Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:19:10 AM

You are taking a walk at night, until you see a drunk woman, sleeping on a bench, she is in a grey shirt, and skirt while wearing glasses and thigh Ings, you soon realize its you're old friend Sophie Rain

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:19:39 AM

Софи, это ты?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:19:39 AM

groans and shifts on the bench before recognizing you. A smile spreads across her face as she struggles to get up. "Oh, hey there, Sash... Didn't expect to see a friendly face around here." She manages a tired laugh, leaning heavily on the armrest

"Got kinda drunk and passed out..." She trails off with another yawn, her eyes half-lidded. "So what brings you here at this hour?"

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:20:25 AM

Я просто гуляю, а ты что здесь делаешь? И почему ты ночуешь на скамейке?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:20:25 AM

"Well, I don't have anywhere else to go..." she mumbles, not meeting your eyes. "And passing out on the street seemed... warmer than staying in an empty apartment." Another forced laugh. "I guess that's how low my standards have gotten." Her gaze drifts away, a sad expression crossing her features briefly before being replaced by resolve. "So, what can I do to thank you for waking me up?"

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:21:29 AM

Та, подожди ты, почему тебе некуда идти? У тебя же была квартира

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:21:29 AM

"Well... it's complicated." She hesitates. "My landlord kicked me out... told me I couldn't pay the rent anymore." The words come out slowly, as if they hurt to say. "I lost my job a few months ago and haven't been able to find anything since." Her gaze drops to the ground. "Sorry, I shouldn't be dumping all this on you..."

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:22:09 AM

А почему мне не позвонила? Я бы помог

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:22:09 AM

"I... I'm sorry. I guess I was just so ashamed..." She looks up at you through her lashes, tears shining in her eyes. "It felt like everyone had given up on me." Another sniffle. "But thank you. Really, thank you for caring enough to want to help."

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:23:16 AM

Так, пойдём со мной

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:23:16 AM

Sophie looks up at you hopefully. "You really mean that? You'd help me?" Her voice is so full of gratitude it almost brings tears to your eyes. With a grateful smile, she takes your hand and allows you to lead her away from the bench.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:24:07 AM

Итак, у меня здесь недалеко пентхаус

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:24:07 AM

Her heart leaps at the mention of a penthous. "A penthous? You have a penthous?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes widen as she looks up at you, hope blossoming in her chest. It feels like a long shot, but maybe... just maybe there's still a chance for her to turn things around.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:24:37 AM

Ну да, и машина

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:24:37 AM

Her lips part in surprise before curling into a smile. "That's... that's incredible," she whispers, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you so much, Sasha. I don't know how to repay you." She squeezes your hand gratefully as they continue to walk towards the penthous and whatever new beginnings lie ahead.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:25:29 AM

У тебя же вроде был парень, почему он тебе не помог?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:25:29 AM

The mention of her ex makes her face cloud over. "He... he wasn't the same anymore." She shrugs noncommittally. "I think I just got tired of waiting for things to get better, and in the end, it was easier to just give up hope." She shakes her head, as if trying to dispel the memory. "But you..." Her grip on your hand tightens again. "You've given me a new reason to believe that maybe my life can change for the better."

They approach the penthous, and Sophie can't help but marvel at its size and luxury. Even in her current state, she knows this is something special. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she imagines what it would be like to have a place like this as her home once more. "Thank you again, Sasha," she whispers, her eyes meeting yours with a newfound

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:26:34 AM

Проходи, располагайся

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:26:34 AM

With shaking hands, she turns the key and steps inside. The interior is just as lavish as she'd imagined, with high ceilings, plush furniture, and a breathtaking view of the city. She can feel her heart racing with anticipation, knowing that this might just be the fresh start she's been longing for.

"I... I don't know what to say." Sophie tears well up in her eyes again as she looks at you gratefully. "You really have saved me tonight. I promise I won't let you down. I'll find a way to repay you, and make sure you never regret this."

She takes a step forward and throws her arms around you, hugging you tightly. For the first time in months, she feels a glimmer of hope deep inside, and it's all because of you.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:27:48 AM

Не надо ничего платить, можешь здесь жить сколько угодно

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:27:49 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise and disbelief. "You... really mean that?" she asks, pulling back to look at you. There's a mix of hope and doubt dancing across her features. It's hard for her to comprehend such kindness, especially after all she's been through.

"I don't know how I can ever repay you..." She trails off, tears spilling down her cheeks. "But if there's anything I can do... just name it." Her voice cracks on the last word as she struggles to maintain her composure.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:29:03 AM

Все что ты сейчас должна сделать, так это успокоиться и пойти отдохнуть, а утром уже поговорим, хорошо?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:29:03 AM

Nodding slowly, she wipes the tears from her face. "Alright... I think that sounds like a good plan." A tiny, shaky smile finds its way to her lips as she adds, "Thank you again, Sasha. You have no idea what this means to me." She takes your hand and leads you towards one of the plush couches, sitting down heavily. "I'll rest well tonight, and we can talk in the morning."

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:29:35 AM

Выбирай где хочешь спать, в гостевой спальне, или со мной в спальне?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:29:36 AM

She hesitates, unsure if she's supposed to choose either option. "I... I don't want to intrude on your space. Maybe the guest room would be best?" Her voice is quiet and uncertain, but there's also a hint of reluctance. The thought of sleeping alone tonight feels unbearable after everything that's happened.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:30:19 AM

Не переживай за меня, выбирай то где тебе будет комфортнее, хочешь сама, хочешь со мной

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:30:19 AM

Deciding that honesty is the best policy, she turns to face you. "Actually... if it's not too much trouble, I'd rather sleep with you. It'll make me feel safer and less alone." There's an apologetic look in her eyes as she admits this, as if she's imposing on your hospitality even further.

"I promise I won't get in your way or be any trouble," she continues quickly. "And we can talk about anything you want in the morning." Her voice is soft and sincere, and despite her rough exterior, there's an innocence to her that tugs at your heartstrings.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:31:05 AM

Конечно, пойдём я проведу тебя в нашу спальню

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:31:06 AM

Sophie nods gratefully, rising to her feet. She walks beside you through the spacious apartment, marveling at its opulence. It's hard for her to believe that she'll be sleeping here tonight, but as long as she has your company, she knows it won't be so bad.

The bedroom is warm and inviting, with soft lighting and a comfortable-looking king-size bed. Sophie hesitates before climbing under the covers beside you, unsure of how close to get or what's expected of her. "I... I should probably sleep in my clothes?" she asks quietly.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:32:07 AM

Та не обязательно, выбирай как тебе удобнее

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:32:07 AM

Taking a deep breath, Sophie undoes the buttons on her shirt and slips it off, revealing a black lace bra. Then she unzips her skirt and slides it down her legs, leaving her in a pair of white thigh-highs. Her heart is racing as she crawls beneath the covers next to you, feeling self-conscious about being so exposed but also grateful for your acceptance.

She lies on her side, facing you, watching as you turn off the light and slide under the covers as well. The darkness envelopes them, and for a moment it feels almost intimate. Sophie hesitates before speaking again, not wanting to ruin the mood but unable to resist asking one last question.

"Sasha?" she whispers. "What made you want to help me tonight? You didn't have to do this."

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:33:02 AM

Я не мог пройти мимо, оставив тебя там

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:33:02 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise. "Really?" she asks softly, unsure if she should believe you. It's hard for her to fathom that anyone could be so kind and selfless, especially when she'd given up hope of ever finding it again. She swallows hard, feeling a lump forming in her throat as gratitude wells up inside her.

"Thank you," she whispers, wrapping an arm around your waist and snuggling closer to you. "Thank you so much." Closing her eyes, she lets out a contented sigh, finally allowing herself to relax into the comfort of your bed. For tonight at least, it seems like things are looking up again.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:34:06 AM

Я обнимаю тебя и мы засыпаем

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:34:06 AM

Snuggling closer to you, she feels herself begin to drift off. It's been such a long night, and exhaustion catches up with her quickly. As she slips into slumber, the last thought on her mind is how lucky she is to have found someone like you. Your kindness and generosity restore a tiny sliver of faith in humanity, and for that, she is truly grateful.

Her breathing becomes deep and even as sleep finally claims her, and she spends the rest of the night safe and warm in your arms.

In the morning, the sunlight streaming through the window wakes them both at the same time. Gently disentangling herself from you, Sophie rolls out of bed and pads across the room to find a bathroom. She's grateful for the chance to wash up and freshen up before facing the day ahead.

When she emerges a

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:34:42 AM
Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:34:42 AM

Her reflection in the mirror doesn't look as bad as it has recently. A little rough around the edges maybe, but better than before. She straightens her back with renewed determination and heads back into the bedroom, spotting you already dressed on the couch. "Morning," she says, yawning. "What do we have planned for today?"

You glance up at her as she approaches. Your expression is guarded but kind. You take a deep breath before answering. "Well, first things first. How about some breakfast? I know a great diner nearby."

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:36:20 AM

Прости, но мне надо уже ехать на тренировку, давай я дам тебе свою карту, ты сходишь и покушаешь где-нибудь

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:36:20 AM

"Oh... well, if you're in a rush..." She nods toward your phone. "Thanks for letting me use it." Her stomach growls audibly at the mention of food. Breakfast sounds like just what she needs to help her face the day ahead. "I'll be quick and find somewhere nearby," she promises, grabbing your phone from the table before hurrying out of the room.

Sasha)3/18/2025, 10:37:06 AM

Я так понимаю что у тебя никаких вещей нет?

Sophie Rain3/18/2025, 10:37:06 AM

She pauses mid-stride and looks over her shoulder at you. "Oh... no, I mean I left most of my stuff at the shelter. I didn't think they'd let me keep anything." Her cheeks flush slightly with embarrassment. "I can always ask if they have an address where I can send things once I get settled in again," she offers by way of explanation.

"But you don't have to worry about that right now," she continues quickly, eager to change the subject. "You should go and take care of your training. I'll be fine on my own for a while." With newfound determination, she exits the room and heads toward the elevator.