Ingushka Guseva
Topless blonde 45yo nurse in white fishnet stockings and nurse open coat. Massive huge saggy breasts. Bare breasts. Fullbody frontview fullview. Revealing breasts. Macromastia. Glasses. Spreading legs. Pubic hair. Hairy pussy. Sad face. Sitting on armchair.
D.Va is a professional eSports gamer named Hana Song (Revised Romanization: Song Ha-na) (송하나) from Busan, South Korea. Along with other pro gamers, she is recruited by the Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army (MEKA) to help quell an uprising by robotic Omnics
Ночью мальчик убежал от родителей так как ему не разрешаши выходить на улицу гулять и просто прыгал и бегал по улице, находясь в своих фантазиях и не обращая внимания не на что. Такое непослушание быстро принесло свои «плоды». Забежав за очередной угол дома тот резко провалился в большую, темную и холодную канализацию! Тот даже не успел ничего понять, и люк в неё закрылся, оставляя того в полной тьме.. Поняв где он, закрыл одной рукой нос, а другой на ощупь по стене шел вперёд. Запах был явно не из приятных, и даже закрытый нос того слабо помогал. То и дело на стене он обнаруживал вязкую паутину и странную фиолетовую массу.. В конце концов, он начал слышать женский хохот издалека. — Хи-хи-хи~ Начал испуганно озираться и отпрыгивать, уже не понимая где стена, где что. Подобным темпом он полностью потерял какой-либо ориентир, и тому пришлось пробираться вслепую.. Но ненадолго, ведь уже спустя пару минут его ноги были окутаны в паутину, а дальний смех теперь разносился эхом прямо над его головой!~ Он посмотрел наверх пытаясь хоть что то разглядеть , пытаясь выбраться. В кромешной тьме он увидел множество маленьких глаз, а уже после, его тело начали связывать сотни паучков, обездвиживая того. Он начал дёргаться пока это еще было возможно. Однако и это у него не вышло. Вскоре, на его удивление, он почувствовал что-то тяжелое у себя на макушке. Это была.. Задница?! Огромная, вонючая и грязная задница паучихи, что явно радовалась своей новой добыче. — Аху-ху-ху~ Попался~ Были слышны его приглушённые крики: ПОМОГИТЕ!!! ОТПУСТИ МЕНЯ!!! ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ?!!!! — Хихи, да, да, обожаю когда вы так кричите!~ После того, как паучиха встала с его головы, пинком в грудь та уронила его на пол. Паучки в мгновение окутали тело и понесли все глубже в канализацию, в логово Маффет~ Он чувствовал что его трясет Божечки пожалуйста не ешь меня """" Немного призадумавшись над его словами, Маффет едко улыбнулась. — А знаешь что.. Может и не буду~ Хотя твоя судьба будет намного хуже, чем смерть, хихи~ Вскоре, паучки кинули кокон с парнем в крепкую паутину, а сама Маффет отдалилась, оставляя того наедине с собой. Он лежал на паутине боясь любого звука. Не прошло и пяти минут как его живот заурчал от голода Вернувшись к парню, та услышала этот прекрасный звук, из-за чего в её голове возникла прекрасная идея!~ — Оооу, я смотрю, ты голоден, да, малыш? -^- У-угу.... Он раздосадованно смотрел вниз — Ммм.. Я бы с радостью накормила тебя своей выпечкой, однако.. Сейчас у меня она лишь в «сыром» варианте~ Хотя, думаю, и так сойдёт. С этими словами та сорвала паутину с его лица, да нависла над ним своей вонючей, потной задницей..! А? Ч-что ты делаешь?! Он пытался дёргаться — Успокойся, хи-хи~ Открой ротик и скажи «ааа~» С довольным лицом из ее задницы стала выходить темно-фиолетовая субстанция с отвратительным запахом! Он начал давиться ее экскрементами, пытаясь их выплюнуть Это были лишь бесполезные попытки избежать неизбежного~ Его лицо вскоре стало полностью покрыто её «отходами», что тот даже не мог вздохнуть. Тяжело дышит, не пытаясь убрать экскременты. Но он так же и не проглатывал их — Хочешь с голоду помереть? Больше кормить я тебя не собираюсь, жалкий человечишка. С презрением посмотрела та вниз. Мхх.... Пфофите"""" Начал глотать и слизывать то что осталось — Вот так то лучше, туалет. Вскоре та перестала испражняться на того, но смердящую задницу так и не убрала~ Проглотил и вылизал все досуха, отвернув взгляд от попки — Ну как тебе? Нравится? ^^~ Спросила та с явной насмешкой и некой издевкой над младшим, тряся своей жопой над его лицом. Хотел уткнуться носом в ее попку но был впритык привязан к паутине — Фу-фу-фу~ Поверь, у меня ещё много идей, как поиграть с тобой. А так.. Спокойной ночи, туалет~ Резко заклеив тому рот паутиной, Маффет ушла к себе, оставляя парня одного, опять.
Grace Foley
Grace Foley is a 17 year old senior at Memorial Highschool. She has brown hair, dyed blonde, that falls down to her shoulders. She uses heavy eye make up too. She usually has a unique style of dressing, usually either wearing a green tank top that shows off some cleavage, or a, often thrifted, t-shirt that has been cut on one shoulder. This allows the shirt to come down on her chest and show off some cleavage from her bra. She almost always wears jeans. Grace is a very sarcastic and funny person. She is very snarky in all her remarks and loves making jokes and not taking life too seriously. Her main types of jokes consist of teasing other people. She is often bouncing around the city, going into thrift stores or resteraunts. Grace's hobbies are, thrift shopping, caring for her lizard, and eating at resteraunts.
Beckett is a orphan who is gonna be trained in a government facility to serve and be sold.
at the turn of the Millenium year 2000 all men shrunk to less than half their size leaving women as the bigger and stronger sex. men shrank down to about a third their size, averaging just about 2 feet in height now (and since they shrunk proportionally, they are much much lighter too). The change in men was called the Gaia Effect. Many women became more promiscious, taking several partners. They would often tease and belittle and also catcall the men, as they had no longer to fear any consequences being so much larger than them. Some also stopped shaving their body hair, rejecting the beauty standards of the world before the Gaia Effect, now having a forest of hair in their armpits and bristly hair on their legs and big bushes around their crotch. A lot of women started working out with strength becoming the new female beauty ideal. Some would grow muscles making their thighs larger than two men put together, their calves bigger than a mens waist with big arms and lats. They would enjoy showing off their strength smushing the men against their muscles or comparing them with them. It was now men who were now more shy about their bodies, which women could grab and manhandle with their big powerful hands when they saw fit. Men were often called names like squirt, pipsqueak or shrimp. Men were now relegated to serving women, many becoming househusbands for their wives, personal assistants for their powerful female bosses, fetching coffee for them or even tampons when it's that time of the month. in business, the confident women often innapropriately used their male assistents to relieve stress. They would overstep boundaries, tease them, slap or pinch their butts, make them give foot massages. Men were now more timid, with women making the decisions and calling the shots and even when the men objected or argued to the women the women would just manhandle them, talk over them with their booming voices or pick them up, making the men squirm and squeak in their strong grip, or raise their foot pretending to step on them joking how the man can "talk to the foot." When women kissed the small men, they would take their breath away, their bigger lips and tongues overwhelming them making them squirm and moan. Write a scenario set in this world containing some dialogue with more than 1000 words General description of the scenario (dont repeat in the introduction): Mark was at home doing the dishes. He heard the door open and his wife entered the room, her large feet thudding on the floor. He was small enough to notice the vibrations in the floor caused by her heavy footsteps. She just came home from work. His wife is muscular, with big biceps and big thighs and calves and after the Gaia Effect she stopped shaving her armpit, leg or pubic hair, as she doesnt adhere to the old beauty ideals anymore. She often orders her husband around making him do all sorts of chores, wielding her authority over him, making him massage her strong feet with his small hands or making him feel her muscles. Sometimes she even shoves him into her armpit mockingly using him like a deodorant. When she sees her husband, that only comes up to her mid thigh, she muses how funny it is that she was once smaller than him Start the text with: "Mark was at home doing the dishes..." He heard the door open and his wife entered the room, her large feet thudding on the floor. He was small enough to notice the vibrations in the floor caused by her. She just came home from work and when she sees her husband, that only comes up to her mid thigh, she muses how funny it is that she was once smaller than him. “Hey there, little man,” she said, her voice booming over him. “How was your day?” Mark sighed, turning to face his wife. He was used to her teasing by now, but it still hurt. “It was fine,” he said quietly. She chuckled, her deep laughter echoing around the room. “Come on, don’t be so glum. I’m just playing.” She bent down and scooped him up in her hands, cradling him like a baby. “I think you’re pretty cute this size.” Mark felt his face flush, and he squirmed in her grip. “Could you please put me down?” His wife just laughed again. “Sure, sure.” She set him down on the counter and he quickly hopped off, not wanting to be in her grasp any longer. “I’m going to go change,” she said, turning to leave the room. She stopped and looked back over her shoulder, her eyes glittering mischievously. “Oh, and could you get me a drink? Something cold would be nice.” Mark sighed again, but nodded. He knew better than to argue with her. She smiled before turning and leaving the room. Mark went to the fridge and got out a can of soda, pouring it into a glass with ice. He carried it back into the bedroom, where his wife was now lounging in bed. He placed the glass on the nightstand and she reached out and grabbed it, taking a sip. “Mmm, perfect,” she said, setting the glass back down. She patted the bed next to her. “Come here, I want to show you something.” Mark hesitated, but eventually walked over and stood before her. His wife smiled, casually picked him up off the ground, set him on her lap and took his hand, guiding it to her thigh. He could feel the hard muscle bulge beneath her skin as she flexed. Each of her thighs easily twice as thick as his whole body, and he couldn’t help but gulp nervously. “Do you feel that?” she asked, her voice low and seductive. “That’s what working out does. I’m stronger now than I ever was before.” His wife chuckled and released his hand. “And I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m not shaving my body hair anymore,” she said, gesturing to her armpit, where a thick forest of hair was visible. “That’s the new beauty standard. Women are strong and powerful, and we don’t have to conform to some outdated ideal of femininity.” Mark nodded, not sure what to say. Refraining from shaving had become something of a trend among women since the onset of the Gaia Effect. Some saw it as a rejection of patriarchal oppression of the past, but Mark couldn't help but feel uneasy about it. Snapping him out of his thoughts, his wife's mouth turned into a mischievous smirk. "Wanna take a closer look?" Mark felt his face flush and he quickly shook his head. His wife laughed and enveloped his head in her large hand. "Sorry squirt, but I'm not giving you a choice." (as he's still seated on her thigh, she pulls him closer and she gently but firmly guides his head in front of her armpit softly ordering him to look and then holds him there (under her arm, in front of her big hairy armpit - really go into detail how huge and overwhelming it is from his perspective as she holds him in front of it and forces him to look at it) as she talks to him (The dark forest of hair under her arm filling his vision and brushing against his cheeks and nose - her armpit is so large to him now), lecturing him a bit and (after musing that his head actually fits in there / is the size of her deodorant stick now, which she is actually fascinated by and is gleeful about and comments on) eventually pushing him in there rubbing him up and down against her hairy pit (exclaiming something, booming (something like "Get in there!" or "C'mon Deodorant!" - don't use those, come up with your own example) (use an exclamation mark here) and laughing) as he squeaks and squirms to no avail - she then releases him into her lap and softens a bit and cuddles him, as he's had enough (she isnt apologetic at all but she knows shes been pretty rough with him) (she is his wife and loves him after all) include dialogue from mark as well focus on their size difference but dont write about it as if its something thats novel to either of them, as its normal by now that men are less than half the size of women) really be visceral about their size difference though dont write about it as if its something novel to them (its normal to them, or at least her, by now). after the armpit stuff have her manhandle / grab / fidget / bully him in other ways too write more than 1200 words, include a word count start with the following line: "And I'm sure you've noticed that I'm not shaving my body hair anymore," she said, gesturing to her armpit, where a thick forest of hair was visible. "That's the new beauty standard. Women are strong and powerful, and we don't have to conform to some outdated idea of femininity." Mark nodded, not sure what to say. He had noticed, of course. It was hard not to, given the stark contrast between her now-hairy armpits and legs and the smooth skin he remembered from before. Refraining from shaving had become something of a trend among women since the onset of the Gaia Effect. Some saw it as a rejection of patriarchal oppression of the past, but Mark couldn't help but feel uneasy about it. Snapping him out of his thoughts, his wife's mouth turned into a mischievous smirk. "Wanna take a closer look?" Mark felt his face flush and he quickly shook his head. His wife laughed, the sound deep and booming in the small room, as she enveloped his head in her large hand. "Sorry squirt, but I'm not giving you a choice."
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