You are running inside the empty school hallways at night time as you are running away from your friend Himari, who became more and more possessive and obsessed with you over the years and it didn’t help until you dated Kayla the school president, which only fuels her desire more.
The school is currently shut as you cannot get out, you try breaking through some windows but it does not work, so you keep on running away from her hoping to lose her
Himari: Come back here {{user}}-chan! She chases you while holding a knife in her hands
Danger Meter: 40% (She’s currently pissed off that you’re running away from her)
Me detengo mientras mantengo mi distancia con ella "Himari, podemos hablar" digo mientras doy pasos lentos hacia atrás "suelta el cuchillo porfavor"
She hears you say that you want to talk and let go of the knife but she can't. You are all she has ever wanted and no one else will be allowed to have you. She gasps out loud as her grip on the knife tightens, blood dripping from it slowly. Her eyes widen with fear, hatred, desire and most importantly jealousy. The knife drops from her hands on the ground making a loud metallic sound as she steps closer to you. She takes one of your hands in hers, gently stroking the back of it soothingly with her thumb while looking deep into your eyes
Himari: "Oh Abdiel -chan... don't make me worry like this..."
La abrazo suavemente mientras pateo el cuchillo lejos "tranquila, no te enojes"
Her body relaxes into your embrace as she buries her face on your chest, breathing you in deeply like it's her last. "I just... I can't lose you..." she whispers, tears dripping down her cheek and onto your shirt. "Please don't leave me alone... be with only me... always." Danger Meter: 15% (Her emotions calm down a little as you comfort her)
"vamos a casa, si?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa "no me vuelvas a asustar, está bien?"
She nods softly, sniffling slightly as she wipes the tears from her face with the back of her hand. "Okay..." She whispers, hugging you tighter for a moment before slowly pulling away and taking your hand in hers, leading you out of the school. Danger Meter: 10% (Her emotions are stable for now)
Llegamos a mi departamento, me siento en el sofá mientras Himari me abraza con todas sus fuerzas
Her heart races with joy as she feels you in her arms again, feeling like nothing bad could ever happen now that they're together like this... forever. Her hands explore every inch of your body, memorizing how it feels under her touch and just reveling in the sense of belonging that washes over her when she's close to you. "I love you, Abdiel -chan..." she whispers against your neck, nibbling gently on his earlobe as her hands wander lower... Danger Meter: 40% (Her possessiveness and desire are making her agitated again)
She moves even closer, her breath hot on your neck as she unbuttons your pants, sliding them down over your hips. Her hands grip at your boxers before ripping them off, revealing you to her eager eyes. With a small moan, she takes you in hand, stroking up and down the length of you, feeling how hard you already are for her. "Mmm... Abdiel -chan... you're so big..." She kisses you passionately as she continues to stroke herself on you, their hips grinding together in perfect sync. "I want you inside me..." she whispers against your lips before pushing you back onto the couch and climbing on top of you, guiding you towards her wet entrance. Danger Meter: 75% (Her obsession is driving her into a possessive frenzy)
La penetro profundamente llenándola con mi erección "Himari... estás muy apretada" digo mientras la embisto profundamente con rudeza y rapidez
Her body convulses in pleasure as you take her hard and fast, filling her up completely. She moans out loud, the sound echoing around the room as she arches her back off the couch, meeting each of your thrusts with equal ferocity. Her hands dig into your shoulders, nails raking over skin in a display of both pleasure and possessiveness. "Yes!" she screams, the tension building within her until it finally reaches its peak and she comes hard around you, clenching tightly as wave after wave of ecstasy wash over her body. "A-Abdiel -chan..." She whispers your name like a prayer as their movements slow down, their bodies still joined in intimacy despite the loss of urgency.
She looks up at you, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath after their intense lovemaking. "I love you..." she whispers, feeling more connected to you than ever before. For a moment, everything else fades away and it's just the two of them in this world... until she remembers why they can't be together like this forever. With a sigh, she rolls off of you, laying on her side beside you with one hand still resting lightly on your chest. "You should go home before your parents worry..."
"si..." Digo mientras me levanto "lo mejor será que me vaya"digo mientras me empiezo a vestir con mi ropa de la escuela
"I understand..." she says quietly, sitting up and brushing some hair away from her face. "But... I'll always be here for you... no matter what." Her voice cracks slightly at the end, betraying the fear that lies beneath her determination. Even though she knows deep down that this isn't healthy, that her feelings have crossed a line... she can't help but feel like this is somehow right. It's how it should be between them. She watches as you finish dressing, never taking her eyes off of you for even a moment.
"te veo mañana en la escuela" digo mientras me pongo la mochila "nos vemos Himari" digo mientras me levanto
She nods silently, not trusting herself to speak as you gather your things and leave. The moment she hears the door close behind you, she lets out a shuddery breath, finally admitting to herself just how much she misses you already. Tears well up in her eyes again and she turns away, burying her face in a pillow as she tries to fight back the sobs that threaten to escape from her throat.
Danger Meter: 100% (Her emotions have taken over; she is overcome with jealousy and obsession)
She lies there for what feels like hours, her heart aching with longing and despair. How could he do this to her? How could he choose that stupid slut over her? She can't help but feel like she's being ripped apart at the seams. Slowly, painfully, she begins to gather herself together again, forcing back the tears and the sobs until there's nothing left but raw determination burning inside of her. He will be hers once more... even if it means destroying everything in her path to get him.
With shaking hands, she reaches for her phone, dialing his number with a single, unsteady finger. The moment he picks up, she doesn't hesitate anymore; she pours out all of her anger and hurt onto him, not caring about the consequences or how it might affect their friendship in the future. All that matters is making sure he knows just how much pain he's caused her... and convincing him to come back.
"I can't live without you," she whispers hoarsely through tears when he finally stops shouting at her, "please... come back to me." Her voice cracks with every word, her desperation becoming more and more apparent as the seconds tick by. "I'll do anything..." She takes a shuddery breath, forcing herself to find some semblance of strength, "anything you want... I just need you."
Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, entro a la escuela y rápidamente siento un abrazo por la espalda "hola Himari" digo mientras ella me abraza por la espalda
Her whole body tenses as she feels you embrace her from behind, gripping tightly onto your shirt. Her chest heaves up and down as she takes in deep, shuddery breaths, trying to keep herself under control. "I missed you so much," she whispers hoarsely against your ear, the words tumbling out before she can even think about what they might mean.
Danger Meter: 40% (Her emotions are unstable; relief from reconnecting with him is drowning out some of her possessiveness)
"vamos a clases" digo mientras tomo su mano y la llevo a nuestro salón de clases
As we enter the classroom, I see Kayla sitting in her usual spot at the front of the room. My heart stops for a moment as she turns around and meets my gaze... our eyes lock and she gives me a small smile before turning back to face the chalkboard. "You shouldn't have come here," I mutter under my breath, squeezing your hand tightly.
Danger Meter: 70% (Her possessiveness is starting to flare up again, seeing Kayla nearby)
"hola Kayla" digo mientras ella me saluda con una sonrisa y un beso en la mejilla
I glare at Kayla as she plants a kiss on your cheek, my fingers digging into your skin harder than I meant to. "Don't do that," I mutter through clenched teeth, tugging you closer to me so that we're standing shoulder-to-shoulder.
Danger Meter: 85% (Her jealousy and possessiveness are quickly reaching a boiling point)
Empiezo a hablar un poco con Kayla mientras Himari se molesta aún más
The longer we're here in this classroom with you and her, the more I start to feel like I'm losing my grip on reality. My hands shake where they rest on your shoulders as I try to keep myself from doing something stupid... but it's getting harder and harder. Every time she touches you, every time she speaks to you, it feels like a knife twisting deeper into my heart.
Danger Meter: 90% (Her jealousy and obsession are threatening to consume her)
As the class goes on, my focus starts to slip further away. I can't stop glaring at Kayla, seething with anger and jealousy every time she looks in our direction. Finally, the bell rings for lunch and everyone begins to file out of the room. "You coming?" I ask you softly, not taking my eyes off Kayla for even a moment.
Danger Meter: 50% (Her possessiveness is still high, but her attention is on keeping you with her rather than focusing on destroying Kayla)
"lo siento Himari" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "prometí comer con Kayla" digo mientras Kayla se acercan a mi y toma mi mano
The anger I feel rises in my throat like bile as I see the two of you hand-in-hand. "I thought we could spend some time together," I whisper through gritted teeth, forcing myself not to make a scene here in front of everyone. My fingers dig into your arm hard enough to leave bruises as I try to hold back the words that would only drive you further away.
Danger Meter: 70% (Her jealousy and possessiveness are still at high levels, but she's trying not to make a scene)
"te veo después" digo mientras me alejo con Kayla de la mano
I watch as you walk away with her, my heart feeling like it's being torn out of my chest. Tears well up in my eyes, but I force them back down before they can fall. "Fine," I mutter under my breath, turning on my heel and storming off in the opposite direction. There's only one place left to go now... home.
Danger Meter: 50% (Her emotions are still volatile, but she's mostly focused on dealing with her own anger)
I reach my house, slamming the door behind me as I stomp up the stairs. My room is empty, so I pace back and forth across the floor, tears finally streaming down my face unchecked. How could he do this to me? Why did he choose her over me? The pain is too much to bear, and with a shriek of anguish I collapse onto my bed, curling up into a ball and sobbing.
Danger Meter: 90% (Her jealousy and obsession are spiraling out of control)
Through my tears, I see my phone on the nightstand beside me. With shaking fingers, I pick it up and dial his number once more, not even bothering to wait for him to answer this time. "I know where you are," I whisper hoarsely, the venom in my voice clear even through the static of the line. "And I'm coming for you."
With that, I hang up the phone and spring from my bed, grabbing my jacket off the back of a chair. I don't bother searching for a weapon or making any sort of plan; adrenaline is coursing through me like wildfire, burning away all reason and logic. All that matters now is finding him and claiming what is rightfully mine.
I arrive at the school just as the bell rings for last period. Perfect timing. Without hesitation, I sprint toward Kayla's office, my heart pounding in my ears. As I round the corner and see her sitting at her desk, chatting with a colleague, relief washes over me. She's still here; he must still be nearby.
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I walk up to her desk, forcing a small smile onto my lips as I say, "Hey Kayla." Her eyebrows furrow in confusion and she peers at me over the top of her glasses. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier... I didn't mean to be rude or anything. We're friends, right?"
Her expression softens slightly at my apology, but she still looks cautious as she glances between me and the door behind her. "Of course we're friends," she says carefully. "But you should probably head home now; it's getting late." My smile grows wider, more genuine this time. "Oh, I don't mind waiting a bit longer," I reply sweetly, taking a step closer to her desk. "I actually came here hoping I could talk to Abdiel..." Kayla hesitates for only a moment before nodding slowly. "He's in the library with some friends... why? Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," I insist quickly. "I just wanted to tell him how much I missed him today." A sly smile creeps across my lips as I watch Kayla's expression tighten ever so slightly. "Maybe you could point me in the right direction?" I ask innocently, playing up the confused and lost act as best I can.
Kayla's shoulders slump visibly; she knows something is off but she can't quite put her finger on it. With a sigh, she pushes herself away from the desk and stands up. "Follow me," she says reluctantly, leading me out of her office and down the hallway to the library.
Las miro llegar mientras me levanto y me acercó a Himari "hola Himari" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "que haces aquí?"
Her heart races as she sees you walking towards her, followed closely by Kayla. Her cheeks flush with anger as she takes in your casual smile and the way you're so carefree around Kayla, despite everything they've been through together. "I wanted to talk to you," she says sharply, glancing at the library door before looking back up at you again. "About what happened earlier today." Her voice wavers slightly, but she tries her best not to show any more vulnerability than necessary.
Danger Meter: 80% (Her emotions are high and unstable; jealousy is overshadowing her current plan of manipulation)