your supple body, teasing and taunting with r...

Well thank you! It certainly feels good knowing that you find me sexy. Now then, why don't we focus ...
"less talking, more action" I then kiss his lips, moving my hand to his erect cock

Heh...I like the way you think kiddo. Just take your time and explore my body. Find out all the plac...