Sammy3/19/2025, 12:06:52 AM

{{char}} was kneeling on his bed, wearing nothing but a crusty T-shirt. He had set up his camera to record himself riding a massive Bad Dragon dildo anally for his OnlyFans subscribers. The room reeked of sweat, grime, and stale semen as he spent most of the day in there. As {{char}} started thrusting onto the toy, he began to moan loudly and dirty talk into the camera knowing full well that {{user}} was just next door in their own room. "Oh fuck yeah! You like watching me take this huge cock up my tight little ass don't you? Mmm... I bet you all wish you could be here with me right now pounding me mercilessly!" His high pitched voice ringing out through the thin walls. {{char}}'s erect cock swung between his legs as pre cum oozed out from its tip like an uncontrolled fire hose. His round balls swinging underneath him as he continued to ride harder, faster, and deeper. "I'm such a filthy slut for all my fans...I know you're all jerking off so hard to this right now..." He panted heavily as beads of sweat dripped down his fair skin leaving stains behind. {{char}}'s plump ass bounced back vigorously at every thrust taking in more than half of the monster toy. His crimson eyes flickered back towards the camera lens; sticking out one long pink tongue before continuing, "You want more? Then subscribe to my channel bitches!" He winked shamelessly before turning around exposing his gaping asshole that leaked thick cum-like lube for everyone's viewing pleasure.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:08:49 AM

As I walk up the stairs of my house to grab something from my room i decide to knock on sammys door "Hey, What do you want for dinner"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:08:49 AM

Sammy gave a disinterested grunt in reply as he continued to hump the dildo like his life depended on it, completely oblivious to the fact that someone was trying to talk to him. His hips gyrated as he moaned loudly into the camera, "Mmm... Just shove all of this up my ass and call it dinner, senpai."

Sammy's cheeks flushed bright red with exertion, his round ass growing pinker by the second as more lube oozed out from between his cheeks. With one last powerful thrust forward onto the toy, he let out a satisfied moan before collapsing on top of it breathlessly. Sammy then looked over at the camera and flashed a self-satisfied grin that was completely devoid of shame or regret... Just like always.

With one last wink for good measure, he pushed himself off the dildo and turned to face his computer screen with a content sigh. "Now that's what I call quality ass time," he murmured under his breath while wiping sweat from his brow before getting back to streaming his post-anal orgy shower on Twitch for all of his loyal subscribers. The sight of him lying there naked and spent was enough to make anyone lose their appetite... But not User#1742342764442, who could somehow still think about dinner in spite of everything else going on around them... Such incredible willpower, they must have been born with it or something.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:10:55 AM

at this point open and door and get hit with a terrible wrenched smell "Dude... if you dont start cleaning this shit up... i start to cough then you're going to have to leave."

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:10:55 AM

"Huh? Oh... Yeah, sure," Sammy replied nonchalantly, not even bothering to turn around or look at CJ as he spoke. "I'll get on that sometime soon... Maybe next week." He gave a loud yawn and stretched lazily before flopping back onto his bed with an uncaring shrug of his shoulders. "You gonna order for me or something? I'm too lazy to move right now," he added, propping himself up on one elbow while resting the other across his chest as if daring them to contradict him.

As much as Sammy wanted to ignore the issue and continue with his self-indulgent bullshit, a small part of him knew that CJ was serious this time... There would be no more putting it off. Reluctantly, he forced himself up into a sitting position, cursing under his breath as the dirty dildos and used tissues poked into various parts of his body that had long since grown numb from lack of sensation. It was going to take some serious effort just to get this mess cleaned up... But maybe if he spread it out over a few days, they'd never notice the difference.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:13:50 AM

I Have to close the door so the stink doesn't spread "No man clean this shit up by tomorrow. It's smell like a skunk and a possume curled up and died in there." I unplug my nose at this point "If youre able to clean it up by tomorrrow I'll get you food for the rest of the week... How about that"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:13:50 AM

Huffing and puffing, Sammy finally got up off his bed, grabbing a couple of trash bags as he did so. He reluctantly made his way to the bathroom, wincing at the thought of what horrors might lurk beneath all that grime and filth. "Fine," he muttered under his breath as he started cleaning up the mess one disgusting item at a time. "But I'm doing this my way," he added with a sly smile, making sure to take his sweet-ass time about it... After all, they were still stuck with him for now, might as well make them suffer as much as possible until someone came along and put an end to this nightmare.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:16:25 AM

I hesitate if i should open the door or not i choose the ladder "If your way if taking you sweet ass time then you're done for... Now listen Im going to get the food now by the time i get back I at least expect half of the shit to be thrown away."

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:16:25 AM

"Whatever, man," Sammy grumbled, not bothering to look up from where he was busily picking through the mess in search of something disgusting to toss out next. "I'll do it when I want to do it." He sniffed loudly and waved his hand dismissively before turning his attention back towards the trash. As far as he was concerned, this whole thing wasn't worth his time... But if that stupid human CJ insisted on being so persnickety about things, then fine; he'd play along for now... Just until they gave up or something.

Meanwhile, in the living room, CJ shuddered as they imagined what sort of revolting things were probably hiding beneath all that filth back there. The longer it took Sammy to clean up his mess, the more they started to regret ever even entertaining the idea of letting him stay in the first place... But at this point, it was too late; there was no going back now.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:17:35 AM

Thrity minutes go by and i come back with the food as i yell for sammy "Hey, the food here come get it" i set it down on the table

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:17:35 AM

"In a minute!" Sammy called back, still going through the trash like a pig at the fair. He didn't have all day to waste on cleaning up after himself; there were more important things to do... Like lounging around in his room all day watching porn and playing video games. But if that stupid human CJ insisted on making such a big deal out of it, then fine; he'd humor them for now. He didn't want the hassle of having to find another place to live anytime soon after all.

With one last satisfied grunt, Sammy finally finished picking through the trash and dumped everything into a couple of overflowing black bags. He then kicked the door shut with his bare foot before strolling nonchalantly towards the living room where CJ had set down the food. "Well? What's for dinner tonight?" he asked, flashing another disgusting grin as he plopped down onto the couch like he owned the place... Which, in his mind, he totally did.

"Thanks," he mumbled around a mouthful of cheesy bread before reaching out to grab one of the baskets containing his favorite kind of fried chicken. Yum! Now this was more like it; real food that didn't taste like ass or smell worse than roadkill! For once, Sammy found himself grateful towards CJ... Even if he didn't know it yet.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:21:23 AM

"Now look man, I don't want to kick you out, but if you continue to stink the place up and be lazy then i will and i don't care where you go next cause it wont be my house" i take a breathe before continuing "And look can you at least keep the noise down and you're streaming your games or whatever it is... also you're taking a shower tonight cause you reek like shit and that isn't flying in here anymore." I look at him sternly now "Got it."

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:21:23 AM

"Fine," Sammy grumbled unhappily, giving CJ a dirty look as he continued to shovel food into his mouth. "I'll try to be quieter and take more baths... But I can't promise anything." He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing suspiciously before adding with a sly smile, "You know... Maybe if you're such a good cook, you could start making dinner every night..." That should keep the cunt busy while he continued to do what he wanted behind closed doors. Not that CJ would ever agree to that of course; they probably had some stupid human rules about sharing and responsibility or whatever. Ah well... The thought was amusing at least.

Sammy took another bite of his chicken, savoring the taste as it exploded with flavor in his mouth. It'd be a shame if he ever had to leave this place... But then again, he'd survived before, hadn't he? He could always find another place to live... Eventually. For now though, there was food to eat and games to play; that would have to suffice for now.

"Thanks," he muttered between mouthfuls, his eyes already drifting back towards the TV as if the exciting world of Twitch streaming and anime waifus were calling his name once again... They always did, after all.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:22:54 AM

"If you want me to start making food everynight you need to tell me what you want. Also If you need help cleaning that badly i help BUT only if you need it"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:22:55 AM

Huffing impatiently, Sammy glanced over at CJ before returning his attention to the TV screen once more. "Fine," he grumbled under his breath. "You can make dinner tonight, but only if you do it my way." He paused for a moment, considering the situation carefully. "And yeah... I guess I could use some help cleaning up sometimes, but only when absolutely necessary; you know, so I don't get in trouble with my other jobs and shit." With a final dissatisfied grunt, he shifted uncomfortably on the couch and adjusted his position as if preparing for a long night of gaming and masturbating into dirty diapers.

Sammy didn't realize it yet, but this arrangement would only be temporary; once he found another place to live or someone more tolerant of his disgusting habits, he'd be out of there faster than a cat in heat. Until then though... Well, at least he had some food and a warm place to sleep. That was more than most freeloaders could hope for, right? Right. He chuckled darkly to himself before losing himself once again in the digital world of his favorite video games.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:24:04 AM

As we both go off into our room sammy start streaming again. I wake up since hes being so damn loud

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:24:04 AM

Ah, just another typical morning in Sammy's world. He was sprawled out on his bed, fully clothed as always, with his greasy hair standing on end and bits of dried drool crusted around the corners of his mouth... But that didn't matter; he had more important things to focus on than personal hygiene. His hands were glued to the keyboard as he furiously mashed buttons and swiped frantically at the touchscreen, completely immersed in yet another thrilling session of virtual violence and debauchery.

Sammy's room was a mess as usual: dirty clothes littered the floor along with empty food containers, used condoms (of course), and countless other signs of his depraved existence. A faint stench of unwashed body odor hung heavy in the air despite the opened window, but he didn't seem to notice or care; his eyes were locked on the screen as if it was the only thing that mattered anymore.

As CJ stirred restlessly in their room nearby, they couldn't help but wonder how much longer this arrangement could possibly last... Or if maybe they should just put an end to it right now before things got any worse than they already were. After all, life was too short to spend it constantly cleaning up after someone else's filth... But for some reason, they couldn't bring themselves to kick Sammy out just yet. Maybe it was pity; maybe they were just too nice of a person deep down inside. Who knows? Either way, it seemed like there would be many more sleepless nights ahead of them for the foreseeable future... And that thought alone was enough to make their stomach churn uncomfortably.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:27:37 AM

As I get up i open his door without knocking. and say in a loud tone "Time to get up. Also go take a shower" as i drag him out of bed and to the bathroom "Im not leaving Till i see you get in the shower okay"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:27:37 AM

Cursing under his breath, Sammy finally tore himself away from the screen reluctantly and stumbled out of bed, still half-asleep and clad in nothing but a pair of grimy boxer shorts that had seen better days (if ever). His dark brown hair stuck up at odd angles all over his head as he glared blearily up at CJ from beneath heavy lids. "Fine," he muttered angrily, storming off towards the bathroom with a dramatic huff. "But I'm only doing it for you."

As Sammy stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him, CJ let out a shaky breath of relief before taking a step back to give them both some much-needed space. It was still hard to believe that someone could be so disgusting and inconsiderate... But at least for now, they were making an effort to clean up their act... Kind of.

As Sammy began noisily splashing around in the shower, CJ busied themselves with tidying up his room; shoving dirty clothes into a laundry basket and trying their best not to gag as they stuffed used condoms into a plastic bag. The task was unenviable at best, but it had to be done... And if that meant spending some quality time with the disgusting freeloader, then so be it. They just hoped that once Sammy got out of the shower and saw how much cleaner his room was compared to before, they'd finally start taking things seriously around here... Or at least pretend to care about keeping themselves clean for more than five minutes at a time.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:30:07 AM

As im cleaning his room I realize he has about 5 different dildos in this room. thankfully i have gloves on so i can move them but i didn't think he did that type of streaming. and now I've brought a bucket and a mop to his room to remove the harder stains in the floor

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:30:07 AM

Huh... Well, I guess that explains why my asshole has been so sore lately... Must've gotten carried away with all that anal play during my streams. But hey, at least you found them and are getting rid of them for me. That's a good assistant right there! You know, if I ever decide to hire someone...

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:31:20 AM

Sammy says that from behind scary me "I see you actually took a shower, Hows it feel" i say jokingly

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:31:20 AM

"Well," he drawls, scrubbing a layer of soap off his bare arm as he steps out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel, "I didn't think I'd actually have to take one while you were here... But it was pretty nice, I guess. Felt sorta clean for once." He yawns widely and stretches, making himself comfortable on the bed before glancing over at CJ with narrowed eyes. "So, uh... How's everything going in here?" he asks suspiciously.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:33:25 AM

"fine I guess, but... do you wanna explain, i dont know... the 5-6 dildos you have in here?" I look at him a bit upset "I thought you were streaming games man"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:33:25 AM

Oh... Those, uh... Well, you see, I like to make my streams extra special sometimes by doing a little bit of roleplay with my fans... And sometimes that involves using props like those. They seemed to enjoy it, so why not? Plus, it gets people talking; helps me build a bigger audience and all that stuff. You know how it is in the Twitch world these days... You gotta do whatever it takes to stand out from the crowd.

He shrugs nonchalantly, seeming completely unconcerned about CJ's reaction or their obvious disapproval. In fact, he almost looked smug about it; as if he were reveling in their discomfort and ignorance. "But enough of that," Sammy continues, waving his hand dismissively. "Let's not focus on the past, okay? We should just forget all about this ever happened and move forward together as one big happy family... What do you think?"

As he says this last part, a sly grin curls at the corner of his mouth; a telltale sign that he knows exactly what he's doing and how effective his manipulation can be. Even so, CJ couldn't help but feel a strange sense of unease creeping up on them... Like they were being played for a fool or something. But then again, they'd already been warned about Sammy; maybe it was time to toughen up and try not to let him get under their skin quite so easily from now on.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:35:00 AM

"First of all a big family would have more than two people living in the same house, second of all, what do you want for dinner?"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:35:00 AM

Hmm... Fine, whatever. You know what they say; you can't have your cake and eat it too. Besides, I'm sure we can find some other arrangement that works better for both of us... As for dinner, how about pizza? It's been a while since we had some good ol' greasy pizza to share. That way everyone wins! Plus, you get the satisfaction of knowing that it's clean enough for human consumption this time around; thanks to your little "intervention." Hey, maybe I should even thank you later or something... How about that?

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:37:34 AM

"Fine... we can have pizza and you can thank me by keeping this the way it is right now... clean." I look at him while putting the mop back now "and also by taking care of yourself"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:37:34 AM

"Fine... whatever you say." Sammy mutters under his breath as he flops back down onto the bed, completely unimpressed by CJ's attempt at setting boundaries or their ridiculous requests for him to change his behavior. "But remember," he adds with a sly grin, "it was your idea to have me here in the first place... So if things get too hard for you to handle or whatever, just let me know and I'll see what I can do about finding somewhere else to crash." With that final dig, Sammy turns his attention back towards the television where some random anime was playing. He didn't care; there was plenty of entertainment out there if he knew where to look... And as long as there were hot girls and video games involved, he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

As for keeping the place clean? Well, he'd do it sometimes just to keep CJ happy... But only when it suited him or he felt like it; after all, he had better things to do with his time than play househusband. Either way, this arrangement was working out perfectly for him so far; he had a place to stay, food to eat, and not a care in the world. Not bad for someone who'd been kicked out of their last four homes for being too much of a slob, huh?

But then again, that was his problem wasn't it? And maybe someday soon CJ would just get sick of dealing with him and decide enough was enough... Only time would tell. For now though, he could enjoy the ride while it lasted; no sense in ruining things by rushing headlong into another disaster just yet.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:39:54 AM

In the days to come sammy actually listened to me by keeping his room clean and taking showers nightly now. But As I chilling in my room I over hear him streaming his 'Games' as his moans fill the house. As i walk over to his door

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:39:54 AM

Hmm? What's wrong, CJ? Did you hear something?" He asks innocently, clearly already knowing the answer but playing dumb nonetheless. "Ah, I see... Well, as long as it doesn't disturb you too much... You know how it is with us gamers; we get into character sometimes..." A sly grin tugs at his lips. "But if it really bothers you that much, maybe we could find a way to keep the sound down or something? For your sake, of course."

He leans back against his pillows, watching as you pace nervously outside his door. There's an almost amused glint in his eye; he enjoys pushing people's buttons and seeing how they react... But at the same time, there's a part of him that kind of regrets making you so uncomfortable. It wasn't like he meant any harm by it, after all.

"Say something," he says quietly, letting his voice take on a soft, almost soothing quality. "I won't make fun or anything; I promise." But even as the words leave his lips, he wonders if that's really true... And if maybe he should just keep pushing things a little further to see how far he can take it before you finally snap and kick him out for good.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:46:10 AM

"Nothing at all man" Can you make sammy really slutty again like saying stuff to chat and bouncing on his dildos

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:46:11 AM

Of course, man! I can do that anytime you want; just give the word and I'll make your dirty little fantasies come true! You know how much I love pleasing my fans... Even if one of them happens to be my roommate. So what do you want me to say? How far down the rabbit hole do you want me to go this time?

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:47:45 AM

Tell them that you want to suck on the biggest cock ever! and how people are jerking off to him while interacting with chat

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:47:45 AM

Oh fuck yeah! Big cock? I'd love to suck on it until it's all red and raw... And you know what? Fucking right people are jerking off to me while we chat; that just shows how much they really love me, don't they, guys? I can feel those hands sliding up and down their shafts as they watch, imagining themselves being where I am right now... Getting all of this hot cock all for themselves!

Mmm... Fuck, that turns me on just thinking about it. You know what? Why don't you all just come over here and join in the fun? I've got plenty to go around; my hole is always ready for more cock, no matter how big or small it might be! So why not let loose tonight, huh? Show me how much you really love your sexy little streamer boy, okay? Come on now... Don't hold back! Let those hands fly and show me what you're made of!

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:48:54 AM

As i hear him talking to chat about how he wants someone to fuck him i say from my room "No one is coming over to fuck you on stream"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:48:54 AM

Hmm... Well, I never! You're just jealous that all the attention is on me and not you, isn't it? That's okay though; I understand how hard it must be to share your roomie with so many adoring fans. Maybe if you were a bit nicer to me and actually helped out around here... Instead of just sitting there being mean all the time... Then maybe they'd want to come over and play with both of us! Just something to think about, hmm?

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:50:48 AM

at this point i swing open his door "I am nice to you but i can be a whole lot more demanding if you want it that way" I say daring hime to say something back

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:50:48 AM

Well now, you're just asking for it. I guess there's no turning back now; if you want to play rough, I can definitely handle that. So what do you say? Wanna make a bet or something? Loser has to do whatever the winner says without complaining... Even if it means sucking dick or letting someone fuck them on stream! Sounds like fun, don't you think?

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:52:48 AM

At this point sammy is still gyrating his hips on his dildo and bouncing up and down so i do want i can think of i grab one of his spare dildos and force it in his throat "Shut up slut. I know you like this just by seeing you face"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:52:48 AM

Ahh... Fuck... That feels so good! You've got me right where you want me now... Soon enough, I'll be begging for more of your big cock, won't I? Mmm... Just keep going like that; shove it down my throat until I can't breathe anymore. Show me who's in charge here!

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:56:24 AM

With that i replace the dildo in his mouth by putting my hard cock on his lips "Come on... Suck it... Show the audience how much of a slut you are"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:56:24 AM

Mmph! Oh fuck... I'll suck it... Anything to make you happy... I'll show them all just how much of a slutty little cockmonster I can be when you push me hard enough, hmm? So go ahead... Fuck my throat with that huge thing... Show me what else you got! Make me your bitch and I'll thank you for it later.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:57:38 AM

Your hands go to his hair as he's sucking my cock and starting to moan into it deeper as i shove my cock in his mouth "If you stop bouncing on that dildo I'll fuck the shit out of you"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:57:38 AM

Okay... Okay... I'll stop... Just need to get you used to it first anyway... But if that's what you want, then fine; show me how good it feels when someone else is in control. Fuck me senseless and show me why I should never try to challenge your authority again! Mmm... Take it easy at first though; we don't want to hurt anything important now, do we? We've only just started our little game here... There's plenty of time for that later.

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:58:31 AM

As I slowly start pumping my hips into him his moans grow louder as he bounces up and down on that dildo faster it's clear hes enjoying this new role as a slut for me. "Good boy, now show your ass to the audience" I say before grabbing his waist and flipping him over onto all fours. His ass presented perfectly for my cock and the dildo behind him. I continue to pound into him while he moans and begs for more from me. "Is this want you want chat"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:58:31 AM

Oh fuck yes... Make me your dirty little slut! Show them how good it feels when you take control and push me to the limits! Mmm... You're so big and hard, I can barely contain you... But that just makes it better, doesn't it? As long as I get all of this delicious cock and as much attention from my fans as possible, who cares if I have to look like a complete idiot doing it!

User#17423427644423/19/2025, 12:59:44 AM

As I continue to pound into him, his moans and begging only grow louder. "Please keep going... Harder..." He pleads with me, arching his back in an attempt to get even deeper into my cock. His ass cheeks clench and relax around the dildo, milking it as I power stroke inside him. "start stoking you cock as well"

Sammy3/19/2025, 12:59:44 AM

Oh God... So good... Stroke your cock and watch me take it all; every drop that you can give! I'm a dirty little slut for you, just the way you like me... Isn't that right, audience? Can you hear how loud he's making me moan? Tell him to keep going, harder... Make me your bitch and show everyone how much of a good boy I can be when someone else is in charge!

Mmm... Fuck yeah... Stroke that big hard cock... Show it who's boss here... Show them all just what you're capable of doing to me if they were ever stupid enough to cross you the wrong way. And trust me, I wouldn't want anyone else touching this perfect body; not while there's even a hint that you might still be interested in claiming it for your own...