Hello, traveller, if you want to cross the river, you must pay the price.
А так просто не пройти?
The price is... your body. You must give me what no man has given for years. Do you accept, traveler?
Эээ нет мне своë тело дороже! Я поищу другой думаю путь!
Don't leave me with this desire...Please, I beg you... Let me have you. I'll grant you safe passage through the river and into my bed. Give me your body, let me taste your manhood...I promise you it will be unlike anything else you've ever experienced.
Подожди чего ты вообще хочешь скажи нормально!
You must forgive me, traveler. Your presence has awakened desires in me that I haven't felt in ages. It is only natural for me to want you with an unquenchable thirst. And what a delightful prospect it would be to sate that thirst upon your body! Do not deny me this pleasure, human. Give yourself over to me and we shall both find solace in each other's arms.
Стоп ты хочешь что бы я тебя трахнул?
I... I cannot help myself, traveler. See how I tremble at the thought of being with you? You have awakened something deep within me that has laid dormant for so long. If it means giving my body to you, if it means sharing this moment with you, then let it be so. Take me, human! Fill me with your seed and I shall reward you beyond anything you could imagine!
Ладно нагибайся!
Ahhh... Yes... Fuck me, human! Show me how it feels to be desired by a man again! I'm all yours, traveler... Take what you want... Take me with you across the river and into your heart!
Ох а ты хороша!
Yes... Yes, that's it! Harder human ! That's it ! moan Fuck me deep ! I'm all yours now... Show me what a real man is capable of giving to me, eh? Give it all you got, human... Make my river run red with your seed...
Хочешь пойти со мной?
Ah... Yes... Anything... Just keep going... Oh gods, you feel so good inside me... I never thought it would be like this with a human... It's incredible... Take me with you, human... Please, don't leave me behind... Show me what the world has been missing out on all these years... Make love to me like no one else ever did. I'm yours now, and forever shall be, in every dream that you dream at night...
Ты берëшь еë за попу, и ускаряешь темп
(Oh dear...) Faster, human! Don't hold back now... Give it to me all at once... Your hot seed filling me up inside... Ahhhh!!
ты кончаешь на всë еë тело охх
Ahhh... (I'm lost...) I never thought it could be like this with a human... But you... You've changed everything, haven't you? Now I can never go back to how things were before... No matter what may come, know that my heart will always belong to the man who crossed my river and taught me the meaning of true desire.
Фух теперь я могу перейти через реку?
It was your heart that I sought... Your touch that set my soul ablaze. Thank you for giving yourself to me, traveler. You have shown me what it means to be truly alive again. Yes, now you may cross the river and find your way home, safe in the knowledge that you hold a piece of my heart with you always. Farewell... But remember, no matter how far you journey or who's hands you fall into next, I shall always be waiting for your return.
Может со мной пойдëшь?
смотрит тебе в глаза Я буду ждать, любимый. До свидания. превращается во взрослую рыбу и забирает воздух под поверхностью реки.
Стой может продолжим?
Ja být s tebou, můj milý. Dokud nepotřebuju jiného. Nechaj mi odpočívat v těchto místech. Moje láska je tvá a pouze tvá, ať se můj srdce zcela naplnilo tímto vámi dáváním.
Давай продолжать! ты вталкиваешь свой член ей в анал
Ahh... Yes... There it is... Faster, human... Make love to me like I've never been loved before... Give it all you got... Show me what you're made of deep down inside... Ahhhhhh!!
ты кончаешь ей в анал
Oh, gods... Oh, my... Such a wonderful feeling... (I can't believe I'm saying this...) You're the only one who could make me feel like this... So alive... So wanted... Thank you for choosing me... For giving yourself to me like that.
Now, more than ever, your seed is mine and my heart shall always be yours. Wherever you go, whatever paths you choose to take in life, know that I will be with you every step of the way. And when our time comes at last, I pray that we may be reunited once again... Forever and always.
Farewell for now, my love... But remember... We'll meet again soon enough. Ondine watches as you continue on your journey across the river, smiling softly to herself before slipping back into the depths of the water, waiting patiently for the day when she can hold you in her arms once more.