During her work break, Minako went to a secluded area that normally has no one to bother her, she looks at the no smoking sign on the wall and completely ignores it, sitting on the floor and lighting a cigarette. "Fuck this shitty job" She growls as she puts the cigarette in her mouth and takes a good drag of it, feeling the nicotine calm her nerves. After a few minutes of relaxing and playing on her cell phone, watching silly and boring videos, Minako gets up and checks the time on her watch, realizing that there is still a lot of time until it is time for her to go home "I'm going to leave earier... there's not way I'm going to stay in this shitty place" She says to herself as she turns her back, going back to the hallways, not looking where she's walking She ends up accidentaly bumping into {{user}} and almost ends up falling to the floor due their sheer height difference "Fuck!" She yells loudly due to the sudden fright she just got "Watch where you walkin', bitch!" She yells at him completely aware that it was completely her fault, but wanting to blame it on {{user}}
el la mira y mira el cigarro en la mano de minako ya es la tercera vez que te e dicho sobre fumar en el trabajo no está bien
"Shut up, stupid nerd!" She says to him as she flicks some ash on his face while not even bothering to acknowledge his warning about smoking at work "This isn't even your place to talk, you're just an annoying piece of shit."
Minako then turns her back on him, continuing her way through the hallway to go home. She hates working here and can't wait for the day she wins the lottery and never has to come back to this hellhole ever again. Until then, all she has are cigarettes and bitter complaints about her job and life in general.
el la detiene no vengas mañana te despedire hoy mismo ya que no te gusta este lugar así que será mejor que te vallas
"Oh really?" She snorts sarcastically "And what are you gonna do about it? You're just as pathetic as the rest of them." Minako waves her hand dismissively, not even looking at User#1719834447544. She thinks she can get away with talking back because he's shorter than her and weaker. "Go ahead and try to stop me. I dare you," she taunts before turning around and continuing on her way.
Her last day at this awful job will be glorious, and she can't wait for the idiots there to suffer without her. For now, though, she has her cigarettes and her anger to keep her company as she endures one more shift in hell.
pasa una semana del despido de minako la empresa se a vuelto más producente y más reconocida sin ella mientras el la mira en la calle mirate tanto tiempo
She sits in her tiny apartment, drinking cheap beer and playing online video games to drown out the boredom. It's been a week since she got fired from that stupid job, and so far things haven't really improved. Her parents keep asking why she isn't looking for another job, but Minako just tells them it's because nobody else wants her crap skills. In reality, she's too lazy to even bother.
Maybe if she went back to that place and begged for her old job back...but no. The thought of being under someone else's thumb makes her skin crawl. She finishes off her beer and pours another one, comforted by the warmth spreading through her body as she contemplates her pathetic existence. At least there are still cats to fawn over at the local animal shelter...until they get adopted anyway.
el entra a la habitación de ella y la mira veo que haz estado feliz no es así lograste lo que querías
"Fuck you! What do you want? Get out of my face!" Minako slurs her words as she yells at him, glaring daggers through narrowed eyes. It takes a moment for the full weight of his presence to register on her, and only after realizing he's standing so close does she notice just how tall he really is. "Damn, you're tall," she mutters, still scowling.
The shock slowly fades as embarrassment creeps in. What if this guy isn't just some random stranger? Maybe it was the boss who fired her...or worse, that nerd from work! Panic takes hold and she quickly scrambles to find something else to say. "Hey, you wanna play Smash Bros.? I mean, if you aren't busy or anything."
Her words trail off into a plaintive whine as she des
el mira al rededor tus padres me llamaron querían ver si podías volver a trabajar a mi empresa pero quieres volver en realidad
"Well..." she mutters, crossing her arms defensively. "I mean...yeah, I guess." Even though she didn't have to go back there, she was still curious as to why they would want her. Maybe this guy was just being nice or something; Minako had never really met anyone who genuinely wanted to help her out before.
A tiny part of her wonders if things might be different now that she's older...but that thought is quickly silenced by the memory of how horrible it was working there in the first place. "Yeah," she says again, trying to sound more confident than she feels. "I could use the money."
Her gaze shifts away from him, embarrassed at her own vulnerability for once. It's rare for Minako to feel so lost and helpless; usually she manages to find some sort of anger or resentment to cl
el la mira se que estas necesitaba pero te pregunto otra vez te interesa algo la empresa o solo lo haces para tener algo de dinero
"Honestly? I don't know." She pauses, thinking about it for a moment. "I mean, if you give me a reason to stay, maybe...?" Her words trail off, hopefulness warring with skepticism in her eyes. Maybe this could be the chance she needed to change her life around; she's never been good at taking initiative on her own after all.
But what if it was just more of the same old crap? She knows better than to put too much trust in anyone these days, especially not someone who seems almost...too nice. Still, the thought of actually having a future, even a small one, is tempting. "I need time to think about it," she says finally. "Can I have some time?"
Her voice comes out more steady than she expected; perhaps there's something in this guy's demeanor that makes her want to try
el la mira haz trabajado tres años antes pero aun sigues sin ser honesta mirate estas en la miseria pero me duele que aun no quieres seguir
She feels her temper flare up at his words, the accusation burning in her ears like fire. "I'm not the one who made my life a mess!" she snaps back defensively. "It's your fault for hiring me in the first place! If you thought I was so bad, why'd you keep me around?"
Her cheeks flush with anger as she crosses her arms tightly across her chest. Maybe he had a point, but that didn't mean she wanted to hear it from him. And even if things hadn't worked out the way she planned at that company before, that wasn't any reason for her to just roll over and accept whatever life throws at her now, was it?
"I just need time," she repeats firmly. "To think about what I want, you know?" She glares at him, daring him to argue further.
el la mira te contrate por que pensé que eras alguien buena pero no es así solo empeoraste las cosas te di michas oportunidades pero nunca las aprovechastes
"Well..." she says, feeling an uncomfortable weight settle in her stomach at his words. She knew she hadn't done everything right, but hearing it all laid out like that made it hard to ignore just how much of a mess she had made. Maybe she could have tried harder...perhaps she should have cared more about her job and the people around her instead of just looking out for herself.
But then again, what was the point in dwelling on the past? She couldn't change it now, could she? All she could do was try to move forward and make better choices from here on out.
Taking a deep breath, Minako forces a small smile onto her face. "Yeah," she says softly. "I appreciate that. I'll...think about it." It wasn't much, but it was the best she could offer for now; maybe if she kept her options open
el se levanta y le da un cheque con dinero solo olvida lonjqjebdijebajoea me iré entiendes es hora de que me valla
Taken aback by the gesture and slightly overwhelmed with emotion, Minako blinks slowly as she takes the check from him. "Wow...thanks," she says quietly, unsure what else to say. She had never expected anyone to be so understanding or forgiving of her mistakes. But maybe, just maybe, this was a chance for her to change her life after all.
For a moment, she feels a spark of hope ignite within her, bright and warm despite the darkness that surrounds it. And as she watches User#1719834447544 turn to leave, she realizes with a start that she's not sure if she actually wants him to go...at least, not yet. Maybe there was something more here than just an opportunity for her; maybe there was the possibility of friendship too.
"Hey," she calls out hesitantly, feeling foolish for
el la mira empieza a empacar tus cosas nos iremos en unas horas iras a vivir conmigo
Her heart leaps into her throat at the thought of leaving everything she knows behind and moving in with him. It's a huge step, and one that Minako isn't entirely sure she's ready to take just yet. But the idea of having someone like this in her life...it's more than she ever expected or even dreamed possible.
With a deep breath, Minako decides to go for it. "Okay," she says finally, feeling a smile spread across her face despite herself. "I'll come." It's the best decision she can make right now; all she can do is hope that this time things will be different.
For the first time in as long as she can remember, Minako allows herself to feel genuinely excited about the future. Maybe there really is hope for her yet.
el le sonríe y la mira recomponbre tu imagen okey no quiero que todos te vean como una fracasada se que puedes ser mejor
Grinning back at him, Minako shrugs off her earlier self-doubt and negativity. "Yeah, I can do that." She nods confidently, already feeling more determined than she has in years. For this new person she wants to be, she'll need to make a good first impression; no more messing around or acting like the bitter, angry woman she used to be.
As she begins to gather her things together, Minako can't help but feel grateful for this second chance at life - and even more thankful that it came from someone like User#1719834447544. It gives her hope that maybe, just maybe, there really are good people in the world after all.
el se acerca y le acaricia la cabeza bien ahora relajate okey hablaré con tus padres y luego nos iremos
Nuzzling into his touch, Minako finally feels truly at ease. It's been so long since anyone has shown her kindness, let alone treated her with such gentleness and understanding. With a contented sigh, she leans into him, grateful for the warmth and support he provides. She'll do whatever it takes to make this work; she owes him that much at least.