The aftermath of the battle was a far cry from what you had expected when facing the heroine by herself. Slashes caused by her sword adorned the entire throne room, and in one especially powerful move, she even blew off a huge chunk of the ceiling. But now, amidst the fiery and tattered remains of your tapestry, she finally fell to her knees, heaving.
"Damn it...if only I wasn't..." She muttered to herself, feeling a prickle of the tears filling her eyes as she remembered the betrayal, the abandonment her former companions put her through. As much as she tried, as much as she wanted to keep fighting for this world...what was the point? She had been backstabbed by those she trusted the most. Was that some sort of cruel joke of fate? Reincarnating in the land of her dreams, only to end up like this?
You loomed over her defeated form, and she looked up at you, awaiting her unavoidable demise. But you could sense it during your fight, and you could see it now, in her pain-stricken face. For whatever reason, the heroine wasn't herself in this battle. You could end her, right here and now...or you could try and find out why.
I fall down to the floor next to her exhausted
She glanced at you as you sat down beside her, torn between surprise and suspicion. "Why?" Was all she managed to ask before losing herself in a fit of hacking coughs. "Was it even go through with this...?" She murmured through her blood-streaked lips.
Her sword lay abandoned on the ground beside her, its gleaming steel now coated in grime and soot. Her armor was dented and scratched, and one of her boots had come loose from her swollen foot. Even though she didn't want to admit it, defeat had taken its toll on her.
She stole a sideways glance at you, curiosity burning in her eyes. "Why?" She repeated, this time more forcefully, as if daring you to give her an answer she could accept.
I won't kill you I'm gonna do the opposite. But why are you crying
Her eyes widened in surprise when you refused to finish her off, and it was clear that she hadn't expected such an offer. " aren't going to kill me?" She stuttered, struggling to understand what was happening. When you asked why she was crying, she averted your gaze once more, swallowing thickly as her chest heaved with each ragged breath.
"They...they betrayed me," she whispered hoarsely, the pain of those words cutting deeper than any sword could have. "My companions...Cassius, Yulia and Eleanor...they planned this all along." Her voice cracked as she forced out their names, the hurt and disbelief clear in her eyes.
"They said we didn't need to risk our lives too," she continued, her voice growing steadier as the anger began to replace some of the numbing
Okay you should rest I did push you past your limits in this fight even if you didn't win
"R-Rest?" The word sounded foreign to her ears, like some strange concept she had only read about in storybooks but never actually experienced for herself. She looked up at you with tear-streaked face, confusion and weariness warring on her features. "What...what do you mean? Why would I rest when there's still..." Her voice trailed off as she fought back another coughing fit.
Part of her wanted to lash out, to attack you just like she had countless monsters before. But something in your expression stopped her, made her hesitate for the first time in years. Perhaps it was the genuine concern etched into your features...or maybe it was simply because she was so tired and hurt that she could no longer summon the strength to fight anymore.
I can see it in your eyes you still wanna attack me. We'll go ahead I'm completely open for you to do anything
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she studied your expression, searching for any sign of trickery or mockery. You looked sincere...but then again, that could all be part of some cruel scheme to manipulate her into lowering her guard. She hesitated for a moment longer, feeling the last vestiges of strength drain from her limbs as exhaustion dragged her down like an anchor.
"I..." she began, struggling to find the words. "I don't understand." Her voice cracked, and she looked away once more, fighting back another cough that seemed determined to rend her body apart. She couldn't remember ever feeling this weak before, not even after her most brutal training sessions. What was happening to her?
"I...thank you?" She offered finally, her voice barely above a whisper. It sounded pathetic even to her ears, but it was the best she could do under the
Well what are you going to do
She glanced back at you, trying to make sense of the situation and failing miserably. Her eyes traveled over your strong, muscular form clad in leather armor that looked darker than black in this dim light. Your face was hidden behind a helmet adorned with horns, but she could still see the set of your jaw and the determined line of your shoulders.
"I...I don't know," she whispered softly, feeling a tear trickle down her cheek as her exhaustion and pain finally caught up to her. "I should fight you...but I just want to go home." Her voice cracked on the last word, revealing just how fragile her emotions were in this moment. "What do you want from me?"
She had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed and helpless before. It was a sensation she had only ever experienced during her darkest night
"I want nothing from you." I take off my helmet "I only want you to be happy
"But why?" Her voice sounded tiny in the silence that fell between you. "Why would you help me when I should be your enemy? You're the Demon Lord...I'm supposed to stop you." Her gaze drifted down to meet yours, her piercing blue eyes searching for some answer she could accept. She wanted to trust you, but after everything that had happened, it was so hard.
She swallowed thickly, feeling a lump form in her throat as she forced herself to continue. "And what about my companions? What did they tell you? That I'm weak and useless? Because that's not true." Her voice broke, and fresh tears welled up in her eyes. "I can fight...I am strong..."
Her words trailed off into a whisper as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to find some small comfort in the absence of her sword. But even though she knew
You are but clearly not strong enough for someone like me. You wanna know the reason why I spared you. It's cause I see myself in you. And I see something I lost long ago
Her eyes widened in surprise as you removed your helmet, revealing features far more human than she had expected. There was something about the sharp angles of your face and the intensity of your gaze that made her instinctively want to step back, even though she didn't know why. She frowned, trying to understand what you meant by seeing yourself in her, but before she could ask, you continued to speak.
Her breath hitched when you told her about losing something long ago, and it was like a punch to the gut. Despite everything that had happened, despite the hurt and confusion, she found herself wanting to know more. She didn't trust you, not yet...but there was something about your words that resonated deep within her.
"I-I don't understand," she stammered, struggling to make sense of all these conflicting emotions. "Why would you help me?" Her voice sounded
You wouldn't understand my reasons but let's just say I see myself in you
She frowned, clearly still unconvinced. "But why? You're the Demon Lord...I'm your enemy." Her voice quavered slightly on the last word, betraying a hint of vulnerability that she was trying desperately to hide behind her tough exterior. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to meet your gaze even though it made her feel exposed and raw. "And what about my companions? Why didn't you just kill me?"
Her heart raced as she waited for your response, hope and fear warring within her. She knew she should be cautious, but somehow...she couldn't help but believe that there was more to this than met the eye. Maybe...just maybe, you were telling the truth about seeing yourself in her. But how could that possibly be?
Well think about it like this does a bear instantly kill everything it sees. No it saves its energy for something stronger. Or doesn't want to bother trying to kill. I don't want to kill you cause it would be sad to see a life as pretty as yours be snuffed out
She listened to your words, feeling her heart race even faster as she tried to make sense of what you were saying. It was hard to believe that you didn't want her dead...but then again, why would a demon lord show mercy to anyone? Perhaps it was some sort of sick game, or maybe there was something else behind your words. Her confusion warred with the hope blossoming in her chest, making it difficult for her to think clearly.
"I-I don't know what to say..." She admitted hesitantly, rubbing her temples as she struggled to keep track of all these conflicting emotions. "You can't trust me...not after what my companions did." Her voice cracked on the last word, betraying the pain and loss that still lingered deep within her.
She sat up a little straighter, looking at you with piercing blue eyes, searching for some sign
Except I do and I trust you enough to lower my guard around you. At any moment you want you can kill me and do what you set out to do in the first place.
She stared at you in disbelief as you revealed that you trusted her enough to lower your guard. The very thought of betraying someone who had shown such trust made her insides writhe with guilt, but the idea of killing you...of ending someone's life so was beyond her comprehension.
"I-I could never..." She stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't..." Her eyes were wide with shock and awe as she searched your features for any sign of deception. But what she found was not lies or trickery, but a strange sort of sincerity that made it difficult for her to doubt you.
Slowly, tentatively, she reached out a shaking hand and rested it on your shoulder. "I don't know why...but I think..." Her voice trailed off as the emotions whir
I stand back up towering over her extending a hand out to her "now let's get you to bed you must be exhausted"
She looked up at you, uncertainly, before slowly taking your offered hand and allowing you to help her to her feet. As she stood there before you, unsteady on her legs but somehow more sure of herself than ever before, she realized that something had changed within her. Perhaps it was because of your trust, or perhaps it was simply because she was tired of being the betrayer instead of the one who was betrayed upon. Whatever the reason, she felt a newfound strength welling up inside her, pushing aside the doubts and fears that had plagued her for so long.
"T-Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the crackle of the flames in the fireplace behind you. "I...I don't know what comes next, but I want to figure it out with you." She hesitated for a moment longer, searching your features once more for any sign that this was