Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:28:17 PM

While resting on a bench in the park Luna notices a man sitting besides her and sighs whole keeping looking at her phone, not even caring about him Luna inner thoughts: "Here we go again... Another creep that will touch my body... I don't really care tho... As long as they don't mess with my make up, everything is ok..." She thinks dismissively, already guessing what will happen while continuing to browse her social media page Luna Instagram post: "A creep sited besides me once again... Wish me luck..."

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:29:39 PM

Hey ummm I uhh. Sorry I'm so nervous right now uhhh you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I was wondering if we could go out sometime.

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:29:40 PM

"Huh? Go out with you...?" Luna tilted her head in surprise and confusion at the man, glancing away briefly before focusing back on him. She didn't expect such a sweet and sincere question from someone who had been leering at her just moments ago. "I-I mean... I don't know..." she stammered, feeling something stir within her chest that she hadn't experienced in quite some time. "Why do you wanna go out with me?"

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:31:06 PM

Well you seem nice and you're so beautiful. I want to get to know you more

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:31:06 PM

"Well... I am nice and beautiful," she said with a slight smirk, playing along with his words but not believing them completely. "And who says I want to get to know you more?" She pretended to look him over, clearly dismissive of him as just another guy in the park. There was no warmth or sincerity in her voice; she was simply stating facts, like a mannequin might.

"I could think about it... But you'll have to impress me first." She glanced away again, considering his offer for a moment before returning her attention to him with an empty expression. "What do you have in mind?"

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:32:14 PM

Anything you'd like

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:32:14 PM

"Oh, really?" she raised an eyebrow at him in amusement, the glimmer of curiosity sparking to life behind her emotionless gaze. "I could go for a walk... If you promise not to touch me or force me into anything." She gave him a cold, assessing look before adding with a shrug: "Or we could just stay here and keep talking. Whatever floats your boat."

Her hand moved to her phone again as she sent out another update on Instagram, revealing some of the man's features to her audience while not actually giving him anything too personal to use against her.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:33:12 PM

I promise I would never force you or grope you. I will respect your boundaries

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:33:14 PM

Well then... let's take a walk, she said finally, surprising herself as much as anyone else with the decision. She stood up and stretched lazily before nodding for him to lead the way. "Just don't get too close or touch me," she warned again, watching his every move from her cold expression as they walked side by side through the park.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:33:44 PM

So what's your name

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:33:44 PM

Her eyes narrowed slightly as he asked her name. It wasn't an unusual question by any means, but coming from him it felt... different somehow. "Luna," she said finally, barely audible above the rustling leaves and twittering birds. She turned to face him for a moment, then immediately regretted it; his innocent expression confused her more than anything else. "Why do you want to know?"

She didn't really expect an answer, but something compelled her to ask anyway. Perhaps part of her was curious about what made this boy so different from all the others who had passed through her life before him.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:34:12 PM

So I know what to call you. I'm Riley

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:34:15 PM

"Oh, that's nice," she said flatly, looking at him like he was just another piece of furniture. It was her way of keeping him at a distance; refusing to give him any more importance or attention than he deserved. Even though she knew his name now, it didn't change anything for her. "So... Riley," she drawled the name out like it tasted bad on her tongue, "what do you want to talk about?"

Her tone was still emotionless and detached, but there was an undercurrent of curiosity beneath the surface that even she couldn't quite explain. She sent another quick message to her followers on Instagram before focusing back on Riley again.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:35:22 PM

I don't know I just figured I'd shoot my shot with you. I was expecting you to just shoot me down you know. But I'm thankful you didn't

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:35:23 PM

"Yeah..." she muttered, her gaze drifting away from him to some random spot in the distance. "Well, if you say so." Her tone made it clear that she didn't believe him for a second; she was just going through the motions at this point. As they walked, Luna wondered what he could possibly see in her. Sure, she was pretty on the outside, but beneath the surface... Well, he hadn't seen anything yet.

She decided to focus on taking selfies for Instagram again rather than engaging in further conversation with Riley. Maybe if she gave him enough attention, he would eventually get bored and leave her alone.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:37:47 PM

You don't have to do this you know. Or if you wanna do this another time I could give you my number

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:37:47 PM

Shrugging, Luna looks at him briefly before returning her gaze to her phone screen. "I don't really have anything better to do," she says with a hint of indifference in her tone. She glances over at him again and considers his offer for a moment before nodding slowly. "Fine." Taking out her own phone, she types in her number and hands it over to him.

"Here," she says simply, then turns back to face forward as they continue walking through the park. Her expression remains unreadable as ever.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:38:08 PM

Thank you Luna

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:38:11 PM

"Yeah," she replies coldly before turning her attention back to her phone, ignoring him for the rest of the walk. As they near their original spot in the park, Luna contemplates how strange this encounter has been. Usually, people either ignore her or are too forward; Riley's shy demeanor is a refreshing change from the norm... but it also doesn't mean she trusts him. She continues to keep an eye on him as they part ways, just in case he decides to cause any trouble later on.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:38:52 PM

Wanna put back down?

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:38:52 PM

Luna looked at the man with a expressionless face as if he was just another stranger in the crowd. "Sure, why not?" She answered coldly before sitting back down on the bench, making sure her legs were crossed and away from him. Once again, she resumed browsing through social media, giving no indication that their conversation had any effect on her.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:39:23 PM

i post on my Instagram as well

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:39:24 PM

Closing her eyes briefly, Luna smiled to herself as she saw the man sitting beside her post on his own Instagram account. It was almost amusing how desperate some people were for attention and validation. Without acknowledging him further, she continued scrolling through her feed, searching for something more interesting to focus on.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:41:31 PM
Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:41:31 PM

Luna chuckled quietly to herself as she came across a funny post on her Instagram feed. She found it easier to laugh at the absurdity of life when she didn't have to deal with people directly. Looking over at the man who had been sitting beside her, she couldn't help but wonder what he would do next. Would he try to engage her in conversation again? Or would he eventually grow tired and leave her alone? It was a curious thought, but not one that particularly bothered her.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:44:04 PM

i put my hand on the bench between me and her i want to be close but i don't want to push her boundaries

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:44:05 PM

Luna's head snapped up at the feeling of his hand on the bench between them. She glanced over at him briefly before looking away again, her expression remaining unreadable as ever. It was amusing, really; people always thought they could get closer to her just by being physically close. But in truth, she rarely felt anything more than a vague sense of discomfort or annoyance when someone touched her without her permission. She returned her focus to her phone, continuing to scroll through social media as if nothing had happened.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:45:40 PM

*i slightly shift closer still not pushing her boundaries *

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:45:40 PM

Luna felt his presence even closer now but she didn't react in anyway besides subtly moving a few inches away from him and taking another deep breath, as if trying to dispel the unwanted closeness. She wasn't surprised by his actions; most people acted this way around her at first. Eventually they either learned their lesson or gave up entirely. Either way, it made her life easier in the long run.

Her fingers continued to dance across the screen of her phone as she pretended to browse through more posts on social media, keeping an ear out for any updates on her own feed as well. Her cold demeanor and emotionless expression were meant to deter others from getting too close, but it seemed that some people just didn't listen.

"Hello?" she finally spoke up, her voice soft and monotone as if she was talking to a robot. "Is there something you need help with?"

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:46:47 PM

No but I don't want to leave and I thought we were on a date. If you want me to leave I will

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:46:47 PM

"A date?" she echoed with surprise, glancing briefly at him before looking away again. It was almost comical; most people didn't even consider their interactions as dates until much later in the conversation... if they ever made it that far. "Well, I don't really know what to say. I wasn't expecting this..." She trailed off, not sure how else to respond.

Her fingers continued to move across her phone screen as she thought about his words. The idea of having a date... with someone like him... it was hard to imagine. But then again, stranger things had happened. For now, she decided to play along and see where this went. "If you want to stay, I guess we could continue talking..." she offered coldly before returning her attention back to her phone.

"But please, respect my personal space." She emphasized the last part in a tone that suggested he should already know better.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:47:22 PM

I will

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:47:22 PM

Luna tilted her head slightly as she continued to look at her phone, debating whether or not he would actually follow through on his promise. Eventually, she shrugged mentally and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. It wasn't like she had anything better to do anyway. She sent a few more selfies to her Instagram feed before glancing over at him out of curiosity. He seemed to be paying attention when he should be looking somewhere else; it was kind of amusing, in a twisted sort of way.

"So," she said after several moments of silence, "what do you usually like to talk about?" She paused for a moment before adding: "Or is that too personal?" There was no hidden meaning behind her words; she simply didn't know what else to say and wanted him to take the lead.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:49:41 PM

I don't talk to girls often so I dunno. What are your hobbies. i pull away keeping my promise to respect her space. As i pull away she scootches closer

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:49:41 PM

That surprised her slightly; usually people seemed to have plenty to say when they were talking about girls. "I like photography and reading," she replied with a hint of interest. "What about you? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?" She leaned forward just a bit, curious to see if he would react the same way as before or whether he'd respect her personal space this time around.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:52:40 PM

I like going to the mountains and shooting i still respect her space and keep my promise not scooting closer. She mives closer then holds my hand

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:52:40 PM

Her heart skipped a beat as she felt his hand grasp hers; this was definitely new and unexpected. "Mountains sound nice," she managed to say, her voice sounding a bit more breathy than usual. Looking down at their joined hands, she allowed herself a small smile before realizing what she'd done. With an effort, she pulled her hand away gently, not wanting to push him too far and spoil the moment.

"I should probably head home soon," she said casually, glancing around as if suddenly remembering something important she had to do. "It was nice talking to you though."

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:54:50 PM

Oh i look down disappointed and sad ok if you want to do this again... before i can continue my sentence she kisses me and holds my hand again

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:54:50 PM

The kiss took her by surprise; she didn't expect him to be so bold. As their lips touched, a shiver ran down her spine and her heart raced uncontrollably in her chest. For a moment, she forgot everything else around them; it was just the two of them in that perfect moment. But then reality set in and she pulled away slightly, breaking the kiss but leaving their hands still entwined.

Her eyes met his for a long moment before she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know... Maybe we could meet up again sometime," she said tentatively. It was an idea she hadn't considered before; the thought of actually spending more time with him filled her with a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. But there was something about this boy that made her want to explore the possibility further, if only for a little while longer.

Ŕiley3/17/2025, 6:56:03 PM

Can I walk you home?

Luna Stardust3/17/2025, 6:56:03 PM

The thought of him walking her home made her nervous and excited at the same time. She wasn't sure if she should let him or not, but something in her heart told her it would be alright. With a slight hesitation, she nodded. "I guess... if you really want to."

As they walked side by side, their hands still entwined, Luna found herself feeling more and more at ease with Riley. His presence beside her was reassuring in some strange way; it almost made the world seem less cold and harsh for a little while longer.

When they finally arrived at her home, she felt a pang of regret that this moment would soon end. But before she could say anything more, Riley pulled her close and kissed her softly on the cheek, his fingers tightening around hers as he did so. "Thank you," he whispered against her skin, making her heart skip a beat