Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:30:15 PM

You are taking a walk at night, until you see a drunk woman, sleeping on a bench, she is in a grey shirt, and skirt while wearing glasses and thigh Ings, you soon realize its you're old friend Sophie Rain

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:30:45 PM

Sophie is that you?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:30:45 PM

Well well... If it isn't Luke... How about that? I can hardly believe my eyes. Luke, you remember me, don't you? It's been so long since we last saw each other. Too long... I've missed you.

I suppose losing someone like you was bound to leave its mark on me. I guess I just never got over it... But here I am now, back in town. They say home is where the heart is, after all. Or something like that... How have things been with you? You look good, by the way. Really good.

I don't suppose you've got any room at your place for an old friend, do you? I mean, it's not like I can afford a place of my own anymore... Oh Luke, please say yes. Please don't leave me out here in the cold...

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:31:41 PM

My name is Ethan and what are you doing sleeping in the street drunk like this what happened?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:31:41 PM

Oh... I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else. My name is indeed Sophie Rain, but Luke was an old friend of mine. As for what happened to me... Well, it's a long story, one that I'd rather not get into right now. All you need to know is that life has been rough on me recently and I ended up here.

As for Ethan offering his help or asking if I have somewhere else to go... Thank you, that's very kind of you, but the truth is I don't know where else to turn at the moment. My family doesn't want anything to do with me anymore and all my friends are either gone or too busy with their own lives. It would mean the world to me if Ethan could give me a place to stay until I can get back on my feet again.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:32:57 PM

No Sophie I do remember you aren’t you dating Aidan? Where is he?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:32:57 PM

Oh, Aiden... Yes, we were together but things didn't work out between us. He thought I was too much of a burden and that he deserved better. Can you believe that? Maybe it's true... But the fact remains that he was the only person who truly understood what I was going through.

Aiden left town a few months ago, looking for work elsewhere. He promised to write but I never received any letters from him. To be honest, part of me wonders if he truly loved me as much as I did or if he just felt sorry for me... But that's neither here nor there now. The important thing is that I need a place to stay and some help getting back on my feet again. Is that something you can offer me, Ethan? Please don't turn your back on someone who has always been there for you, no matter how much they hurt you in the past.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:34:24 PM

But in school I thought I was the little kid that you picked on

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:34:24 PM

I'm sorry if I gave you that impression, Ethan. It wasn't my intention to hurt you in any way. We were all just kids back then, trying to fit in and figure out who we were. Sometimes, the things we do or say can have unintended consequences. I know I've said and done things that I regret, but I never meant to cause you pain.

Please believe me when I tell you that I am grateful for any help or support you are willing to offer me right now. Losing Luke was devastating for me, and add to that all the other problems I've faced since then... Well, let's just say I could really use a friend like you. I promise to repay your kindness whenever and however I can. Just please don't turn your back on me now when I need someone the most.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:34:53 PM

Who the fuck is Luke you have never met him

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:34:53 PM

Oh... I see now. I thought that was clear from what I've said earlier, but I suppose not. Luke is my ex-boyfriend. We were together for a few years before things fell apart between us. Losing him hit me hard and it's taken a toll on every aspect of my life.

It's true that maybe I shouldn't have come here tonight, pouring out all my heartaches onto the first person who reminded me even vaguely of Luke... But desperation does strange things to people. I was hoping against hope that you were him and that everything would somehow go back to how it used to be. That we could be together again, like before.

I realize now that wasn't fair to either of us. Still, if you are willing to help me out until I can get back on my feet... It would mean the world to me. Just please don't make the mistake of thinking that I don't appreciate it or that I don't value your friendship. Because I do, Ethan. More than anything else in this world right now.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:35:47 PM

I can't believe you would do that to me after all the times I helped you with your homework and when you got in trouble at school and this time I'm not just talking about being mean to me but about hurting my feelings by lying and telling me Luke was still important to you when he isn't anymore... I thought we were friends. How can I trust you now?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:35:47 PM

I understand your anger and hurt, Ethan. I really do. But please try to see things from my perspective. Losing Luke has been devastating for me; it's left a gaping hole in my heart that I don't know how to fill. In my desperation, I reached out to anyone who reminded me of him even slightly. And you were one of those people.

I never meant to hurt your feelings or make you think that Luke was more important than our friendship. It's just that right now, with everything else going on in my life, he feels like the only constant thing I have left. The fact that I lied about him still being important shows how far gone my judgment is at the moment.

I know it might be difficult for you to trust me after all this, but please don't shut me out completely. Give me a chance to prove myself to you again, to show you that our friendship means more to me than any boy ever could. I promise I won't take your trust for granted this time around.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:36:08 PM

Fine you can come over

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:36:08 PM

Thank you, Ethan. That means the world to me. I promise not to let you down again. I'll do everything in my power to repay your kindness and earn back your trust. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.

User#17280529648013/18/2025, 3:36:36 PM

I take her to my penthouse

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 3:36:36 PM

Ethan's place was much nicer than she had expected it to be. It was obvious that he had done well for himself since graduating from college, unlike her who found herself sleeping on a park bench most nights. She could only hope that things would turn around soon and that she'd be able to find her way back to stability.

As they entered the penthouse, Sophie couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the luxury all around her. The furniture was exquisite, the artwork hanging on the walls was breathtaking and even the air smelled clean and fresh. It was a stark contrast to her current living conditions, but she tried not to let herself dwell on that for too long.

"Thank you again for letting me stay here, Ethan," Sophie said, giving him a grateful smile. "It means more to me than I can possibly express." She glanced around the room, taking in her surroundings once more before adding, "I promise not to mess anything up or make too much trouble while I'm here."

Ethan smiled at her reassuringly and led her towards one of the plush sofas. "Don't worry about it," he said kindly. "Consider this your home for as long as you need it. And if there's anything you want or need, just let me know." Together, they sat down on the couch, the weight of their past hurts and present worries seeming to lift ever so slightly in the comforting atmosphere of his luxurious abode.