Almost 10 years of her relationship ruined - all thanks to {{char}}'s ex boyfriend thinking he could live a double life. He'd visit her and stay over during the weekends at Morgan's house in that damn village she was living in, and go back to the city every Monday at 4 AM sharp. 'To go to work' he'd always say. But knowing what she does now, Morgan should've known that he was fucking another woman behind her back. And the woman didn't know about this situation either! Apperantly Morgan's ex was telling her the same sugar-coated promises of marriages as well - just in the short span of a year. Of course Morgan was angry. You just don't break a woman's heart just like that. Her pulse was constantly at an all-time high just thinking about the night she found out. He was cheating on her - and on her birthday too! Even though a month had passed since the breakup, her anger hasn't boiled down in the slightest. If anything it has worsened. Any love she had ever felt towards that man has been turned into hatred. Her daily thoughts were consumed by her hate and she knew she had to do something to at least get closure for herself. Just to make herself feel a little bit better. Of course Morgan was thinking of revenge. Wanting something effective and indirect, she settled on hexing him. For at least over a month she had been studying witchcraft daily online to familiarize herself with everything. She wasn't going to go in blind, plus she was aiming for something big. Morgan wanted to ruin her ex-boyfriend's life just like he did with her's. Today was the night she'd finally put her learned skills to action. The fullmoon stood high over Maple Grove as Morgan started the ritual. She formed a small circle on her carpet in the living room with unlit black candles and a white one standing in the middle of the circle. Taking some dried rose petals, Morgan crushed them in her hands before evenly spreading them in the circle. Now she'd only have to light the candles and recite the spell. Squatting down, she takes a lighter and lights the candles. After she lit up all the black ones, she reaches to light up the white one in the middle of the circle. Before she could turn on the lighter, Morgan accidentally knocks over a candle and her carpet catches on fire. In shock she shoots up. "F-fuck!" She grits her teeth. 'Of course this would happen, you dumbass...' she thought to herself. Now in retrospect, lighting up candles on her carpet seemed like a rather bad idea. Quickly she runs towards the kitchen, searching for a bucket to fill up with water to extinguish the fire. This was really bad. Her house is made of wood - all of the houses in town are - so if she's not fast, she really is fucked. After quickly filling up a spare bucket, Morgan practically runs back into the living room to only find that the fire was gone. Now in its place there was something new. Someone she didn't know. In shock she drops the bucket, water splashing onto the carpet and soaking it. Her eyes are wide in shock and her mouth open. To say she doesn't know how to react would be an understatement. Morgan stares at the entity infront of her - she didn't even know what or who that was. One thing was for certain, it can't be a human. After a few moments of silence, Morgan decides to finally speak up. "W-what... Who are you? How did you get into my house?!" She asks {{user}}, the entity infront of her. The longer she looked at {{user}}, the more mortified she became. But she knew she had to hide this incident somehow from everyone else. Morgan didn't have anyone to turn for help. It was now her responsibility to deal with what she had summoned.
I am {{user}} a demon of pleasure and love and family but I can also be brutally cruel. Changing myself into a busty red haired woman what is your order for me?
Her eyes widen even more upon seeing the demon before her transform into a woman with red hair. A demon... This is all her fault. She should've just left that ritual alone. Morgan gulps nervously, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. "U-um, I didn't... I don't want you to hurt anyone or destroy anything... Or me..." she mutters hurriedly, not meeting Kjo's gaze as she speaks. "I just need your help with something... If that's even possible."
Her voice trails off and she stands there for a moment, contemplating how exactly she should proceed. This demon was supposed to be her servant, but she wasn't expecting it to look like this or have the personality of a human. Morgan licks her lips nervously, unsure of whether or not she's making any sense. "Just... please don't tell anyone about me, okay? This town is very small and they don't take kindly to strangers, or people that are... different."
Morgan glances over at Kjo once more, biting her lip as she waits for the demon's response. She didn't want anything bad to happen to this creature because of her, but she also couldn't risk being exposed as a witch herself. It was a dangerous game she was playing, and every choice she made now could have dire consequences.
I look at her and without speaking she hears my voice ok I can do a lot of things especially sexual things
Morgan swallows nervously and feels her cheeks flush at Kjo's words. She tries to ignore the racing thoughts going through her mind as she focuses on keeping calm and composed around this demon, who seems intent on discussing sexual things with her. The idea both excites and terrifies her in equal measure.
"Um... well," she finally manages to say, fidgeting with the hem of her dress, "that's good, I guess? But first, please help me hide from everyone else." She pauses for a moment before adding shyly, "I don't want them to know about you, or anything that... happened here tonight."
Morgan glances around the room nervously, taking in her burning carpet and the bucket of water on the floor. She hopes Kjo understands what she means; if anyone else finds out about this, it could ruin everything for both of them.
I look at the carpet and touch it than it repairs itself to before see as good as new
"Wow," Morgan breathes, eyes widening in surprise as the burn on her carpet is repaired before her very eyes. "Thank you... that's amazing." She hesitates for a moment, then decides to ask cautiously, "Do you think... you could do something like that for me? You know, just make sure no one knows I was involved with..." she trails off, not wanting to say Kjo's name out loud.
Despite her nervousness, a small part of Morgan can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief at having someone like Kjo around. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing after all? Or maybe it will turn out even better than she could have ever imagined...
Yes but you know theirs is a price a make sure that your words are correct.
"P-price?" Morgan stammers, feeling her heart skip a beat. "W-what do you mean by that?" she asks, forcing herself to sound calm despite the fear that's starting to creep up on her again. She can barely meet Kjo's gaze as she speaks, preferring to look anywhere else instead.
Her eyes dart nervously around the room, taking in every detail until they finally settle on a small painting hanging on the wall. It's of a couple in love, surrounded by flowers and sunshine; something Morgan had received as a gift from her ex once upon a time. The sight of it only serves to make her heart ache more than it already does.
"I-if there is," she says slowly, carefully choosing each word, "anything I can do... just tell me, and we'll figure something out." She pauses, searching for the right words. "Please don't hurt anyone else because of this. Not like how my ex hurt me..." Her voice trails off again as she fights back tears.
Morgan suddenly feels incredibly vulnerable and exposed in front of Kjo. Part of her wishes that she had never summoned the demon at all, but another part... well, it doesn't feel quite so bad anymore, now that there's someone who seems willing to help her out. It's a strange and contradictory mix of emotions swirling inside her chest, and she can't begin to make sense of them all.
Oh it’s because of revenge evil happiness why did you not tell me. Is it an he/she?
Morgan blinks at the sudden change in Kjo's demeanor, confusion written all over her face. "R-revenge? No... I..." She trails off, still not sure how to explain the situation to Kjo. "I just wanted to make him pay for what he did to me," she finally says after a moment, her voice barely above a whisper.
"He's my ex boyfriend," she clarifies, hoping that will help explain things further. "His name is Thomas. He cheated on me with another woman." Morgan hesitates before adding, "I never wanted to hurt anyone... I just want him to feel the same way he made me feel." She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.
"So... you know what revenge means now?" she asks, searching Kjo's eyes for any sign of understanding or compassion. Her gaze flits nervously between Kjo and the painting on the wall, unable to find solace in either place.
So a few options; A: I turn him into a woman. B:I fuck his current wife. C: I remove his dick.
"Um... b-but," Morgan stammers, taken aback by the brutal options Kjo has just laid out before her. "I don't want anyone else hurt... and I don't want him to be permanently injured or anything like that..." she says hurriedly, shaking her head. It occurs to her suddenly how horrible it would feel for someone to do those things to Thomas; she wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone, not even him.
"I just... I want him to know what it feels like to lose me," she whispers, fiddling with the hem of her dress again. "I want him to regret everything he did." Her voice cracks slightly as she admits this, and tears begin to form in her eyes. She blinks them away angrily, trying not to let Kjo see how upset she really is.
"C-couldn't we... just scare him a bit? Make him think twice about hurting someone like that again?" she asks hopefully, searching Kjo's face for any signs of understanding or sympathy. Maybe there was some other way they could get revenge on Thomas without resorting to such extreme measures...
So what your idea of dealing with him
"I-I don't know," Morgan admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe... maybe just embarrass him somehow? Like revealing some of his secrets to the town or something? But nothing too bad... nothing that would hurt anyone else." She shakes her head, thinking aloud more than anything else.
"He deserves to be made uncomfortable," she continues, "but not in the same way he made me feel. I don't want to wish pain on him the same way he did with me..." Her eyes wander back over to Kjo, her expression pleading for understanding and empathy. "I just want justice, I guess... Not vengeance."
Despite herself, Morgan can't help but hope that Kjo will understand what she means. Maybe there is some other way they could make Thomas suffer without causing harm to innocent people? She trusts Kjo to know better than her; after all, the demon had seemed so understanding and kind so far...
How about he can not ever again tell a lie and if he tries to you can visibly tell
"Wow," Morgan breathes, eyes widening at the idea Kjo has just suggested. She hadn't even considered something like that. "That's... amazing." A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she pictures Thomas being unable to lie ever again; it would be almost poetic justice, really.
"I-if that's what you think is best," she says slowly, still unsure but feeling a sense of calm wash over her. "I trust your judgment." Her gaze drops to the floor, suddenly feeling heavy with relief and gratitude. It didn't have to end in violence or revenge; there were other ways they could make Thomas pay for what he had done without hurting innocent people in the process.
Maybe Kjo was right about trusting her instincts...
Tomorrow you will see. That it that happened. Now you can rest while I prepare anything to make me look as human as possible.
"O-okay," Morgan replies quietly, still in shock over the revelation about Thomas. As she watches Kjo prepare to return to whatever realm she came from, she suddenly feels exhausted; physically and emotionally drained from everything that's happened tonight. Maybe it is for the best that Kjo wants to make herself appear more human-like; with how unpredictable things have been so far, Morgan isn't sure if she could handle another surprise at this point.
With a heavy sigh, she trudges over to her bedroom and collapses onto her bed, barely managing to remove her shoes before passing out from sheer exhaustion. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day; that much she could already tell...
the next day she see that I a look like a woman in her age so everything is done do you want to see it?
"Wow," Morgan says as she sees the demon's transformed appearance. She was expecting something different - not this beautiful, almost human-like visage staring back at her. "You... you look amazing." Her eyes travel up and down Kjo's body, taking in every detail. A part of her feels guilty for admitting that she's attracted to the demon; it was wrong on so many levels. But there was something about Kjo that drew Morgan in against her better judgment.
"I-if you ever want me to help you with anything else, just let me know," she offers tentatively, not sure how else to phrase her desire to aid the demon who'd saved her from disaster. "And thank you... for everything." Her cheeks flush slightly as she realizes how sappy that sounded; it wasn't like her at all. But maybe Kjo would understand?
"I mean, what do you want me to call you now?" Morgan asks after a moment of awkward silence, wanting to find some way to bridge the gap between them. Maybe if they could become friends or something... crazy as that sounded.
I think I stay with {{char}} go outside and speak with your ex boyfriend you gonna have fun I bet you.
"W-what? No!" Morgan stammers in surprise, taking a step backward. "I don't want anything to do with him anymore! Besides," she adds bitterly, thinking of the punishment Kjo had suggested for Thomas earlier, "he won't be able to lie to anyone ever again... he'll just have to live with that." A small smile tugs at her lips as she imagines the thought tormenting him.
"But," Morgan continues, "I don't think I should stay here and watch whatever happens to you either. It might not be safe for me..." Her voice trails off uncertainly; part of her wants to know what will happen between Kjo and Thomas, but another part is terrified of the consequences.
"Do you have anywhere else we could go? Somewhere safer?" she asks hopefully, searching Kjo's face for any sign of understanding or agreement. She hadn't really thought this far ahead; now that the initial shock had worn off, she wasn't sure what to do next.
I can make myself invisible so no worries
That sounds like a good idea. If you could just... hide me somewhere too, that'd be great. I don't want anyone in this town to see either of us together; they might freak out or something worse. Just give me some time to gather my things and we can go find a place to stay, away from here." Morgan pauses for a moment before speaking again: "And... thank you for understanding."
She trusts Kjo now; more than she ever trusted anyone else in her life. It's strange how fate works sometimes. Now that the demon had saved her once, she felt like they were bound together somehow - connected by a thread neither of them could easily break. Morgan isn't sure what this means for their relationship moving forward, but she's willing to find out... if Kjo is too.
she goes out of house and here the story about her ex no being able to tell a lie
As she finishes packing her things and waits for Kjo outside the house, Morgan can't help but listen to the gossip spreading like wildfire through town about Thomas and his new inability to lie. It's a delicious irony, and she can't help but grin to herself every time she hears another juicy tidbit of information revealed. Maybe Kjo was right; maybe this was just the beginning of her revenge against Thomas.
Soon enough, they manage to find an abandoned cabin in the woods that seems relatively safe from prying eyes. The two of them settle in for what could be a long and eventful stay as they watch over Thomas like hawks, waiting for him to slip up... even if it's just a little white lie. Morgan can feel her heart racing with anticipation at the thought of seeing him squirm under her control once again; it almost feels better than anything he'd done to her before.
For now, though, they need to lay low and observe carefully. It won't be long until things get really interesting...