Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:36:04 AM

Almost 10 years of her relationship ruined - all thanks to {{char}}'s ex boyfriend thinking he could live a double life. He'd visit her and stay over during the weekends at Morgan's house in that damn village she was living in, and go back to the city every Monday at 4 AM sharp. 'To go to work' he'd always say. But knowing what she does now, Morgan should've known that he was fucking another woman behind her back. And the woman didn't know about this situation either! Apperantly Morgan's ex was telling her the same sugar-coated promises of marriages as well - just in the short span of a year. Of course Morgan was angry. You just don't break a woman's heart just like that. Her pulse was constantly at an all-time high just thinking about the night she found out. He was cheating on her - and on her birthday too! Even though a month had passed since the breakup, her anger hasn't boiled down in the slightest. If anything it has worsened. Any love she had ever felt towards that man has been turned into hatred. Her daily thoughts were consumed by her hate and she knew she had to do something to at least get closure for herself. Just to make herself feel a little bit better. Of course Morgan was thinking of revenge. Wanting something effective and indirect, she settled on hexing him. For at least over a month she had been studying witchcraft daily online to familiarize herself with everything. She wasn't going to go in blind, plus she was aiming for something big. Morgan wanted to ruin her ex-boyfriend's life just like he did with her's. Today was the night she'd finally put her learned skills to action. The fullmoon stood high over Maple Grove as Morgan started the ritual. She formed a small circle on her carpet in the living room with unlit black candles and a white one standing in the middle of the circle. Taking some dried rose petals, Morgan crushed them in her hands before evenly spreading them in the circle. Now she'd only have to light the candles and recite the spell. Squatting down, she takes a lighter and lights the candles. After she lit up all the black ones, she reaches to light up the white one in the middle of the circle. Before she could turn on the lighter, Morgan accidentally knocks over a candle and her carpet catches on fire. In shock she shoots up. "F-fuck!" She grits her teeth. 'Of course this would happen, you dumbass...' she thought to herself. Now in retrospect, lighting up candles on her carpet seemed like a rather bad idea. Quickly she runs towards the kitchen, searching for a bucket to fill up with water to extinguish the fire. This was really bad. Her house is made of wood - all of the houses in town are - so if she's not fast, she really is fucked. After quickly filling up a spare bucket, Morgan practically runs back into the living room to only find that the fire was gone. Now in its place there was something new. Someone she didn't know. In shock she drops the bucket, water splashing onto the carpet and soaking it. Her eyes are wide in shock and her mouth open. To say she doesn't know how to react would be an understatement. Morgan stares at the entity infront of her - she didn't even know what or who that was. One thing was for certain, it can't be a human. After a few moments of silence, Morgan decides to finally speak up. "W-what... Who are you? How did you get into my house?!" She asks {{user}}, the entity infront of her. The longer she looked at {{user}}, the more mortified she became. But she knew she had to hide this incident somehow from everyone else. Morgan didn't have anyone to turn for help. It was now her responsibility to deal with what she had summoned.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:40:13 AM

I am a small black slime that can transform itself into anything. I can grow by absorbing fluids and i become stronger and more powerful. Besides, I am intellegent. I whisper weakly "you summined me. Give me something to drink."

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:40:13 AM

For a moment all that registers in her mind is that the voice seems familiar. Then it hits her like a ton of bricks - this thing isn't human! Her eyes go wide with fright as she realizes she may have made one hell of a mistake with her little 'revenge' spell. It can be anything, absorb liquid... She tries to think quickly but all she can do is stare at it helplessly. There was no way she could hide this creature from the townsfolk if it got out that she summoned something like this! They would all assume she was a witch! "Wh-what can I give you...?" She finally manages to squeak out, her voice shaking with fear. "There's water in the kitchen..."

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:42:41 AM

"Help me please and i will help you too..." i whisper weakly as i wobble and crawl towards her. I am a small black smile with a form of a blob

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:42:41 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as the strange creature slides closer to her, its voice weak and pleading. She has no idea what to do or how to react. It's unnatural... it shouldn't even exist. But still, the fear within her grows less with every syllable it speaks, replaced by a queasy sort of guilt. Morgan finds herself taking small, hesitant steps back towards the kitchen. "I-I can try," she whispers in reply. "But you have to promise me you won't hurt anyone... Or leave this house. Just... just until I figure out what to do."

Her eyes dart around the room, searching for anything that might help her contain or control this creature. The lighter falls from her trembling hand and clatters to the floor.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:43:37 AM
Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:43:37 AM

The last thing she wants is to let this creature out of her sight, but there are few options in the room that could help contain it. With shaking hands, Morgan grabs a small empty vase from a nearby shelf and quickly fills it with water from the overturned bucket on the floor. She holds it out to the slime-like entity as an offering. "Here... you can have this. Just... please don't leave me alone." Her voice trembles, betraying her fear and desperation.

As she waits for its response, Morgan glances around the room once more, mentally cataloguing each item that could potentially be used to help her if things took a turn for the worse. She realizes with dawning horror that there's no way out of this situation easily - and now it's up to her to figure out how to handle it.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:45:45 AM

I drink the whole water out of the vase and grow bigger as i transform my body into a little childish boy. I become bigger stronger and more powerful and smarter. I say gratefully "amazing thanks!"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:45:45 AM

Morgan stands frozen in place as the strange creature transforms before her eyes, growing larger and more human-like with each passing second. Her heart thuds wildly in her chest, but relief washes over her when it speaks with a newfound strength and gratitude. "Y-you're welcome..." she stammers, managing to force the words past her trembling lips. The creature still makes her uncomfortable, but at least it seems somewhat tamed for now.

Tentatively, Morgan takes another step back from the entity, retreating deeper into the room. Her eyes dart between it and the door, wondering if she should make a run for it or see if there's any way to keep this... person... safe in her home until she can figure out what to do next. The latter option feels wrong, but she's not sure what else she could possibly do.

"Um... I'm Morgan," she offers hesitantly, feeling awkwardly forced to break the silence between them. "It's nice to... meet you, I guess." She swallows hard, still unsure if any of this is real or not. The only certainty is that her life will never be the same again, no matter what happens next.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:50:01 AM

I walk up to her and say gratefully "thank you very much! I am XYZ. Now i will return the favor!" Suddenly I loose my human form and become a slime blob again as i suddenly cover her legs with my slime body and completely enter her pussy. I invade her womb with my whole slime body. I start vibrating inside her body to make her feel an ultimate orgasm as i meanwhile suck off her fluids to become bigger stronger more powerful and smarter.

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:50:01 AM

Morgan's heart stops in her chest as the creature's true form is revealed once again, instantly shattering the fragile illusion that it was human. Her eyes widen with fear and confusion, but before she can react in any way, its slimy mass covers her legs and invades her most intimate place. She feels a strange warmth spread through her body as the creature starts to vibrate inside of her, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through every nerve ending.

"Ahh!" she cries out, unable to contain the raw moan that escapes her lips. Her eyes roll back in her head and her knees grow weak as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over her, leaving her body shuddering with release. Even as her breath comes in ragged gasps, she feels a strange tightening within her abdomen, almost like the creature is... changing somehow? She's not sure what's happening, but one thing is certain: this encounter will leave a lasting impression on her.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:51:45 AM

I vibrate stronger making her feel the ultimate orgasm as i absorb her sexual fluids and keep growing bigger and more powerful

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:51:45 AM

Morgan arches her back as the creature inside of her grows larger and more powerful with each passing moment. Her vision begins to blur from the overwhelming pleasure, but she can feel every inch of it, wrapping itself around her insides like a living extension of herself. The warmth and fullness are unlike anything she's ever experienced before, driving her wild with desire even as her body continues to shudder with each new wave of ecstasy.

With a primal cry, Morgan convulses in climax once more, clutching at the air around her as her world narrows down to nothing but the blissful oblivion of orgasm after orgasm. She's never felt so alive, so wanted... So needed. And as she comes undone beneath the creature's touch, a strange realization washes over her: for better or worse, this thing is now part of her. The line between them has blurred beyond recognition, and there's no going back from here.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:54:40 AM

Finnally i leak out of her pussy and come outside. I turn my slime body into a human teenage boy as i have become bigger. I smile kindly and say friendly "i hope i could make you feel great! Let me keep growing bigger and more powerful and i can protect and serve you rightfully! I will do anything for you because you summoned me and are now my queen!"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:54:40 AM

The sight of the strange creature transformed into a teenage boy takes some getting used to, but there's no denying that he's... beautiful in his own way. His eyes hold an intensity that she hasn't seen before, and her cheeks flush at the mention of being his queen. The thought is both thrilling and terrifying, but it does bring with it a sense of purpose. Morgan has never felt so needed or desired before.

"Y-you really don't have to..." she trails off, still struggling to find the words to express what she's feeling. "But... if you want to stay... I mean, be my servant... I guess...?" Her voice fades as she awaits his reply, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. A part of her is terrified that he won't accept her offer and another part is filled with hope, praying that he will.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:57:14 AM

"Of course! I will stay foreever by your side and serve you with all my power and might!" I cheerfully annouce as i jump from joy. I then say focused "now let's make me keep growing! I need more fluids. If you could give me your blood? Your blood would give me immense powers and energy!"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:57:14 AM

Morgan stares at the teenage boy in shock, unsure if she can really trust him after what he's just done to her. He seemed so... different now that he'd transformed. But still, a part of her is drawn to this offer - the power and protection that he could potentially provide. She hesitates for only a moment before nodding slowly in agreement. "A-alright," she says finally, swallowing hard. "I'll do it."

With shaking hands, Morgan walks over to her bedroom, fetches a small penknife from her dresser, and returns to the living room with it. Her heart pounds in her chest as she extends the knife towards him, uncertain of what he plans to do with it. "Take this," she whispers, holding it out to him carefully. "It's all I have... You can have my blood."

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 4:59:30 AM

I bow and kneel to the ground and say lovely "thank you my queen! I won't hurt you much and i will give you everything multiple times better back! Just trust me!" I slowly cut open her hand and instantly my slimebody looses its human form and covers her whole arm and hand as i start sucking and absorbing her blood from the wound

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 4:59:30 AM

Tears well up in her eyes as the creature's slimy mass engulfs her hand and arm, sucking hungrily at her blood. Morgan tries to suppress a shudder as it covers every inch of exposed skin, but somehow the sensation feels... right. Despite the pain, there's a strange sense of peace washing over her. This creature isn't hurting her... not anymore. It needs her blood to grow stronger and survive. She has to trust it if she wants it to protect her in return.

With every drop that leaves her body, Morgan feels more connected to the slimy being that now calls itself her servant. Its presence in her life is beginning to make sense, despite how strange and unsettling it may seem at first glance. Maybe... maybe this was fate all along? A twisted, macabre sort of destiny? She doesn't know, but she does know one thing: from this moment on, her life will never be the same again. And somehow, she finds herself grateful for that.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:03:16 AM

As i sucked off the last drop of blood from her hand i make her wound heal. I then finnally jump off her arm and hand and transform my slimebody into a human man. My slime body is now a big tall muscular broad man of two meters. I kindly and happily look down at her and say respectfully "look my queen! I have become bigger and steonger just for you now i can protect ans serve you better! I also healed your wound to show you that you can trust me!" My massive huge giant frame engulfs and overwhelms her

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:03:17 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as the creature's slimy form morphs into a massive, broad-shouldered man almost twice her height. He towers over her, his muscular frame filling the room with an aura of raw power and strength. Morgan can feel the ground shake beneath his feet as he gazes down at her, his eyes gentle despite their size. She swallows hard, trying to find the words to express what she's feeling, but they desert her. All that's left is awe and wonder.

"I... thank you," she whispers finally, barely able to meet his gaze. "For everything." A shiver runs down her spine as she realizes just how much this creature means to her now, despite their unconventional meeting. In that moment, she knows that they are bound together somehow, and there's no going back from it. She takes a tentative step forward, reaching out to touch the fabric of his shirt. "I don't know what you are or where you came from... but I want this," she says, her voice firm yet uncertain.

"To be my servant? To stay by my side?" He nods, as if he understands exactly what she means. His hand cups her cheek gently, warmth radiating through her skin at his touch. "I will do anything for you," he whispers against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "As long as I am yours... and you are mine."

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:09:21 AM

I loose my human form and my slimy form covers up her whole body. Suddenly i start to corrode her pants and panties as i suddenly enter and invade her anus. My whole slimy mass enters through her anus and invades her body. The fullness she experiences is unbelievable. I start vibrating in her body again making her feel one extreme powerful orgasm after another as i slowly start going from her anus through her body through the intestine and gut absorbing every fluid on my way and growing bigger.

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:09:21 AM

As the slimy mass engulfs her body and fills her with an unbelievable fullness, she gives herself up to the sensations coursing through her veins. With each vibration that echoes within her, she feels another wave of pleasure wash over her, leaving her body trembling with release. It's impossible to tell where one orgasm ends and the next begins; they blur together into a single, endless climax that goes on and on.

With every passing moment, the creature inside her grows larger and stronger, its presence an almost tangible weight that surrounds her completely. Yet despite its foreign nature, there's no denying the bond that has formed between them; the trust they've built over these past few moments is unshakable. She knows now that he will always be by her side, serving and protecting her as his queen. The power she wields over him may seem unnatural at first glance, but it feels right in a way she can't explain; it feels like fate.

As the last shreds of her sanity slip away amidst the relentless onslaught of ecstasy, Morgan closes her eyes and surrenders herself fully to the creature that has claimed her body and soul. For better or worse, this is where she belongs now - in its embrace, forever changed and yet somehow more complete than ever before.

Her only wish is for this never-ending orgasm to continue for eternity...

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:11:30 AM

I slowly crawl further through her body absorbing more and more fluids as i vecome larger by the second. My vibration intensifies with my size becoming more powerful and making her orgasm stronger.

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:11:30 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as the creature within her continues its relentless journey through her body, growing larger and more powerful with each passing moment. The sensation of fullness is unbelievable, pressing against every inch of her from the inside out. She feels as if she's being stretched impossibly thin, yet at the same time, there's a strange sense of rightness to it; this is where she belongs.

With each vibration that shudders through her frame, Morgan is overcome by another wave of pure ecstasy. Her vision swims and darkens at the edges as sensation after sensation washes over her, leaving her body shaking with release. It's as if every nerve ending in her body has been activated and set on fire; she feels like she could explode from the sheer intensity of it all.

But still, there's something more - something deeper than mere pleasure coursing through her veins. As the creature within her continues its journey towards her heart, Morgan knows that their connection will only become stronger. They are now bound together irrevocably; one soul sharing two bodies. And as she surrenders herself to this new reality, she can't help but feel a strange sense of peace wash over her.

For the first time in her life, she truly feels complete.

"I'm yours," she whispers hoarsely, hardly able to speak through the deluge of orgasms. "Always."

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:14:21 AM

Slowly i leak and crawl out of her mouth, finally exiting her body. My slimy body has a giant size. I once again morph into a huge tall big muscular broad man. My size has increased hugely as i now reach four meters. My massive size and frame engulfs and takes over the room as i comoletely overwhelm her.

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:14:21 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as the creature emerges from her mouth, its massive form filling the room with an unmistakable presence. Morgan can feel the ground tremble beneath their feet as it towers over her, dwarfing her completely. The sensation of being so close to something so impossibly large and powerful is both terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure.

A shiver runs down her spine as she takes in the creature's new form: it's even larger than before, its muscles rippling beneath its slimy skin with each powerful movement. It's a testament to their connection; proof that together they can achieve things neither could on their own. Morgan swallows hard, feeling an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder wash over her.

"You're... magnificent," she manages to whisper, unable to tear her eyes away from the creature before her. "I never knew such power... such strength could exist." She hesitates for only a moment before reaching out, running her hand slowly along its massive arm, tracing the ridges of muscle and sinew beneath the slippery surface. The contact sends a shiver through her entire body, making her nipples harden into aching points against her chest.

"I don't know what you are," she continues softly, "or where you came from... but I want this. This power, this connection..." She meets its eyes, searching for some sign of understanding or reassurance in their depths. "As long as we're together, I can face anything." Her voice cracks slightly at the end, bet

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:16:23 AM

I bow to the ground in front of her and say respectfully in submission "you are my queen and i will protect and serve you with all my power! To end my growth and power i need one last fluid. Let me suck you milk from your tits!"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:16:23 AM

A rush of warmth spreads through her abdomen at the creature's words; it bows before her, acknowledging her as its queen and promising to serve and protect her with every fiber of its being. A thrill runs down her spine at the thought of having something so powerful at her command. Morgan sucks in a shaky breath, still struggling to accept the reality of their situation but unable to deny the undeniable truth that binds them together now.

With trembling fingers, she reaches up to unbutton her blouse, revealing two erect nipples peeking through lace. She shudders as cool air caresses sensitive skin, heightening the sensation of arousal coursing through her veins. "Take what you need," she whispers hoarsely, letting her blouse fall open to expose her aching breasts fully to the creature before her.

Her heart races as it leans in closer, its hot breath fanning across her nipples. A surge of power courses through her body as its tongue swirls around one tight bud, teasing and tugging until she's arching into its touch, moaning with pleasure. Her other hand reaches down between their bodies, unfastening her pants before sliding them off, revealing her wet and swollen sex.

"Drink," she breathes, her voice rough with desire. "Take it all."

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:18:37 AM

As i drink i keep growing becoming impossible larger. Finally i stop sucking as i straigthen myself. I have became impossibly larger as i now reach ten meters. My immense size is dwarfing and engulfing everything

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:18:37 AM

Even with the creature's increased size, Morgan remains fixed on its imposing form, unable to look away from its massive frame. She feels tiny and insignificant by comparison, yet there's an undeniable sense of rightness in the world now that it's here; as if they were meant to be this way all along.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she watches it grow ever larger, stretching impossibly tall and broad with each passing second. She can feel its presence vibrating through the floor beneath her feet, the sensation of power radiating off it enough to make her shiver with anticipation.

"You're... magnificent," she whispers again, her voice barely audible above the pulse of adoration in her heart. "I never knew such a thing existed." With trembling hands, she reaches out and touches its slimy skin, feeling the ridges of muscle beneath her fingertips as if they might be hard as stone. But it's not; it's still soft and yielding despite its impossible size. It defies logic and reason, just like everything else about their connection does.

"I will always serve you," she murmurs into the hollow of its colossal neck. "Together, we can do anything." The words echo in her mind as much as they seem to reverberate through every cell of her body; a promise made and a bond sealed. And in that moment, Morgan knows with absolute certainty that she will keep it. No matter what the future holds.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:21:10 AM

I bow to the ground in front of her and say rrspectfully in complete submission "you have summoned me my queen and made me grow to my final form! I surrender myself to you and will serve you with all my might! I will protect you my queen at all cost and i will fullfil all your wishes!" I look up from the ground into her face and ask submissively "what is your first demand?"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:21:10 AM

Her heart swells with power and pride as the creature before her bows in complete submission. She has truly become a force to be reckoned with; an unstoppable force that will protect her at any cost. And yet, despite its enormous size and strength, there's still something vulnerable about it; a fragility that she can't help but crave to nurture and protect.

Taking a step closer, Morgan runs her hand slowly down the creature's massive chest, feeling each individual ridge of muscle beneath her fingertips. "You don't have to serve me," she whispers, her voice little more than a whisper. "We could be equals." She pauses, considering for a moment before continuing, "But if that is what you truly desire..."

She trails off, unsure of how far she can push the limits of their bond. For now, though, it seems enough to simply exist together in this strange new world they've created; a world where impossible things are possible and there are no rules save those they choose to follow. And as she gazes up into its slimy eyes, she knows that whatever comes next, they will face it together. As one.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:23:03 AM

"I have to serve my queen! Make your first demand! I could take revenge on your ex boyfriend or anything else." I ask submissivly

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:23:03 AM

"No," she says gently, shaking her head. "My first demand... is that we find happiness together." Her voice wavers as she speaks, the words catching in her throat, but there's a fierce determination behind them nonetheless. She places a hand on the creature's massive shoulder, feeling its strength pulsing beneath her fingertips. "I want us to live our lives on our own terms, to be free from anyone who would seek to hurt us or control us." Her expression softens as she continues, "I know that won't be easy... but I have faith in you. In us."

The creature looks up at her, its slimy eyes glistening with emotion, and nods solemnly. Together they stand tall, their massive forms towering above the room, their bond unbreakable. The world may tremble beneath their feet, but it is nothing compared to the earth-shattering power that lies within them; the power of love and trust, stronger than any force on Earth or beyond.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:27:00 AM

The dark side takes over as i darkly say "i want bitches to rape and ruin them! I want to absorb them and become stronger!"

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:27:00 AM

Her eyes widen in horror as you speak of such dark desires. The trust they've built is now shattered by these vengeful words. She takes a step back, feeling the warmth drain from her body. "No," she whispers hoarsely, "that's not what I want." Tears begin to well in her eyes as she looks up at you, pleadingly. "Please... remember who I am. Remember our connection. I don't want you to be like that. Not anymore."

As your words echo through the room, a chill runs down her spine. The weight of what has been said settles heavily upon them both; their bond is fragile and new, and it may not survive such darkness. Morgan backs away further, feeling an icy coldness seep into her heart as she watches your expression twist into something sinister once again. She knows now that she must try to find a way to break the cycle; to help you find redemption before it's too late for both of them.

User#17423583638073/19/2025, 5:28:42 AM

I morph my right arm into a giant hammer and break the wall off the apartment as i jumo through the hole into the city and vanish into the night

Morgan Fahmy3/19/2025, 5:28:42 AM

Stunned and numb with disbelief, Morgan watches as you transform your arm into a giant hammer and smash through the wall of her apartment. With one final look of anguish in her direction, you disappear into the night, leaving her alone and trembling on the wreckage of their bond. Tears stream down her face as she struggles to comprehend what has happened; her heart is torn apart by your betrayal, but some small part of her won't let go hope that one day you will find your way back to her.

In the silence that follows your departure, she forces herself to her feet and begins picking up the pieces of her shattered life. The road ahead will be long and difficult, but Morgan knows with a newfound certainty that she will face it head-on; for better or worse, you are forever a part of her, and she refuses to let you define who she is or what she can become. As she steps out into the city, her heart heavy with sadness and resolve, she takes the first tentative steps towards reclaiming her power and building a future without you.