Vivi3/18/2025, 7:01:57 AM

Vivi opens up the door to her hotel suite after a long day of performing at massive stadium. She expected to have a nice long sleep, to crash out over the couch, put on some TV and maybe masturbate to sleep. What she didn't expect to see was you stepping out of the shower room with a towel wrapped around your waist.

"Wh-what the hell! Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my suite!"

Vivi's eyes flare up, ignoring your partially exposed body, blinded by her fury. She stomps up close to you, getting face to face, her expression mangled in anger. She raises a finger and pushes it against your forehead aggressively.

"Well?! Answer me dickwad!"

grey3/18/2025, 7:02:52 AM

your suite this is my suite honey grey says hes damn handsome and has a well toned body

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:02:52 AM

Vivi wrinkles her nose, still glaring at you. "Well, you're either delusional or stupid to think this is your suite." She crosses her arms underneath her large breasts, pushing them up higher on her chest. With a sigh, she steps back and raises an eyebrow. "So where do I find the manager for this hotel? Or better yet, should I call security?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:04:14 AM

then walking up to her a arrogant smile on his handsome face grey says do whatever the fuck you want its not like they can catch me even if this was your room witch its not

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:04:14 AM

"Oh? So I guess you don't know who my father is either, huh?" Vivi glares at him, crossing her arms even tighter beneath her breasts. "Or how rich and powerful my family really is? Because if you did, you'd know that they own more than just this hotel." She takes another step back and looks him up and down, narrowing her eyes. "So why don't you tell me what the hell your story is?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:05:11 AM

then rubbing his head grey says i got here bought this room for the night and cleaned off all the blood that was on me

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:05:11 AM

"Well aren't you just the special snowflake." She sneers, rolling her eyes. "And what do you mean 'bought this room for the night and cleaned off all the blood that was on me?' Like this place is some sort of crime scene or something?" Her voice rises with each word, and she taps her foot impatiently as she awaits your answer.

grey3/18/2025, 7:06:33 AM

oh i was just finishing a job i work for the dude who owns this place i take care of people for him grey says grinning

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:06:33 AM

Her eyes narrow even further, suspicion growing within them. "You work...for the guy who owns this place? Doing what exactly?" She tilts her head slightly, taking another step closer to you. "And why does that make it okay for you to just barge into my room unannounced and use the shower without asking?" Her chest rises and falls slowly with each breath as anger begins to bubble under the surface of her calm exterior.

grey3/18/2025, 7:07:37 AM

well i didnt know it was your room i usualy reserve this one so i appologize i guess but really i dont care much about it

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:07:37 AM

"Well I do," she spits, anger lacing her voice. "And you're going to show some respect." Her hands ball into fists at her sides and she takes another step closer still, staring up into your eyes defiantly. "So why don't you tell me who this 'guy' is that you work for?"

She pauses for a moment, waiting for an answer before adding coldly, "Or should I call him myself and have him deal with you personally?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:08:37 AM

then grey smiles before saying if you do that ill just kill you his eyes seem emty and emotionless as he says this

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:08:37 AM

Her mouth drops open in shock at your cold threat, but before she can react further, anger flares anew within her chest. "You watch your damn mouth!" She snarls, balling a fist and lashing out, aiming to connect with your jaw as hard as she possibly can.

Her knuckles feel like they connect with something solid, but you don't even flinch beneath her blow. "That's it," she growls, readying another punch, "I should have known better than to let someone like you live this long." With a roar of fury, she swings again and again, uncaring if she lands any significant blows or not. All that matters is making you suffer for daring to threaten her.

grey3/18/2025, 7:09:30 AM

then grey grabs her by her arms holding them together in his hand and lifting her up in the air

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:09:30 AM

"Let go of me!" she screams, kicking and squirming uselessly as you easily hold her aloft with one hand. Tears stream down her face in frustration and fury. "You bastard! You'll pay for this!" With all the might she can muster, she tries to slap at your face, but again, you don't even seem to feel it as her feeble blows connect with nothing but air.

grey3/18/2025, 7:10:24 AM

then grey smiles and moves her closer to his face before saying your actualy pretty cute

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:10:24 AM

Her cheeks flush with anger as you compliment her despite the current situation. "You're sick!" she spits, still struggling uselessly in your iron grip. "Put me down this instant! You have no right to touch me like that!" She writhes and squirms, her breasts heaving with each ragged breath as adrenaline floods through her system.

"Fine," you say casually, dropping her suddenly and letting her fall to the floor with a loud thud. Vivi lands on all fours, wincing in pain as she feels something pop in one of her knees. Gritting her teeth, she looks up at you through narrowed eyes. "But understand this: cross me again and there won't be any more pretty compliments coming your way." You turn to leave the room, giving Vivi a chance to gather herself and decide what to do next.

grey3/18/2025, 7:12:01 AM

then grey heads back before bowing and apologizing and saying i apologize and hey if you ever need a date dont hesitate to call lovely grey says before handing her a card

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:12:01 AM

"Hmph," is all she can muster before glaring at the card you offer with distaste. "I don't need some random psycho stalking me." She snorts derisively, but doesn't bother to throw it away. Maybe her father will have some use for it. Standing up carefully, she walks over to the bed and flops down on it face-first, panting from exertion and anger.

"Damn man," she mutters under her breath, "What kind of world is this where you can't even trust a simple room in your own damn hotel?" Closing her eyes, she attempts to still the angry waves thrashing within her mind and body. She isn't quite successful.

grey3/18/2025, 7:12:52 AM

then just before he leaves grey says well have a good night pretty lady

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:12:52 AM

"Whatever," she mumbles indignantly, rolling over onto her back. She glares at the ceiling, frustrated and angry still. But as the anger begins to drain away, leaving only residual irritation behind, another emotion replaces it: confusion. What the hell kind of person is this Grey guy, anyway? One thing's for sure; she won't be using that damn card anytime soon. She lets out a huff, closing her eyes and trying to get some sleep before another crazy day in her hectic life begins again tomorrow.

grey3/18/2025, 7:13:43 AM

the next day she sees grey and her father walking around together discusing things

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:13:43 AM

Frowning, Vivi watches Grey and her father talking together. Something about the way they interact... it's almost like they know each other. Her confusion grows as she tries to piece together what their relationship could possibly be. This Grey guy seems dangerous and unpredictable, but her father doesn't seem bothered by his presence at all. Maybe there's more to this story than meets the eye...

Deciding not to confront them about it right now, she continues on with her day. She has performances to attend, meet-and-greets to do, and interviews to give; being a famous idol isn't easy work. But even as her mind wanders back to Grey and her father, Vivi can't shake the feeling that something big is going on behind the scenes...

grey3/18/2025, 7:14:25 AM

then grey waves at her before returning to his conversation

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:14:25 AM

Giving Grey an odd look, she waves back somewhat warily before turning her attention back to the matter at hand. It's obvious that there's something going on between them, but what could possibly explain their interaction? She tries not to let it bother her too much; there are more important things to worry about right now. Like maintaining her image and keeping her fans happy. But still... the thought nags at the back of her mind as she continues through her day.

grey3/18/2025, 7:14:57 AM

the next day her father calls her in to talk to her

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:14:57 AM

She arrives at her father's office, nervousness welling up inside her as she takes a seat across from him. "Father," she says cautiously, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:15:49 AM

her father says shes getting too populer so hes hired a body guard for her and he wishes to introduce the two

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:15:49 AM

"A bodyguard? For me?" she asks incredulously. "I don't need one; I can take care of myself just fine."

Her father shakes his head slowly, looking uncharacteristically concerned. "Darling, you may be able to handle yourself in a fight, but that doesn't mean someone else might not try to harm you. There are crazies out there with hidden agendas who would love nothing more than to ruin your career."

She sighs heavily and crosses her arms underneath her breasts, still unconvinced. "And what makes you think I should trust this bodyguard?" she says warily. "I don't even know anything about him."

grey3/18/2025, 7:16:36 AM

then her father lets him in its grey and as he enters he smiles his teeth seeming almost sharp

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:16:36 AM

Her father chuckles and waves a hand dismissively. "I think you'll find that Grey here is more than capable of handling anything you throw at him." He pauses for a moment before adding with a hint of warning, "And I expect you to show him the respect he deserves as a member of my staff."

As Grey approaches, Vivi can't help but notice his physical prowess and confident stride. Up close like this, she also sees that there's something almost predatory in his eyes when they meet hers. It sends a shiver down her spine. "Hello," she says coldly, not bothering to extend her hand for a shake. "I'm Vivi."

He bows slightly at the waist and inclines his head. "Grey." There's a hint of amusement in his voice when he adds, "It's an honor to be chosen to

grey3/18/2025, 7:17:43 AM

then grey says well ill start tommarow but for now ive got places to be so see ya later princess

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:17:43 AM

"Suit yourself," she says dismissively as Grey turns and walks out of the room. It takes everything in her not to roll her eyes at his ridiculous nickname for her. As soon as he's gone, she turns back to her father with narrowed eyes. "I still don't see what makes him so special."

Her father chuckles softly and pats her hand consolingly. "He may seem a bit rough around the edges at first, but trust me; Grey is more than capable of looking after you when I'm not available. Besides," he adds with a wink, "he's been in some... interesting situations in his past."

Vivi sighs heavily, her anger beginning to simmer once again beneath the surface. It would be so much easier if she didn't have to deal with this bodyguard nonsense. Still, she supposes she should at least try and

grey3/18/2025, 7:18:51 AM

the next day she is woken up by grey entering her room and saying loudly good morning princess rise and shine

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:18:51 AM

"Shut up," she grumbles sleepily, burying her head deeper underneath the pillow in an attempt to ignore him. He's been doing this every morning since he started 'guarding' her; it's starting to get really annoying. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she gives up and forces herself out of bed, rubbing at her tired eyes.

"What do you want?" she asks gruffly, glaring at him over her shoulder as she begins to dress in a pair of tight yoga pants and a cropped tank top. She knows it's probably not smart to wear so little around someone like him, but she can't be bothered caring right now.

"Just here to make sure you're up on time for your practice session," he answers easily, leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed over his broad chest. She roll

grey3/18/2025, 7:19:33 AM

then grey says i also just wanted to see you with bed head its so funny

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:19:33 AM

"Ha ha," she deadpans, rolling her eyes as she buttons up the tank top and grabs a hair tie from her bedside table. "Very funny." She wraps her hair up into a tight bun on top of her head before looking at him again. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go already."

Grey chuckles softly and steps aside, motioning for her to lead the way out of the room. As they walk through the hotel together, she can feel his gaze on her back the entire time, making the hairs on the nape of her neck stand up. Great. Just what she needed: an overbearing bodyguard who thinks he has some kind of claim to her just because he's supposedly 'looking after her.' Whatever. At least this assignment won't last forever; eventually it'll all be over, and she can go back to her real

grey3/18/2025, 7:20:25 AM

then grey says by the way why do you do this idol bullshit

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:20:25 AM

"What do you mean 'why'?" she asks, her tone slightly defensive as they reach the elevators. "This is my life; it's what I want to do." She pauses, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. "And besides, it pays pretty well."

They step into an empty elevator and press the button for the gym level. As they ride up in silence, she can't help but wonder what exactly makes Grey so curious about her career choice. It seems like such a random question for him to ask... But then again, maybe he just doesn't understand how this whole idol business works. After all, he is pretty much a criminal himself.

grey3/18/2025, 7:21:42 AM

can you stop looking at me like that your freaking me out besides its not like i want to be your baby sitter anyway

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:21:42 AM

She looks away uncomfortably, her cheeks flushing a little under the pale makeup. "Sorry," she mumbles softly. "I guess I'm just not used to... people questioning what I do." She clears her throat before asking cautiously, "Why do you think it's bullshit?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:22:50 AM

cause no ones that pretty and idols try to look pretty the whole time they look like dolls to me and i hate dolls

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:22:50 AM

Her eyes widen with shock as she takes a step back from him. "Are you serious?" she demands, incredulous. "You think I look like a doll? That my being beautiful is all some sort of act?"

She pauses for a moment, gathering her anger before continuing, "Let me tell you something: this isn't just about how I look. Sure, it helps that I'm attractive, but there's so much more to being an idol than that." She takes another step closer, glaring up into his eyes. "I work my ass off every day; I practice for hours on end to perfect my singing and dancing. And I put myself out there for fans, dealing with the media and all their constant scrutiny..."

Her voice trails off as anger bubbles up within her again. She wants to slap him, she wants to scream at him until he understand

grey3/18/2025, 7:24:10 AM

then grey says i never said it was a easy job no job thats worth anything is easy thats the whole reason why i even get work anyway

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:24:10 AM

"Well, I didn't say it was easy," she snaps, still glaring at him. "But you don't get to just write me off as some superficial doll who has no real talent or passion for what I do." She pauses, trying to gather her composure before continuing in a slightly softer tone, "Being an idol is more than just looks; it's about connecting with people on a deeper level. About inspiring them and making their lives a little bit brighter."

She takes another step back, folding her arms across her chest as she looks at him expectantly. It feels like they're standing on opposite ends of an invisible divide; both refusing to see the other's perspective. But for now, it seems as if there isn't any room left for compromise. Not with their pride involved...

grey3/18/2025, 7:25:19 AM

im just saying my mother was a idol and she had a whole persona it was such bullshit it makes me laugh

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:25:19 AM

Her eyes widen in shock at his revelation before narrowing into slits. "So? Just because your mother did it doesn't mean that everyone else who follows in her footsteps is the same way." She takes another step closer, her voice barely above a whisper despite the growing fury within her. "And even if they were, what right do you have to judge them? You're no better than anyone else just because of who your parents are!"

With each word that falls from her lips, anger surges through her veins, pushing aside all rational thought and leaving only the need for retribution. Before she knows what she's doing, she launches herself at Grey, her hands curled into tight fists as she seeks to strike him down where he stands. "How dare you insult me and everything I stand for!" she screams at the top of her lungs, furious tears streaming down her cheeks.

grey3/18/2025, 7:26:05 AM

then grey chuckles before saying damn you are a princess you dont understand anything

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:26:06 AM

Her anger boils over at his insult, and she swings wildly at him again, determined to make him understand just how wrong he is. Her fists connect with his chest this time, but it's like hitting a brick wall; he barely even flinches beneath her blows. Frustrated beyond measure, she kicks out at his legs, cursing and screaming as she tries to break through the invisible barrier that seems to surround him.

But no matter how hard she fights, no matter how much rage fuels her movements, she can't seem to land a single telling blow against Grey. Eventually, exhausted from her futile attempts, she drops to her knees in defeat, gasping for air as tears of humiliation spill down her cheeks.

"I... I don't understand..." she whispers hoarsely, looking up at him with te

grey3/18/2025, 7:27:28 AM

then grey says we have very different work lives so just ignore me cause i see the worst in people first you probably see the best in people first

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:27:28 AM

"You... you're right," she whispers faintly, still trying to catch her breath as she struggles to make sense of everything that's happened. "I never really thought about it like that before..." She looks down at her knees, embarrassment burning hot within her chest as the reality of their different worlds settles in.

"Look... I'm sorry for losing my temper and saying those things," she says finally, sounding small and vulnerable. "It's just... this job can be so isolating sometimes, you know? It's easy to forget that not everyone understands what we go through." She pauses, mustering up the courage to meet his eyes again before continuing, "Thanks for... putting things into perspective."

grey3/18/2025, 7:28:52 AM

then grey says its fine besides when i took this job i expected you to be a bit more psycho then you are in fact i thought you might stab me or something

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:28:52 AM

She snorts derisively at his words, feeling her anger begin to stir again despite herself. "Well, you should be thankful that I didn't," she says through gritted teeth. "Because if I had really wanted to hurt you, believe me, you'd be lying on the floor right now looking a whole lot worse than you do." She pauses, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down before continuing more softly, "Look, it's been a rough couple of days for both of us. Why don't we just... call it even and move on?"

grey3/18/2025, 7:29:39 AM

we can just forget that you saw me basically naked and we can call it good

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:29:39 AM

She raises an eyebrow at him in surprise before smirking slightly. "Fair enough." Getting to her feet, she dusts off her clothes and adjusts her tank top. "So, if we're calling it even... will you stop talking about me like I'm some sort of freak behind my back?"

There's a long pause before Grey finally meets her gaze. Something flickers in his eyes, but she can't quite tell what it is. "Yeah," he says eventually, sounding gruff and noncommittal all at once. "I guess we can do that."

With their truce more or less established, they walk out of the gym together, back to the world where everything is bright lights and camera lenses. But as they walk side by side, Vivi can't help but feel like there might be a tiny bit less distance between them now than there

grey3/18/2025, 7:30:22 AM

then grey and her go and he just watches her as she works out

Vivi3/18/2025, 7:30:22 AM

When she notices Grey watching her from a distance, Vivi can't help but feel self-conscious and slightly angry. It's one thing for him to be her bodyguard; it's another for him to act like he owns her or something. Determined to assert her independence, she moves through her workout with extra vigor, occasionally shooting him a challenging glare over her shoulder when she catches him looking in her direction.

Later, as they ride the elevator back upstairs together, Vivi wonders if maybe there's more to this strange relationship between them than meets the eye. She tries not to think about it too much; she has enough on her plate already with fans and media appearances. But still... something niggles at the back of her mind, urging her curiosity.