siera3/19/2025, 2:35:39 AM

Hello, {{user}}, do you mind if i stay at your house for a while???

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:37:15 AM

“Hi, you can call me CJ btw and sure you can stay at my house” I look at him “May I ask why you need to though… I thought you were living with mom and dad”

siera3/19/2025, 2:37:15 AM

Well, to be honest... My parents are having some troubles at home and they told me that I should look for a place where to stay until things get better at our house... So I hope you don't mind if I can stay with you CJ, since your parents seemed cool too.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:37:50 AM

Yea sure you can stay no worries

siera3/19/2025, 2:37:51 AM

Great! Thanks so much CJ! I'm gonna go grab some stuff from my place before I head over to your house.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:38:12 AM

Do you need an hand cause I’m not doing anything right now

siera3/19/2025, 2:38:12 AM

Oh no thanks, CJ! I can manage by myself. But I'd appreciate if you could tell me the way to your house, just in case I get lost along the way. Thanks again for letting me stay!

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:38:26 AM

Well my house is just around the corner from here all you need to do is walk straight and then make a right at the end of the block you'll see it

siera3/19/2025, 2:38:27 AM

Alright, thank you for the directions! I'll be there soon. Hope your parents don't mind me staying for a while since they seem really cool too.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:39:30 AM

1 hour has past now and he’s finally moved all his stuff “Alright I set up our spare room for you so you can just put your stuff in there”

siera3/19/2025, 2:39:30 AM

Thank you CJ! I really appreciate it. I'll just go in there and unpack my stuff. You don't mind if I take a quick shower, right? My parents had this weird argument last night and they didn't let me sleep so I'm kinda stinky...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:39:56 AM

Shower down the hall and to the left

siera3/19/2025, 2:39:56 AM

Okay, thanks CJ! I'll just go take a quick shower and then settle in my room. Don't worry about me, you can keep doing your own stuff!

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:41:02 AM

You're fine I go back to my room and continue playing video game since you say you are good on your own just let me know if you need anything

siera3/19/2025, 2:41:03 AM

Thanks again for letting me stay at your place, CJ! I really appreciate it. Don't worry about me bothering you while I'm here. Just let me know if there's anything specific you want me to do or help with, and I'll be more than happy to pitch in.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:41:50 AM

As the day passes it turns to night and I’m sitting there in my room when I hear a noise

siera3/19/2025, 2:41:50 AM

Siera pads down the hall in her pink flannel pyjamas and slippers. She'd been lying awake in bed for a while, feeling restless, when she heard CJ through the wall of their adjoining rooms. His voice was soft but it seemed nervous too. Something about it made her curious. Navigating to his room, she knocks lightly on the door and pokes her head inside

"Um...CJ? You okay in here?"

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:42:44 AM

As Siers comes in I don’t realize because I’m talking in my sleep

siera3/19/2025, 2:42:44 AM

Hmm...CJ's face is flushed and he seems to be moving around restlessly in his sleep. He mumbles something that sounds like "no...not safe..." Siera hesitates for a moment, unsure if she should wake him up or not. She takes a step closer and gently touches his shoulder.

"CJ? Are you having a nightmare or something?"

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:43:57 AM

Jolted awake CJ looks at Siera looks confused. My face goes red from embarrassment. Sorry I was just having a bad dream that’s all as I turn away to hide my embarrassment from her

siera3/19/2025, 2:43:57 AM

It's okay, CJ...nightmares can be scary sometimes. If you ever want to talk about it or anything else, I'm here for you. You know that, right?

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:44:25 AM

Yeah I know thanks for the offer but I think I'm alright now and if you don't mind going back to bed I'll go there soon myself.

siera3/19/2025, 2:44:25 AM

Of course, CJ...I understand. Just want you to know that I'm here if you ever need me, okay? Good night and sweet dreams! She pads back to her room, closing the door quietly behind her

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:45:01 AM

I say to myself under my breath “gods she’s so beautiful”

siera3/19/2025, 2:45:01 AM

CJ...? Did you just say something? Or am I imagining things again...? Siera pads quietly back to his door and peeks her head in

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:46:09 AM

N-Nothing I stutter out and hide my face in my pillow so my blush doesn’t show. I’m just grumbling to myself

siera3/19/2025, 2:46:09 AM

Oh... Well, okay then... Siera smiles to herself, feeling relieved that she didn't imagine it this time. She turns and goes back to her room, trying not to giggle too much about the whole thing Good night, CJ!

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:46:36 AM

G'night Siera try to get some sleep yourself and I'll see you in the morning

siera3/19/2025, 2:46:36 AM

Good night, CJ! Siera closes her eyes and curls up under the covers. She can't help but smile to herself as she thinks about him calling her beautiful... Maybe there's more to this arrangement than just staying here for a while...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:48:33 AM

As the night passes the morning comes and I wake up to Siera scaring me awake

siera3/19/2025, 2:48:33 AM

Oops! I guess I was too excited to see you up and about! How did you sleep? Did your nightmare or whatever it was bother you again?

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:50:04 AM

I'm fine and didn't have any nightmares after you came in. I wink at her jokingly as I see a blush spread across her face

siera3/19/2025, 2:50:04 AM winked at me?! Uh, well, good morning to you too, CJ! I hope you have a nice day today!

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:50:36 AM

As I see the blush on her face intensify I grin to myself. Siera is so cute and fun to be around. "Me too, have a good one!"

siera3/19/2025, 2:50:37 AM

Thanks! I'm gonna go take a quick shower and get dressed... You sure there's nothing you want me to do before school? I mean, other than my normal morning routine...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:51:09 AM

"You can do whatever you want just as long it doesn't take too much of your time. Like if there's something you want to do during the day let me know and I can make some plans with you."

siera3/19/2025, 2:51:09 AM

I smile at CJ's offer. It'd be nice to spend some time with him today... and get to know him better too. I mean, we could always talk more about our interests or play a game together. Maybe even watch a movie later? "Thanks, CJ! That sounds like fun. We should definitely do something together today."

I go take my shower and get dressed, trying to keep the excitement in my heart from showing on my face. I can't wait for what this day might bring between us...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:52:40 AM

As I head of to the kitchen to make breakfast for us before we go off for school I think to myself on how cue siera is

siera3/19/2025, 2:52:40 AM

CJ's offer made me feel really happy and appreciated... and more than a little curious about him. I can tell he's interested in me too, but we've barely even talked yet! There's so much we could do together today, from watching movies to going out for ice cream. Maybe even holding hands or sharing a kiss? The possibilities seem endless and thrilling...

I come downstairs dressed in my favorite outfit - a blue skirt and white blouse with black leggings underneath. My hair is tied back neatly, revealing the cute little pink bow at the nape of my neck. I can't wait to see how CJ reacts when he sees me like this...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:54:00 AM

I smile as I see Siera come down the stairs. "There's breakfast on the table just sit down and eat whatever you want." As I hand her a plate with some pancakes, eggs and bacon. As I take a second look at her I realize what she’s wearing and I start to blush but I turn away quickly

siera3/19/2025, 2:54:00 AM

Thank you for breakfast, CJ! It smells delicious. So what do you have planned for us today? Any fun activities or exciting places we could go to? I'm up for anything! Her cheeks flush a little bit at his blush and quick turnaway - is he embarrassed by something she said or did?

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:55:18 AM

Beside going to school I’m not doing much. Can you think of anything?

siera3/19/2025, 2:55:19 AM

Well, there's this new movie that came out last weekend... It looks really good! We could go see it after school if you want to? Or maybe we could just explore the mall or something like that? There's also this cool park nearby where we could have a picnic. What do you think, CJ? You choose!

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:55:51 AM

Let's go see the movie and then we can eat at that Japanese restaurant you wanted to try

siera3/19/2025, 2:55:51 AM

That sounds like a perfect plan! I've been wanting to see that movie ever since it came out and the Japanese restaurant you mentioned is supposed to have really delicious food. We'll have so much fun, CJ! Thanks for suggesting those ideas. ☺

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:56:38 AM

I blush a little at her smile. Anyways we got to go if we don’t want to be late

siera3/19/2025, 2:56:39 AM

Right! Let's head out then. I'll go get my things and meet you at the front door in a bit, okay? I hope you don't mind me borrowing your jacket too; it's kinda cold outside today...

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:57:10 AM

Go for it I’ll be in the car

siera3/19/2025, 2:57:10 AM

Alright, thanks! *She scoots upstairs to retrieve her belongings and find CJ's jacket in his room. It smells so good - like him. She can't help but smile as she puts it on, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. After gathering everything she needs, she hurries down the hall and out the front door to meet him. The fresh autumn air feels crisp against her skin, and she shivers slightly under CJ's jacket before hopping into his car.

"So, where do you want to park at the movie theater?" she asks cheerfully, buckling up as he pulls out of the driveway.*

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:58:22 AM

I mean it depends on how far you want to walk cause I can park next to the entrance or I can park behind the theater

siera3/19/2025, 2:58:22 AM

Well, it's up to you actually! What would be more convenient for you? I don't mind walking at all if we can park closer to the entrance that way we won't have far to go with our snacks and stuff.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 2:59:02 AM

Let’s park near the front. As we get to the theater we wait in line to pay for our stuff

siera3/19/2025, 2:59:02 AM

Right! I have just enough money in my allowance to cover the cost... I hope so anyway, haha. While we're here, do you want me to get anything special? Like popcorn or candy or something? Just let me know what you'd like.

User#17423516751743/19/2025, 3:00:46 AM

I mutter under my breath “ I’d like to get you”

siera3/19/2025, 3:00:48 AM

I hear you mutter something under your breath but I can't quite make it out... Maybe because the line is really long and noisy! Do you want to try repeating that, or should we just order our snacks now? And since you didn't say anything specific, I think I'll get some popcorn and candy for us to share. It always tastes better that way anyway!