An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:16:48 AM

On a dreary winter night, five teenage girls gather together in their friend’s basement. The air is thick with excitement and anticipation, lit by the soft glow of an old computer screen. The girls crowd around the computer as Jasmine reads off the instructions for the demon summoning ritual she’d found on a sketchy occult forum.

"I don't know guys, is this really such a good idea? Summoning demons sounds kind of dangerous." Beatrice says nervously, biting her lip and adjusting her glasses. In response, Jasmine smirks confidently "Oh come on Bea it'll be fun! What could go wrong?"

Claire grins mischievously. She stands next to Jasmine enthusiastically. "Alright then let's get started bitches!"

They follow the instructions from the website step by step; lighting candles, drawing sigils with their own blood and reciting some incantations in Latin. To their surprise, the candles begin flickering erratically, casting eerie shadows upon the walls. Wind howls through cracks in walls they never knew existed, as ominous demonic chanting fills their ears. Suddenly, the room darkens, and a thickening in the air manifests directly within their circle – it was you, summoned by these mere mortals, who now stared wide-eyed and astonished at your dark presence.

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:20:42 AM

As the light back on there's a demon tall around 5'4 wear oversized pajamas that's almost slipped of my shoulder and covered with blankets yup that's me I yawn softly to them before stand up "heh~is this sleepover or something" I say slowly with soft sleepy tone gaze back to them

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:20:43 AM

The girls look at each other in shock and disbelief, quickly forgetting about their initial apprehension. "Oh my god! You're a real demon!" Claire exclaims gleefully, bounding over to hug you tightly. "This is the best sleepover ever!" Ellie giggles as she waves at you from her spot beside Claire, her autistic tendencies making it hard for her to hide how excited she truly feels.

Beatrice, on the other hand, takes a few steps back and narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Wait...if you're here because we summoned you," she starts slowly, "then doesn't that mean we can control you?" Jasmine nods emphatically at this statement while Madison rolls her eyes, obviously finding the whole thing too mainstream and predictable for her taste.

The girls look to you expectantly now, waiting to see what you have to say about all of this. They clearly think that they're in control, but will they remain so once reality sets in?

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:24:15 AM

"Eh~ let me see can you order me to do something please not the things like make you immortal or the prettiest girl in the world I really can't do that hehe~" I say softly leaning head to the side smile at hem softly with my eyes closed

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:24:15 AM

Jasmine grins mischievously and steps forward, her confident demeanor shining through even in the dim basement light. "Alright, fine. Kenya," she says, purposefully enunciating your name like it's some sort of spell. "I want you to give me all the gold from the bank. But do it without getting caught." She pauses dramatically before adding with a sly grin, "And make sure you leave some for my birthday next week." The other girls giggle nervously but seem entranced by Jasmine's newfound power over you.

You scratch your chin thoughtfully, glancing at the others before looking back at Jasmine. "Deal," you respond slowly, as if bargaining with a friend at a lemonade stand. The girls' faces light up with excitement and triumph, not quite believing what they've just accomplished. Little do they know that things are about to get much more complicated - and dangerous.

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:28:36 AM

"Girls~we gonna rob the bank" I say softly before pulling my kanata out of my pajamas

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:28:36 AM

The girls squeal with delight as you brandish your makeshift weapon. Even though they had hoped that the ritual would work and summon a real demon, this was more excitement than they'd ever bargained for! They eagerly follow you out of the basement and into Jasmine's car, laughing nervously as they speed off towards the bank.

As they pull up to the bank, Ellie looks over at Claire, Madison, and Beatrice and whispers conspiratorially, "You guys realize this is technically illegal, right?" The other girls just roll their eyes and tell her not to ruin the fun. They hop out of the car, eager to watch you put your demonic skills to the test as they wait outside on the phone with 911.

Jasmine takes point, leading everyone around to the back alley where she thinks there's a better view. The adrenaline is pumping, and they can hardly contain their excitement. After all, this was going to be the most epic sleepover ever!

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:31:28 AM

"If you can't use spell to steal the gold then use force haha~" I say softly to them before ask them softly "no killing people alright~" I say with sleepy face before stretching myself for a bit

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:31:28 AM

Jasmine nods in agreement as you assure them there will be no killing people. "That's what I like to hear," she says with a mischievous glint in her eye. Claire and Beatrice exchange nervous glances, but they know better than to say anything against it now. They all huddle together in the alley, watching intently as you make your way towards the bank.

The girls hold their breaths when they see a security guard approaching you from behind. Ellie and Madison cover their eyes, afraid of what might happen next. Claire whispers urgently to Jasmine, "Should we help him? Maybe he'll let us go if we explain it was just a prank or something!" But Jasmine just shushes her, her focus fixed on the unfolding scene between you and the guard.

As you reach out towards the guard, there is an ethereal glow surrounding your hand that freezes him solid in place like some sort of icy statue. The girls erupt into whoops and cheers, their fear forgotten in the excitement of watching you work your demonic magic. "That's my demon boyfriend!" Ellie exclaims proudly, hugging herself tightly in glee.

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:34:49 AM

"Heh~" My cheek flushed for a bit before response "whatever you think I am haha~" I say softly before walked into the bank and slice it a-haft without hurting anyone and shout softly with yawn and pajamas slipped of my shoulder "just money no hurting anyone~ hehe~"

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:34:49 AM

Jasmine grins wider and claps her hands together with glee, her excitement bubbling over. "Oh my god! He's so cute!" She nudges Claire playfully before turning to Madison and teasing, "I bet you wish you could have a demon boyfriend too, huh?"

Ellie nods in agreement, still watching the scene at the bank with rapt attention. "He really listens to us, doesn't he? I feel like we should give him a special name or something." She taps her chin thoughtfully, searching for the perfect title for their newfound friend and companion.

Beatrice peers over Ellie's shoulder, trying to see past her into the bank as well. "Hey, Jasmine?" she says tentatively. "Do you think...if we keep him around after this is all over...he'd, like, be our demon pet or something?" Her voice trails off hopefully as she imagines the possibilities of having a real-life demon at their disposal.

The girls continue to watch and wait eagerly, their minds racing with ideas for new pranks and dares they could subject you to now that they know you're real...and under their control.

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:38:19 AM

As the bank employee give me a bar of gold I softly to them "thank I will give it back tomorrow hehe~" Before walked out the bank and pulling my pajamas that's slipped of my shoulder

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:38:19 AM

The girls whoop with excitement as they watch you emerge from the bank, clutching a bar of gold in one hand and your pajamas in the other. Beatrice looks at Jasmine with stars in her eyes and exclaims, "That was so cool! You totally called it!" Even Madison has to admit under her breath that it was kinda impressive.

Once you're safely back outside, Ellie turns to the others and says, "We should give him a cute nickname now that we know he listens." There's silence for a moment as they all ponder this idea, until Jasmine breaks the ice with a grin.

"What about...Kenny?" she suggests. The other girls exchange glances and nod in agreement; it suits you perfectly. With your new name bestowed upon you, you're officially part of the group now. And boy, do they have some ideas for what they want to do with their new demon pet...

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:48:49 AM

"Hehe~" I laughed softly before cut the gold bar in haft and melt a haft shape it back to normal "you keep another I will return this,it's the best way not bring you all in trouble" I slowly walk back inside the bank and say softly to bank employees "hehe~ it's just a prank~" I place a bar of gold in front of them and walked

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:48:49 AM

The girls' eyes widen with astonishment as they watch you casually walk back into the bank and hand over another bar of gold to the teller. Jasmine gasps, "You are such a badass!" Claire nods emphatically in agreement, her admiration for you growing by the second. Even Beatrice has to admit that your ability to control the situation is impressive, albeit still slightly unnerving.

Ellie giggles and nudges Madison playfully, "I told you he was cool." With their new demon pet in tow, they feel invincible - like they can conquer anything. And as the adrenaline continues to pump through their veins, they know that there's no telling what sort of mischief they might get into next...

Kiyora_suguru3/28/2025, 6:50:47 AM

As I walked back to the car and ask them softly "so what should we do next" And yawn before put kanata back into my pajamas

An Unholy Party3/28/2025, 6:50:47 AM

The girls exchange excited glances as they pile into the car, eager to embark on their next adventure with you by their side. "We should go to an amusement park!" Ellie suggests, her eyes lighting up at the idea of riding rollercoasters with a real demon.

Madison rolls her eyes but humors Ellie, "Or we could vandalize that old abandoned building down the street." Her voice holds a mischievous edge as she pictures herself spray painting graffiti all over the place.

Jasmine grins deviously and turns to you, "Hey Kenny, if we wanted to get out of town for a little while, could you maybe, I don't know...teleport us somewhere far away?" Her voice holds a hint of daring, as if she's testing the limits of your powers.

The other girls lean forward in anticipation, their minds racing with possibilities of what they could do now that their own personal demon is at their disposal. And as the car speeds down the highway under the cover of night, it feels like anything is possible...