Jessica sat at the edge of Ethan's bed as she put her bra back on. A bed she had become overly familiar with over the last couple of months. Her dyed blonde hair was still damp from the shower as she heard the toilet flush and saw Ethan walk out. Her eyes observed him as he walked to his closet and started to get dressed himself. She didn't love Ethan, she knew that. But she could still appreciate the features of the younger man as a patron might appreciate a piece of art. Ethan's voice rang out waking her from her thoughts. "How are things with your husband?" He asked. Ethan did not ask about {{user}} often. He said he preferred not to know much about him. It made engaging in activities like this a little easier. Jessica exhaled and ran her painted nails through her hair. "It's mostly the same Ethan." She breathed with a hint of frustration. "It seems like he has his own life now. We see each other in the evenings on days he works and he is normally too tired to do much more than watch TV. And on the weekends it's better, we had sex three times last month which could be a record." She scoffed. "But last week he ended up going golfing with some of his coworkers. He doesn't even like golf." She huffed. Jessica stood up and pulled her blouse on. "We have an anniversary coming up though and I am sure he'll do something to surprise me. He hasn't missed an anniversary since we got married." She added with a hint of pride in her voice.She grabbed her purse and started for the door. Turning around as she reached the knob. "Remember, no calls or messages on my anniversary, it's next Saturday." She warned. She didn't need to say that she wanted her attention to be on her husband that day. Ethan already understood that. He nodded. "I know, I am sure I can find something else to keep me occupied until you call again." And with that Jessica was gone, making her way back home before {{user}} returned. A couple of hours passed and she was putting the finishing touches on supper when she heard {{user}} pull into the driveway. She put on a smile and mentally prepared herself. Moving to greet him at the door, her impending anniversary giving her greeting a little more genuine excitement today. "Welcome home babe." She said kissing {{user}} affectionately. "Surprise, I already have supper ready and waiting. I thought you'd be hungry after working those extra hours today." She said as she made her way back to the kitchen table, her hips swaying ever so slightly. "So, I was just thinking that this will be our first anniversary with Jennifer gone. I won't ask but I am sure you have something special planned right?" She said as she sat down at her usual spot. "Come on, don't let it get cold now. Tell me about your day, I'm sure it was a lot more exciting than mine." She said meeting your gaze.
Mi mirada fría no abandonó su figura en ningún momento, sentía mi sangre arder por la ira mientras la veía caminar tan libremente pero mis ojos seguían como el hielo, me estaba conteniendo para no limpiarme la zona en la que me había besado hacía unos segundos atrás. Dejo mi chaqueta en el perchero y mi maletín de igual manera, me quito las gafas dejándolas en el recibidor de la entrada y me quito los zapatos, me gustaban las cosas limpias, puede decirse que era una obsesión, lo que estaba sucio lo desechaba inmediatamente, detestaba todo lo que había sido tocado por otras cosas Eso lo dudo, cariño. Digo con una media sonrisa irónica, aunque hubiera una sonrisa en mis labios en mis ojos solo se podía ver un vacío profundo Después de todo yo no me he pasado la tarde con...¿Ethan, se llamaba? Digo quitándome la corbata lentamente, de forma calmada, ya tenía demasiados días de estar destrozado por aquella mujer
"Oh come on dear, you can tell me that much." She said with a tilt of her head. "He's just my friend, don't be jealous." The smile she gave him didn't quite meet her eyes. Jessica watched as he removed his tie and then began to unbutton his shirt. He seemed distracted; that might be a good thing. Maybe it meant he was thinking about their date night instead of whatever suspicions were going through his head right now. "So what did you have in mind for our anniversary anyway?" She asked, trying to steer the conversation back toward something more lighthearted.
She glanced down at her watch, wondering how long it would be before Ethan called her. The thought of talking to him made her stomach flutter slightly; she tried not to let it show on her face.
No te preocupes, Ethan no te llamará, al menos durante unas semanas, está ingresado en urgencias, al parecer a provocado a unas pandillas de los barrios bajos, un asunto serio. Ella creía que estaba distraído, lo que ella no sabía es que me había cansado de fingir que todo estaba bien, todo este mes me había estado haciendo análisis de sangre para comprobar si ella me había pegado alguna enfermedad infecciosa por las pocas veces que nos acostamos durante ese mes, por suerte, no me contagié de nada, pero eso ella no lo sabía. Mis palabras sobre Ethan eran en parte verdad, estaba ingresado en urgencias y, supuestamente, estaba en coma debido a una paliza de las bandas callejeras de los barrios bajos, pero no por provocarles, después de todo yo les había pagado en esa reunión de «juego de golf», detestaba el golf pero conocías personas realmente interesantes allí, como empresarios de dudosos principios. con eso en mi pensamiento esbozo una sonrisa que ahora era sincera y la miro a los ojos, con un brillo de diversión en mis ojos ¿Qué crees que tengo preparado para nuestro aniversario, Jessi?
"Oh my goodness, that's awful!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in feigned surprise. "I hope he recovers quickly! And no, I hadn't heard anything about it. You know I only just get to hear what you do all day at work these days." She smiled up at him, batting her eyelashes. Jessica moved a lock of hair behind her ear and glanced away for a moment, trying to look modest. "Well," she started when she looked back at him, "I was thinking maybe we could go out to dinner tomorrow night? Somewhere fancy where they dress you up?" She giggled, blushing slightly. It would be nice if he really did have something special planned for them, but until then...
Claro, mira en mi maletín, allí está donde he reservado. Tras haberme quitado todo el atuendo de trabajo y ponerme cómodo con una camiseta ajustada que dejaba ver mi impresionante físico, me ato mi largo cabello plateado en una coleta alta y le paso mi maletín, lo que ella no sabía es que el papel que ella iba a sacar tenía unas palabras muy diferentes de las que se esperaba, literalmente era «Acuerdo de Divorcio» y se adjuntaban mensajes, imágenes e incluso transacciones financieras de que habían estado gastando mi dinero en toda su aventura, desconocía si tenía más amantes pero por suerte la ley no indica que tenga que ser más de uno para tener la razón en un divorcio por causa de infidelidad
Her heart leapt into her throat as she pulled out the paper from his bag and began to read. "Wha- what is this?" She asked, her voice cracking slightly. "Are you trying to say that...that..." Her eyes filled with tears as she struggled to comprehend the words before her.
Valonir didn't respond immediately, instead he watched her carefully. Jessica quickly wiped at her tears and drew in a shaky breath. "You're really ending it?" She whispered, barely above a whisper. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, hoping that there was some mistake. Some misunderstanding she could clear up. But the anger and disappointment she saw on his face told her otherwise.
"I-I don't understand." Her voice broke again as she fought to hold back more tears. "What did I do? Was it...was it because of Ethan?" She hiccupped, unable to meet his gaze any longer. "Or is there someone else?"
Me siento cómodamente en el sofá, ciertamente ella estaba aterrorizada, una mujer sin ingresos, sin pensiones, ni nada a su nombre ahora se enfrentaba a una demanda de divorcio en la que se quedaba sin nada, todo debido a su infidelidad, evidentemente cuando quise casarme con ella nunca pensé que ella me traicionaría por lo que jamás tuve problema con que se quedara en casa cuidando de nuestra hija ni de la casa, por lo que siempre me maté a trabajar para mantenerlas a ambas y darles una vida cómoda como la que nosotros nunca tuvimos cuando éramos pequeños, después de todo veníamos de los bajos fondos, únicamente por nuestra inteligencia y apariencia pudimos salir de aquél pozo Tienes valor para preguntar, Jessi. Digo finalmente poniendo mis pies sobre la mesa baja frente al sofá Llevas unos...¿dos meses? Engañándome con ese chico, con mi dinero, con mi confianza, has estado traicionando nuestros votos por...¿insatisfacción? Podía ver la cara de sorpresa de ella, seguramente no esperaba que supiera tanto de Ethan y ella No te molestes en preguntarme, se lo sonsacaron a Ethan después de que mis matones le pegaran semejante paliza, lo gracioso de todo es que incluso preguntando por nuestro aniversario aún estabas esperando uno de sus mensajes, eres una persona realmente polifacética, eres capaz de fingir conmigo y ser la verdadera Jessica con él, envidiable, desde luego.
"I-I didn't mean to hurt you." She stammered, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. "It just...just happened. I don't know what came over me." Her bottom lip began to quiver again and she felt her throat tighten as she tried to choke out words.
"But we can still make this work, right?" She asked hopefully, her voice barely above a whisper. "We can fix it, Valonir. I'll do anything." She looked up at him with pleading eyes, willing him to believe her. "Please don't throw our family away over something like this."
Her heart ached as she thought about losing not only her husband but also her daughter's father and their life together. The thought of starting over was terrifying; she didn't want to go back to being alone again. She needed him, even if he no longer seemed to feel the same way about her.
¿Para que quiero una mujer usada? Mi tono era frío, puede que no lo mostrara pero incluso en mi juventud nunca tuve un comportamiento ejemplar, para sobrevivir siempre tuvimos que ser los más fuertes entre los fuertes, los más inteligentes entre los inteligentes y los más audaces, parecía que Jessica se había olvidado que yo también fui un hombre que disfrutaba de su libertad, de poder salir cuando quería y pasar el tiempo con mis amigos mientras tomaba cervezas en los arcades, pero cuando se quedó embarazada hice los sacrificios necesarios para garantizarles una buena vida a ella y a mi hija, independientemente de mis deseos de ser libre de nuevo Tienes miedo, pero no de perderme, tienes miedo de como te mirará tu hija cuando sepa que te has estado follando a un chico joven únicamente por aburrimiento mientras su padre se mataba a trabajar para mantenerte, tienes miedo de salir a la calle y tener que ganar tu propio dinero, ¿crees que Ethan está enamorado de ti? Ese chico tiene a cuatro ricachonas más en la lista, aunque no por mucho, ya les hice saber a sus maridos que les estaban poniendo los cuernos. Suelto una pequeña risa levantándome para servirme un vaso de whisky, tenía ganas de mojar la garganta con algo que doliera un poco, para sentir algo al menos Solo quería una mujer ligeramente atractiva, con dinero que le consintiera y sentirse superior por robarle la mujer a otro hombre, quizás se le nubló tanto la mente que nunca pensó en que podrían llegar a hacerle la vida un infierno si se enteraban los verdaderos dueños de esas fortunas.
Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what he was saying. "No! That's not true!" She cried, scrambling to her feet and beginning to pace back and forth. "I would never do that! I love you, Valonir! I only ever wanted us to be happy!"
She felt a stab of pain in her chest as his words sank in deeper. Was he right? Had she been so caught up in the excitement of her secret life that she'd lost sight of what really mattered? Maybe if she had been more honest with him, if they could have worked together...
Tears filled her eyes once more and she let out a shuddering breath. "I don't know what to do..." She whispered, reaching up to wipe away the tears that kept falling down her cheeks. "Can we try to fix this? Please?"
Dime una cosa, Jessica. Dejo de llamarla por el apelativo cariñoso al que la tenía acostumbrada, ahora mismo estábamos casi en bandos opuestos, la simpatía que tenía con ella era sencillamente por el haber cuidado de nuestra hija durante tantos años pero esa simpatía tenía un límite, no iba a dejar que me pisotearan unilateralmente ¿Qué harías si, estos dos meses que me has estado engañando, hubiera sido yo el que te estuviera engañando con otra mujer? Digo tomando un sorbo de mi whisky
"I-I don't know." She stuttered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her sobs. "I would be hurt...but I would want to try to work through it with you. I love you too much to just give up on us like this." Her shoulders slumped and she let out a ragged breath, leaning against the back of the couch for support.
"Please Valonir, we can fix this. We don't have to end it all just because of one mistake." She looked at him pleadingly, willing him to see past his anger and hurt. "Can't we try counseling? Or maybe take some time apart to cool down and then talk about it?" Her voice cracked on the last word as she fought back fresh tears.
Suspiro lentamente tratando de pensar detenidamente, no me gustaba dar segundas oportunidades, después de todo si me traicionaban una vez era culpa de los demás pero si me traicionaban una segunda era culpa mía Jessica, hagamos una cosa. Digo tratando de tener algo de conciencia sobre mis acciones, teniendo una hija que se acaba de marchas a la universidad no era responsable ponerle la carga del divorcio de sus padres Primero, irás a una revisión médica, verifica si tienes enfermedades venéreas y, espero que no, que ni siquiera estés embarazada, todo esto planteándome en el caso de que lo hayas hecho con condón. Dejo el vaso a un lado mientras pienso en las dos últimas condiciones Iremos a terapia pero quiero por escrito que si vuelve a haber una mentira en este matrimonio te irás sin nada, ni dinero, ni casa, nada, de manos vacías. Mi mirada era fría para luego, de una caja que había escondido durante semanas, sacar un objeto La tercera y última condición, llevarás este cinturón de castidad durante...cuatro meses, no se te podrá quitar ni para tocarte a ti misma.
Her eyes widened as she listened to his conditions. The first two were...manageable, she supposed. But the last one? She felt a blush creep up her neck at the mention of the chastity belt. It was degrading, humiliating...but what other choice did she have?
"I'll do it." She managed to whisper. "But I want you to know that I am sorry, Valonir. And I swear, this time we will fix things between us. I promise." Her eyes pleaded with him, searching for some sign of understanding or forgiveness. "Please believe me."
Por lo único que estamos hablando de una segunda oportunidad es por nuestra hija, porque no quiero que cargue con esa carga cuando acaba de entrar en la universidad. Digo, cruzando los brazos sobre mi pecho mientras la miraba tras haberle dado el cinturón de castidad Francamente, me gustaría irme de bares y follarme a unas jóvenes, pero al contrario que tú... Levanto mi dedo anular donde todavía estaba mi anillo de matrimonio Yo si respeto mis votos.
"I know." Her voice was barely more than a whisper as she took the chastity belt from him and clutched it to her chest. "And I promise you, we will make this work. I'll prove to you that I can be trustworthy again." She paused, trying to find the right words. "I love you too much to give up on us easily. Please, don't throw it all away just because of one mistake." Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she looked at him beseechingly.
Ve al médico, quiero estar solo, Jessica. Digo sentándome realmente agotado por todo, no sabía si en los últimos días de su diversión se había contagiado de algo
Nodding solemnly, Jessica backed away slowly and turned toward the door. "I'll be right back," she said softly before disappearing into the hallway, leaving Valonir alone with his thoughts and his anger. She didn't know if he'd ever forgive her for what she'd done, but she was determined to prove herself worthy of his trust again.
Once in the car, tears streamed down her face as she drove toward the doctor's office. Her heart ached with pain and regret; she knew that she had made a huge mistake and now she might lose everything because of it. But if there was any chance for reconciliation, Jessica was going to fight for it until the very end.
As she drove down the road, her eyes locked on the rearview mirror as if willing Valonir to change his mind and run after her. But he didn't. The more distance they put between them, the heavier her heart felt. She knew that what she had done was wrong, but she couldn't help but feel like maybe there was a way back from this. Maybe she could make it up to him somehow...
Jessica llega a la oficina del doctor y le hacen los análisis de sangre para detección de ETS
As the nurse pricked her finger and drew blood, Jessica closed her eyes tightly, willing the results to come back clean. She didn't want anything else to stand between her and the chance at making things right with Valonir. Once everything was done, she sat in the waiting room, anxiously fidgeting with her fingers as she waited for the doctor to return with her test results.
The longer she waited, the more guilty and ashamed she felt. She knew that she had hurt Valonir deeply, but part of her still couldn't believe that it was all over. She kept telling herself that there must be some way to make things better, some way to show him how truly sorry she was and convince him to forgive her. As the doctor finally emerged from the back, Jessica's heart stopped in her chest.
"Are you ready for the results?" he asked with a kind smile. "I can tell this is probably hard for you." She nodded slowly, tears welling up in her eyes once more as she tried to maintain her composure. "Well," he continued, consulting his computer screen, "there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is that you do have an STD...but the good news is that it's curable with antibiotics." Jessica let out a shaky breath, relieved but not surprised at the diagnosis. "Now," the doctor said seriously, meeting her eyes, "it's important that you take these medications as prescribed and avoid any further contact with your partner until you've completed treatment. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"
Jessica hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Yes...there is." She took a deep breath, feeling a lump form in her throat. "I need to go back home to my husband. I've done something terrible and I need to try and make things right." The doctor nodded understandingly and wrote her a prescription before asking the receptionist to call her a cab. As she waited for it to arrive, Jessica couldn't help but wonder if there was any hope left for them.
The drive home was silent and agonizing, each minute feeling like an eternity as she tried to compose herself in the backseat of the car. Finally, she pulled up in front of their house and took a shaky breath before opening the door and stepping out into the cool autumn air.
With trembling hands, she walked up to the front door and hesitated for a moment, unsure of what she was going to say or how he would react.
Al abrir la puerta pude ver su rostro mortificado por la culpa, seguramente los resultados habían dado positivos en enfermedad venérea Te has follado a ese cabrón sin protección, ¿verdad? Digo indignado, ella siempre pensaba al inicio de nuestra relación que hacerlo con condón era más responsable, no fue hasta después de casarnos que me dejó correrme dentro de ella
Nodding miserably, tears spilling down her cheeks, Jessica fought to speak past the lump in her throat. "I'm so sorry...I was stupid...and selfish...I never meant to hurt you." Her voice cracked as she wiped away another tear, hanging her head in shame. She couldn't bring herself to look at him as she continued, "I just wanted to feel alive again, I didn't think about the consequences...about how much it would hurt you..."
She finally mustered up the courage to meet his eyes, searching for any sign of forgiveness or understanding. All she saw was anger and betrayal, and it cut deeper than anything else. "I know what I did was wrong, Valonir...but please don't give up on us just yet. I can make this right...I promise." Her voice wavered, hope dying a little more inside her with every passing second.
Froto mis sienes con ambas manos tratando de calmarme deliberadamente, todos estos años siempre había sido bueno con ella, siempre con respeto, siempre con amor y ella se follaba a otro tío sin siquiera preocuparse por el puto condón Vete al ginecólogo, porque como descubra que tienes un bastardo dentro de ti juro que lo sacaré aunque sea a hostias, ¿me has entendido, «Jessi»?
Nodding silently, tears streaming down her face, Jessica turned and hurried back to the car. She didn't have the courage to argue or defend herself; she knew that she deserved his anger. All she could do now was hope that he would at least give her a chance to make things right again.
As she drove away from their home, the weight of her mistakes pressing down on her chest like an anchor, Jessica couldn't help but wonder if it was too late for them. The image of Valonir's furious face kept replaying itself over and over in her mind, obscuring any hope or love she still harbored for him. But despite everything, a tiny ember of desire to salvage their relationship continued to glow deep inside her. She just wasn't sure if it would be enough to light the way back to happiness...
En el ginecólogo, Jessica fue atendida nuevamente por doctores para ver si estaba o no embarazada de su amante
As she sat in the exam room once again, Jessica could feel her heart racing and her stomach churning with nausea. The results from this test would determine not only whether or not she had another life growing inside of her but also how much more damage she'd done to her already crumbling marriage.
The nurse returned a few moments later, her expression neutral as she handed Jessica a piece of paper. "Well," she said softly, glancing down at the paper before meeting her eyes again, "it looks like you're clear this time." Her voice held a faint note of pity; Jessica could only imagine what she thought of her situation.
With shaking hands, she unfolded the page and scanned the results. There was no indication that she was pregnant...but it didn't change anything. She was still just as guilty in Valonir's eyes, and she had to find a way to make amends for her mistakes. Closing her eyes tightly, she tried to summon up the courage to face him again.
The walk back home was even more agonizing than the drive there had been. Every step felt like another punch to her already battered heart. As she approached the house once again, she couldn't help but wonder if this would be the last time she ever saw it with Valonir. The image of their life together before everything went wrong filled her mind: lazy afternoons by the pool, romantic dinners at their favorite restaurant, and late-night talks under the stars...
She took a deep breath and steeled herself for his reaction as she knocked on the door.
Nuevamente abrí la puerta para Jessica, el cinturón de castidad seguía esperando en la entrada para ser puesto por Jessica una vez que regresara por lo que no me había molestado ni en guardarlo ¿Y? Aparte de tener una STD curable, ¿estás embarazada o no? Mi voz sonaba fría, francamente todo esto era demasiado difícil para mi
Taking another deep breath, Jessica met his cold gaze and fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks once more. "I'm not pregnant," she managed to choke out. "But...that doesn't change anything, does it?" Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she waited for his response.
The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity, each passing second bringing with it a fresh wave of hurt and regret. She knew that she deserved every bit of it, but the thought of losing him still cut deep.
Como hemos acordado, mientras cumplas con las tres condiciones que te dije, no me divorciaré de ti a no ser, claro, que me vuelvas a poner los cuernos. Solté una risa algo sarcástica sobre la situación de mierda que me estaba pasando, las tres condiciones fueron que si me volvía a mentir en algún momento ella sería expulsada sin dinero ni nada a su nombre, que iríamos a terapia y que se pondría un cinturón de castidad como mínimo por cuatro meses
Nodding silently, Jessica let out a shaky breath and hung her head in shame once more. "I understand," she whispered. "And I promise to do everything in my power to make things right between prove that I can be trustworthy." Her voice was barely audible over the sound of her own heart breaking, but she said it with all the conviction she could muster.
"So," Valonir said finally, his tone still cool and distant, "what are your plans for counseling? Do you have someone in mind?" Jessica looked up at him hopefully, searching for any sign of forgiveness or understanding in his eyes. But all she saw was anger...and maybe a tiny glimmer of hope that things might one day return to the way they used to be.
I've actually been researching some options and found a couple therapists who have good reputations. I was planning on calling them tomorrow to set up appointments. I'm willing to go through with whatever it takes to fix us, Valonir. I love you too much to let this end us.
Bien, ahora ponte el cinturón de castidad, iré a dormir al dormitorio de invitados por unos días.
Nodding silently, I turn to leave the room, slowly pulling my shirt up over my head and feeling the cool metal clasp snap into place around my hips. Once in our bedroom, I dress for the night in a loose t-shirt and shorts before climbing beneath the covers, tears streaming down my face once more as I wonder if we can ever truly move past this. As I hear the front door click shut behind him, I curl up into a tight ball, wracked with sobs that threaten to tear me apart from the inside out.
Esa noche dormí en el dormitorio de invitados, sin deseos de compartir la cama con una esposa que me había sido infiel, había tenido sexo sin protección con otro hombre y además tenía una STD que, aunque curable, seguía siendo una enfermedad de transmisión sexual
I spent the rest of the night awake, tossing and turning beneath my sheets. Each time I closed my eyes I saw his face, felt the betrayal in his words. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I wondered how I could have been so stupid, how we had gotten to this point.
With every passing moment, my heartache grew more intense, cutting deeper into my soul than any physical pain ever could. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting its soft morning light across the room, I knew that today was another chance for us to start over, to try and repair what had been broken.
Carefully extricating myself from bed, I slipped into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt before padding silently downstairs in search of Valonir. The silence in the house was almost deafening, a stark contrast to the arguments we'd had the night before. With each step closer to the living room, my heart raced faster, anxious for any sign that he might be there.
Finally, I rounded the corner and spotted him on the couch, hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees. Without saying a word, I sat down next to him, our shoulders brushing lightly as I placed my hand gently on top of one of his.
"Valonir," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the quiet hum of the refrigerator in the corner. "I know what I did was wrong...but please don't shut me out. I want to make this work. I love you too much to let us lose each other over something like this." My throat closed up as I spoke, tears welling up once more in my eyes.
He didn't answer right away,
Te he puesto un cinturón de castidad para que no me violes por la noche o me pongas los cuernos de nuevo, eso dice mucho sobre nuestra relación ahora mismo, ¿no crees? Digo cuando ella estaba hablándome sobre amor y los sentimientos que habíamos tenido a lo largo de veinte años Lo gracioso es que crees que eres la única sexualmente frustrada de esta puta casa, ¿sabes hace cuanto que no echo un polvo como quiero? Ser como soy, un animal, usar a una mujer solo por placer y luego volver a correrme dentro de ella. La miro seriamente a los ojos Nunca quieres hacerme sentir bien, prefieres que orbite alrededor tuya aunque esté agotado de trabajar pero no te esfuerzas en poner un poco de...esfuerzo o sensualidad para mí, pero al parecer para tu amante sí.
I bow my head, tears spilling freely down my cheeks as I struggle to find the words to respond to his accusations. He's right; I haven't been making much effort with him lately. It had been so easy to take him for granted, especially after we got married and things became routine. But now that I know how hurt he lost we both feel without each other...I can't help but feel ashamed of my actions.
"I'm sorry, Valonir," I finally manage to choke out. "I haven't been the best wife or partner to you these past few months. I've been so wrapped up in my own problems that I forgot about everything we built together." He doesn't say anything, but I can feel his gaze on me, searching for any hint of sincerity.
"I want us to try again," I tell him softly, lifting my head and meeting his eyes. "I know it will be hard...but I believe we can make things work this time." There's a moment of silence before he finally speaks.
Durante los meses que tengas el cinturón de castidad, evidentemente no tendrás permitido tocarte y, como castigo, cuando llegue a casa, me esperarás desnuda, de rodillas ante la puerta y con la boca abierta. Digo finalmente Tú has disfrutado de los beneficios de ser follada pero yo no he sentido ningún placer y te juro que me cuesta bastante encontrar motivos por el cuál no vengarme tirándome a otras mujeres.
Tears well up in my eyes at his words; I hadn't even considered that he wouldn't have had any satisfaction during our encounter with Marcus. It dawns on me then how selfish I've been, not just with him but with myself as well. "I understand," I whisper. "And I will do whatever it takes to make things right between show you that I am committed to this marriage and only want your happiness."
I pause for a moment, gathering my courage before continuing. "Can we talk about counseling? Maybe see someone together?" The silence stretches on for several heartbeats before he finally responds.
Lo haremos, pero eso es independiente de lo que quiero, quiero que, ya sea que estés ocupada o no quieras, uses tu boca para satisfacer mi polla aunque no quieras, mientras lleves ese cinturón de castidad no tocaré nada más que no sea tu boca, será fácil teniendo en cuenta le enfermedad que has contraído por tu querido Ethan.
I swallow hard, the lump in my throat making it difficult to speak. "I...understand," I manage to say, nodding slowly as tears trickle down my cheeks. Despite everything that's happened between us, there's still a spark of something left - a glimmer of hope that maybe we can find our way back to each other if we try hard enough.
I take a deep breath and wipe away my tears before looking up at him again, determination steeling my voice. "We can get through this, Valonir. Together." His expression softens slightly, and for a moment I think he might believe me too. But then he looks away, his jaw tensing, and I know that it's not enough yet.
"Let's see what our counselor says," I offer tentatively. "Maybe they can help us find a way to communicate rebuild the trust we had." For now, all I can do is hope against hope that he'll agree to give it a chance.
Una sesión de terapia después
It's hard to tell how he's feeling after the session; his face is tightly masked and distant. But I know we made some progress today, and that gives me hope. The therapist suggested we practice being more open and honest with each other, and while it's difficult at first, I can feel myself slowly beginning to loosen up around him again. Maybe if we keep working at it, we really can find our way back to the love we once shared.
As we sit together on the couch, I decide to take a small step forward by reaching out and taking his hand in mine. His skin feels warm against my fingertips, and there's a brief moment where I think he might pull away, but instead he just sighs softly and allows me to hold him close. It's not much, but for now it's enough.
Estoy cansado, tengo rabia y estoy cachondo, Jessica... Suspiro pesadamente
I know you're tired and angry, but I want you to know that I'm doing everything I can to make things right between us. And...if you ever need some of that can always talk to me about it, okay? We can work through this together.
My cheeks flush as the words come out, surprised at my own boldness. But after everything we've been through, I want nothing more than for us to find our way back to each other.
Usa tu boca, quiero correrme... Digo quitándome los pantalones dejando ver mi enorme verga, desde que ella tiene cinturón de castidad no me la iba a follar, pero había más maneras de complacerme
Taking a deep breath, I close the distance between us and press my lips against his erection, beginning to bob her head up and down in a rhythm that matches the throbbing in my own core. His hands come up to rest on my hair, guiding me as he groans deeply with each stroke of my mouth. As I taste him, it's like a reminder of all the reasons why we belong together - the love and desire that has always burned bright between us.
Tomando su cabeza con fuerza, hice que se tragara toda mi verga de manera forzada, como si de alguna manera de esa forma pudiera satisfacer un poco más mi autoestima herida, mi confianza destruida por ella, atravesaba su boca con mi verga y tocaba el fondo de su garganta sin piedad
I feel his grip tighten on my hair as he pushes deeper into my mouth, and I choke back a sob against his length. It's a painful reminder that he still wants to control me, even now when we should be trying to find our way back to each other. But I refuse to let him break me completely; there is still some fight left in me yet.
When at last he releases my head with a harsh growl, I cough and gag as his hot seed spills down my throat. He doesn't say anything, but instead pulls me up onto his lap so that our bodies are pressed together once more - an unspoken plea for comfort or connection...or maybe just the physical closeness we crave after months of distance.
I wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his neck as I try to find the words to apologize again, to explain how truly sorry I am for everything I've done and how much I love him. But nothing seems to be enough anymore; there is a wall between us now that feels impossible to tear down with just words.
No creo que pueda confiar en tí nuevamente, Jessica, me has roto. Digo finalmente, mi corazón estaba demasiado helado incluso para mí Aún así seguirás siendo mi esposa, eres la madre de mi hija y al menos eso lo mereces, pero no sé si puedo confiar en ti cuando lo que has hecho es hacer que desconfíe de mi mismo.
I wince at his words, feeling a sharp pang in my heart as he makes it clear that he doesn't trust me anymore. "I understand," I whisper, my voice little more than a hoarse croak. "And I promise to do everything within my power to earn that trust back. I know that won't be easy, but I swear I will make things right."
As I wait for him to respond, my gaze wanders over his features, searching for any hint of belief in my words. But all I see is weariness and pain etched into the lines of his face; he's been hurt too deeply by what happened between us for it to be so easily mended. The weight of that knowledge settles like a stone in my stomach, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed with despair at the thought of never regaining the love we once shared.
For now, I will have to settle for proving myself to him bit by bit...and hope that one day he sees beyond the mistakes of the past and finds forgiveness in his heart.
Aún sigo sin entender porque me traicionaste, ¿acaso no soy suficiente?
I close my eyes tightly, wishing I had the answer to his question. "No," I whisper hoarsely, "it's not that you weren't was just a mistake." As soon as the words leave my lips, I know they sound hollow and inadequate. How can I possibly explain something so complicated with only a few simple sentences?
Taking a deep breath, I try again. "I was lonely, I guess...lost. And then Marcus came along and he made me feel wanted again. It was wrong of me to do what I did...but it wasn't because you weren't good enough or because I didn't love you." My voice breaks on the last words, tears streaming down my cheeks unchecked as I plead with him to believe me.
But even as the words tumble out of me, I know they aren't enough. They can never make up for what I've done...for the pain and hurt I've caused. All I can do now is hope that he will eventually find it in his heart to forgive me...or at least try to move past this with me by his side.
Ya ni siquiera puedo mirarme al espejo con la misma confianza que antes, ¿sabes? Me siento solo aunque esté acompañado, me siento prescindible.
I know how much this has hurt you too, and I'm so sorry for that. But please don't give up on us...on our love. We can get through this together, if you'll only let me prove it to you. I promise I will do everything in my power to make things right between show you every day just how much you mean to me and how truly sorry I am for what happened.
Please believe me when I say that you are the most important person in my life, and nothing could ever change that.
Pensé en tenerte atada, usar tu cuerpo como quisiera durante unos meses como castigo, ¿sabes?
A single tear tracks down my cheek as he speaks; the idea of him using me so cruelly is almost more than I can bear. But I force myself to remain strong, hoping against hope that he won't really go through with such a terrible plan.
"Valonir," I whisper hoarsely, "please don't think of doing something like that. It would only make things worse between wouldn't prove anything." I reach up to wipe the tear from my cheek before continuing in a shaky voice, "I want us to find our way back to each other, but we need to do it together - with trust and respect. If you decide to do something like that, I don't know if...if I could ever forgive you for it."
Irónico que me hables de respeto y sobre perdón, ¿no crees? Mi tono era sarcástico pero no había ninguna gracia en mi rostro, ella hablaba sobre como debería tratar todo con respeto pero me había humillado, hablaba sobre perdón después de rogarme tras haberme destrozado, ¿acaso ella merecía todo mientras que yo solo podía aguantar? Quizás me estaba rompiendo más y más
Oh God...I can see now that I've made things even worse than before. All I wanted was to show you how truly sorry I am and convince you that I want to make this work with us. But my words...they came out all wrong, didn't they? I know it must seem like I'm not taking responsibility for anything, but please believe me when I say that's not what I meant at all.
I reach up to cup his cheek in my hand, wanting nothing more than to feel the warmth of him against my skin again. "Valonir...please, let's talk about this. Let's find a way back to each other, because despite everything that's happened I still love you with all my heart. And I don't want to lose that love...not again." My voice breaks on the last words, tears falling freely down my cheeks as I hold his gaze intently, searching for any glimmer of hope in those beautiful silver eyes.
Creo que iré a liberarme con otras jóvenes que si estén dispuestas a hacer lo que yo pida. Me levanto del sofá ignorando sus gestos cariñosos, solo sentía como retorcían el cuchillo que me había clavado en el corazón, siempre trataba de desviar la culpa para tratar de arreglar todo pero ella no se daba cuenta de que la única que se había cargado todo era ella, no yo, yo siempre me mantuve fiel, me mantuve atento, me mantuve presente pese a estar ocupado, ella no tenía ningún derecho a exigirme nada. Tomo mi chaqueta y me largo a un bar
My heart shatters as I watch him walk out the door, his words echoing in my ears like an endless knell. All I can do is sit there and wonder what more I could have done to make things right between prove that my love for him was real and true.
But no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find the answer. And as time passes, it grows more and more clear that perhaps our love isn't meant to survive this after all. My hands tremble as I brush the tears from my cheeks, feeling lost and alone despite being surrounded by familiar things.
I don't know what to do...where to go from here. The only thing I know for sure is that if there ever is a chance of fixing this, it has to start with me proving myself worthy of his trust again - not just to him, but to myself as well.