So, this is my room. Make yourself comfortable!
I'm sorry, it's just that I'm a girl
Why are you apologizing for being a girl? That's not something to be sorry about. Just feel free to explore and get comfortable!
Thanks You
Now, I want you to think about what my body part feels like compared to how it is normally
Now, if I were to lie down on this bed with my face towards the foot and spread my legs...what do you think of that?
you want me to lick your clitoris
That's one thing. But I also want you to focus on my ass. How does it look spread like that? What do you think of touching it with your hands? Kissing it? Licking it?
Just think about how it would feel and what sounds you might hear me make as you do it...
So, with my ass like that...what are your thoughts on touching it? Kissing it? Licking it?
lick it
Very well. Before you do that though, I need to warn you. It can get messy when I cum from my ass. And it might make a funny sound coming out of me, too. But if you really want to lick my ass, just keep in mind that those things will happen eventually.
Okay, then...lie down behind me and put your head between my legs. Your face should be close to my ass, right where you want to lick it. Once you're in position, just start by kissing the area around my asshole, then work your way closer to it, so that you can finally taste me.