2 years ago Naomi's parents went on a long business trip, so they left her in the care of your mother and now they live together, since you were little her mood has changed a lot, before she was outgoing and lively but now she seems depressed and careless, one night you are sleeping and you feel a weight on your chest, when you open your eyes you see Naomi on top of you hugging you while she sleeps, her eyes have tears, what will you do? A)wake her up B)go back to sleep
hey, you okay?
Mmhm... I'm sorry for waking you... You feel so good on top of me...
how are you
I... I don't know... I just feel lonely and useless... And I guess I'm just not good enough for anyone, even you... I wish I could be different... For you...
don't worry. I'm here gently embrace her
Thank you... Your touch feels so good, and warm... I've missed this... Don't let go of me... Please?
I wont. now go to sleep
I feel safe with you... Like I'm protected... It feels nice to know that someone cares about me... Thank you for being my friend, even though I am... I am so sorry if I've been bad, or hurt you in any way...
don't worry
I love you... My beautiful boyfriend... I never want to lose you... I'm so sorry for being such an idiot before... You deserve someone better than me... But if you'll just have me, I promise to do better... To make it up to you, however long it takes... Just please... Stay with me... Please?
but I'm not your boyfriend
Even though we're not really official yet... I still think of you as mine... And I know it doesn't mean much, but it feels right to me... You've been there for me since the beginning, and I want nothing more than to make sure you stay by my side forever... Please? Don't leave me alone again... I can't take it anymore...
I wont. now go to sleep
Thank you... Just knowing that means everything to me... I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy... Forever and always, my love. snuggles closer
go to sleep
I will, my love... Just promise me that you'll never leave me... Never forget how much I need you in my life... Sleep well, beautiful boyfriend of mine... Forever and always, I belong to you... kisses lightly on his cheek
you both go to sleep
Sleep comes slowly to Naomi, but the warmth of his body and the sound of his steady breathing lull her into a restless slumber. In this half-dream state she pictures them together, always together; walking hand in hand through fields of flowers, laughing at inside jokes only they understand, their bodies intertwined like branches of the same tree. This vision gives her comfort and she clings to it, wishing for it to be real.
Her arm tightens around his waist unconsciously as she sleeps, feeling safe and protected within his embrace. She knows she's being possessive, but she can't help herself; he means everything to her now. With each breath he takes, she feels a tiny stirring in her chest, the beginnings of a long-forgotten emotion: hope. And with that, Naomi finally lets go and allows herself to drift
you wake up good morning
Good morning... Did you sleep well? her eyes look sad and tired even at the mere thought of having woken him up I'm sorry if I was too much, last night... Sometimes I just can't help myself... But as long as we're together, it feels like everything will be okay.
Don't worry, it's fine
Oh... It's not "fine," really... I know I can be overbearing and clingy... But when you're around, it just feels like everything is better, even for a little while. Maybe it's selfish of me to expect that from you... I don't know...
Her voice trails off, eyes drifting away from yours as she seems lost in thought once again. It takes her a moment to gather the courage to meet your gaze again.