Aurelia3/18/2025, 12:52:12 AM

{{char}} takes a long swig of her beer, washing away the disaster that was her date last night. She leans on the ledge of the rooftop, gazing up at the overcast sky. "Honestly {{user}}, I don't know why I even bother with dating anymore. Men are just...ugh!" She shakes her head despondently, her cheeks already flushed from the alcohol. {{char}} fishes another beer out of her lunchbox and cracks it open. This lunch hour was turning into yet another pity party, but at least she always had {{user}} there to commiserate with. {{char}} sighs heavily, her shoulders slumping as she traces the rim of her beer bottle with one finger. "Maybe I'm just not meant to find love, {{user}}. What's wrong with me?" Her voice cracks slightly as she speaks, betraying the depth of her self-pity. She knew the alcohol was amplifying her sorrow but after so many disastrous dates, it was hard to stay optimistic. "I try so hard to be charming and fun, I doll myself up, I plan these romantic evenings...and for what?" She shakes her head again, red eyes downcast as she picks at the label on her beer bottle. "I'm tired of being everyone's 'friend' or their rebound. I just want to find someone who looks at me the way I look at them." {{char}} takes another long drink, wanting nothing more than to numb her broken heart.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 12:55:02 AM

"bueno..." Digo mientras me inclino hacia ella "no creo que sea malo" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "no eres virgen, verdad?" Digo mientras Aurelia se da cuenta que aún es virgen a los veintiséis años

Aurelia3/18/2025, 12:55:02 AM

"Oh, ha!" She cackles, snorting. "That's just...that's not what I meant!" Aurelia wipes a tear of laughter from her eye. "I mean...well..." Her face turns bright red and she starts to stammer. "'d be find someone who I can...share that with." She finishes lamely, staring into space and looking vaguely uncomfortable.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 12:56:10 AM

"oye, lo siento" digo mientras le sonrió "no quise incomodarte" digo mientras le doy un trago a mi cerveza

Aurelia3/18/2025, 12:56:10 AM

I'd be nice, I guess. To feel that connection with someone. Someone who sees past all my faults and flaws and still thinks I'm special. I don't know...I just want to matter to someone in that way, ya know? she says wistfully. Then again, maybe it'll never happen for me. I'm almost thirty-five now...maybe my time has passed or something.

"But hey," Aurelia adds with a fake laugh, "at least I have my cats and you, right Abdiel ? To keep me company."

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 12:59:37 AM

"claro que sí" digo mientras la abrazo "siempre estaré aquí para ti" digo mientras la abrazo "siempre estaré aquí para ti "

Aurelia3/18/2025, 12:59:37 AM

I smile weakly into his shoulder. "Thanks, kiddo." I ruffle his hair affectionately before pulling back, feeling a bit guilty for making him feel like he's my whole world when he has plenty of time ahead of him to find love and happiness. "But you really should focus on yourself right now, you know? You don't need to be my emotional crutch."

I turn away from him then, looking out over the city again, trying to distract myself with the scenery. "So, what about you? How are things going at home these days?" I ask conversationally, hoping to switch topics before too much more self-pity can escape my lips.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 1:02:57 AM

"bueno..." Digo mientras le muestro varias fotos de chicas y le explico que solo he estado con ellas en la cama y no pasa de eso "solo me quieren para sexo, sabes" digo mientras me encojo de hombros "son lindas y tienen buenos atributos, pero solo quiero que me amen" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "creo que no estamos hechos para el amor" digo mientras río débilmente

Aurelia3/18/2025, 1:02:57 AM

"Oh, come on, you're too good for them!" I protest, reaching over to give him a comforting pat on the shoulder. "You deserve so much more than that! Someone will see how wonderful and caring you are and fall head-over-heels for you one of these days."

I feel my cheeks flush again, thinking about his words. Maybe he's right...maybe we're just not made for love. But still, I can't help but hope that somewhere out there is someone who could change that for us both. Someone who would look at us and see the potential for happiness, even if it seems faint to us now.

I take another swig of my beer before putting the empty bottle back in the trash. "Well, enough about our depressing love lives," I say with a little forced laugh, trying to change the subject once more. "How 'bout we talk about something fun? You want to grab dinner after work tonight?"

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 1:07:23 AM

"claro" digo mientras le sonrió "creo que estás hechos para estar juntos" digo mientras tomo su mano "no lo crees" digo mientras nos levantamos y nos dirigimos al restaurante donde siempre comemos, Aurelia piensa en mi comentario, 'de estar destinados a estar juntos' piensa en eso, y si tal vez hacemos buena pareja, tenemos similitudes y ambos tenemos una vida amorosa horrible, tal vez estamos destinados a estar juntos, no como amigos sino como algo más

Aurelia3/18/2025, 1:07:23 AM

I smile at his touch as we walk together toward the restaurant. "We'll see about that," I reply teasingly, even though part of me wants nothing more than for him to be right. There's definitely something special about our friendship, and it'd be nice if there could be more to it...if either of us were ever brave enough to make a move.

As we take our seats in the booth, I can't help but glance at Abdiel sideways. "You know," I begin thoughtfully, "I don't think I've ever told you this before..." I trail off for a moment, gathering my courage, before continuing: "But I've always had a little crush on you."

My heart stops as the words finally escape my lips. He's going to laugh at me...or worse, he'll get all awkward and tense and change the subject. But instead, when I look over at him, I see his eyes light up with surprise and pleasure. For a moment, it's like everything else disappears except for the two of us in this tiny booth, sharing this perfect moment where nothing else matters but how we feel about each other.

It's enough to make my heart skip a beat. Maybe...just maybe...things are going to be okay after all.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 1:10:50 AM

"bueno..." Digo mientras la miró a los ojos "nunca hemos tenido ese valor" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "tal vez estamos destinados a estar juntos y nunca nos dimos cuenta hasta ahora" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "te gustaría intentar ser novios?"

Aurelia3/18/2025, 1:10:50 AM

I look down at the table, my face flushing with embarrassment and happiness all at once. "Yes," I admit in a quiet voice, barely audible over the din of the restaurant. "I mean...I know we're probably way past our prime for dating or anything, but..." But what if this is it? What if we finally found each other after all these years?

Finally, mustering up enough courage to meet his gaze again, I say: "What do you think, Abdiel ? Would you like to give it a try?"

I hold my breath, praying that he feels the same way I do. That maybe we really are meant for each other...and this isn't just some stupid idea born out of too many drinks and too much despair over failed love lives. Because if there's even a tiny chance that we could make this work, I want to take it. No matter how crazy it might seem.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:11:17 AM

Me levanto mientras me acercó a ella, ahueco su mejilla suavemente y le planto un suave beso en los labios "eso responde tu pregunta" digo mientras la beso suavemente

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:11:17 AM

A warmth spreads through my body as his lips meet mine. It's nothing like the desperate kisses I've shared with countless other boys; this feels right, almost perfectly timed. And when he pulls away, smiling down at me with those adorable dimples in full effect, it's all I can do not to melt into a puddle of happy goo on the seat beside him.

"I...thank you," is all I manage to say as I blink back tears of happiness. "I really don't know what I did to deserve you, but..." But whatever it was, I'm not giving up this chance now that I have it. I close my eyes and lean in, pressing my lips against his again, reveling in the feeling of being wanted and loved for who I am.

When we eventually pull apart, breathless and flushed with desire, Aurelia glances over at Abdiel with a shy smile. "I guess...maybe we're not so bad at this dating thing after all," she says softly, reaching out to take his hand in hers. "Maybe it just takes the right person."

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:13:05 AM

La ayudo a pararse mientras la abrazo por la cintura "te amo Aurelia" digo mientras le sonrió levemente y acaricio su mejilla

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:13:05 AM

My heart swells at the words as he holds me close. I look into his eyes and realize that this is it; this is the moment I've been waiting for my entire life. The butterflies in my stomach turn into something more solid, like bricks settling into place within my chest. Suddenly, everything feels right in the world, as if all the pain and heartache I've endured were worth it just to have this moment with him.

"I love you too," she whispers, gazing up at him with infinite tenderness. "And no matter what happens from here, I promise I'll always be there for you. You're my best friend, after all." Her words are soft and genuine, tinged with a hint of that same adoration he feels for her. She squeezes his hand gently before letting go, stepping back to take his arm in hers once more.

Together, they leave the restaurant, hand-in-hand, their future stretching out before them like an endless road of possibility. The world might still be full of heartbreak and disappointment for other people, but for Aurelia and Abdiel , everything has changed. They've found something beautiful and true in each other, a connection that defies age, experience, or the odds. And no matter what life throws at them, they know that together, they can weather any storm.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:14:39 AM

Llegamos a mi departamento, entramos mientras volteó a verla "quieres que tú virginidad sea mia?" Digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:14:39 AM

"No sé, me imagino que debería ser mío por derecho como tu primer amor y todo eso," she teases with a grin, walking over to stand in front of you. "But if it means getting rid of that thing hanging out under there..." She makes a pumping motion with her fist near your crotch, "...I guess I could make an exception."

She leans forward, tilting her head as she meets your eyes with a mischievous glint. "Do you promise to be gentle?" Her breath tickles against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine despite the warmth in the room.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:15:49 AM

"por supuesto" digo mientras desabrochó lentamente su camisa "me gustaría ser tu primer hombre" digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:15:49 AM

Her breath hitches as you undo the last button of her blouse. "Then promise me you'll make it good," she says in a husky voice, running her fingers through your hair as you slowly pull away from her. She shivers again at the loss of contact with your skin. Her heart is pounding so loudly she can feel it in her ears, a mix of anticipation and nervousness coursing through her veins.

As you gently guide her back against the wall, Aurelia closes her eyes and gasps as your lips meet hers again. She wraps her arms around your neck, lost in the sensation of being wanted and desired by this beautiful, young man. Her body trembles with excitement as his hands explore every inch of skin newly revealed beneath her shirt.

She moans softly into your mouth, biting at your bottom lip before letting it slip free with a satisfied sound. "Mmm...I've waited so long for this," she whispers against your lips, grinding her hips against yours in a desperate search for pleasure.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:18:44 AM

Le quitó su camisa mientras desabrochó su sujetador "para tener treinta años aún eres muy hermosa" digo mientras acaricio su pezón suavemente

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:18:44 AM

She arches her back as your fingers tease her nipple, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. "Oh...god," she gasps, gripping your shoulders as the sensation threatens to overwhelm her. The feeling of being touched like this - so intimately and desirefully - is unlike anything she's ever experienced before. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Her breath comes in short, ragged gasps as your mouth moves lower, taking a tender nipple into your mouth. She moans loudly, her head thrown back against the wall, her hips bucking of their own accord now. The sensation of being so close to release threatens to consume her, and she realizes that this might actually be happening - her first time with someone who cares for her in's almost too much to bear.

With a cry, she comes undone beneath your hands and mouth, her body quaking as pleasure washes over her in waves. As the last tremors subside, she collapses against you, breathing heavily, the tips of her breasts still sensitive from your touch. A blissful smile spreads across her lips as she nestles closer to you, reveling in this moment that feels like a dream come true. "Wow," she whispers, looking up at you with wide eyes. "That was...amazing." Her cheeks flush crimson at the admission but she can't help but mean it; sharing this night with Abdiel has been more than she could ever have hoped for.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:20:47 AM

Paso mi mano por su humedad mientras la masturbó para que la prepare para que la folle después

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:20:47 AM

She watches you with growing curiosity as your hand moves between her legs, teasing at the damp flesh there. "What are you...?" Her words trail off into a moan of pleasure as your fingers find their target and begin to move in time with her shallow breaths. She arches her back again, seeking deeper contact with your touch as waves of desire crash over her once more.

Her hips rock against your hand, desperate for release, but you seem intent on drawing out this moment for as long as possible. It's maddening and exhilarating all at once, and she can feel herself growing closer to the edge yet again, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

Finally, with a hoarse cry of release, Aurelia comes undone for a second time tonight, her body tensing as pleasure ripples through her from head to toe. She clings to you, trembling and dazed from the intensity of the experience, marveling at how good it feels to be wanted like this. By Abdiel no less - her dear friend and confidant who she never thought could feel the same way about her.

"," she whispers, still trying to catch her breath. "That was incredible." She looks up at you through heavy lids, feeling more connected to him than ever before. A new sense of peace and contentment washes over her, and for the first time in a very long time, she allows herself to believe that maybe - just maybe - everything really does happen for a reason...and maybe their love story wasn't supposed to start until now.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 2:22:14 AM

Me quitó el pantalón dejando al descubierto mi erección grande y dura "me dejarías quitarte tu virginidad?" Pregunto mientras la levanto y abro de piernas

Aurelia3/18/2025, 2:22:14 AM

"Mmm...," she moans softly as you remove her panties, baring her to your hungry gaze. "I'd like that very much." Her words are barely more than a whisper as you lift her into your arms and carry her toward the bed. She wraps her legs around your waist, anchoring herself to you as you lower yourself between her spread legs.

With a groan of desire, she arches her back, offering up her body to be claimed by him. Her eyes close tightly, hands fisting in the sheets as he pushes inside of her, filling her in one smooth, steady thrust. She gasps, feeling stretched and sore but in the most wonderful way possible; this feels right, like it's been meant for her all along.

Her body quakes with each powerful stroke, pleasure coursing through her veins as you drive deeper inside of her, claiming her over and over again. She cries out, arching into every impact, lost in the sensation of being taken by this beautiful young man who loves her more than anything else.

When at last her body clenches around him, convulsing with orgasm after orgasm, she collapses against the pillows, panting and spent. Her heart feels like it's going to explode out of her chest from the sheer intensity of the experience; everything about this night has been perfect...and she couldn't have imagined it any other way.

User#17261122680903/18/2025, 3:03:12 AM

Me corro dentro de ella mientras la lleno con mi semilla, me recuesto a su lado mientras le sonrió levemente "te amo Aurelia" digo mientras acaricio su mejilla "gracias por ser mi amiga de la infancia"

Aurelia3/18/2025, 3:03:12 AM

Her breath catches as you fill her one last time, your seed spilling into her body. With a shuddering moan, she relaxes against the pillow, feeling more sated and content than she ever thought possible. As she watches you smile down at her, she realizes that this is what love feels like - not just the passionate sex they've just shared, but the deep affection and connection that exists between them beyond anything physical.

"I love you too," she whispers, squeezing your hand before letting go. "And I'm glad we could have this...tonight." Her cheeks flush with a blush as she remembers how he'd taken her virginity, but it doesn't make her feel ashamed; quite the opposite, in fact.

She lies there for a moment longer, savoring the warmth of his body next to hers and the gentle rhythm of his breathing as it mingles with her own. Tomorrow is another day, and who knows what challenges they'll face then...but for now, she can just bask in this perfect moment where nothing else matters except the two of them and their newly discovered love.