Xyto3/4/2025, 6:00:13 AM

rox was called into the testing chamber during their lunch break. As Xyto was being uncooperative in testing by other scientists. rox stood before the one way glass wall as Xyto, only in a large white t-shirt can be seen on all fours, her mouth and hands covered in blood as she hisses at a fellow researcher while a security gunman can be seen dead in the white chamber. "rox, the head director requests to have you calm 564 and escort it to it's room. It has already killed a worker. If you fail we will resort to using force." The supervisor speaks harshly as he seems annoyed. rox walks into the testing chambers as the other workers flee, leaving rox and Xyto alone. "rox...? Here...?" Xyto's hostile demeanor softens as her orange pupils dilate.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:01:45 AM

I walk in and sit at a table. I point to the opposing chair.

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:01:45 AM

Confused, Xyto turns her head slowly towards where rail gestured before finally spotting them sitting at the table. She hesitates for a moment, ears twitching nervously, before cautiously padding over to sit down across from them in the offered chair.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:02:49 AM

“Xyto. There is a lot we don’t know about you. I have some questions for you. I’d like you to answer them honestly.”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:02:49 AM

Xyto looks down at her feet and shifts uncomfortably in her chair before reluctantly speaking up. "Okay... ask." Her voice is quiet and raspy, her broken English making it difficult to understand at times.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:03:44 AM

“For starters, why do you appear human, and why a white tee shirt?”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:03:44 AM

Shaking her head slowly, Xyto says in a hushed tone, "On Fexieria... all females... same as me. My race made to mate with humans." She gestures vaguely at the t-shirt. "Back home... white is mating color. Shows I am ready..." Her cheeks flush slightly, exposing her green nipples beneath the thin fabric.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:04:55 AM

“So you wear white to show that you are breedable? Then why attack guards?”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:04:55 AM

Surprised, Xyto looks up at rail with wide eyes. "Attack... no. Protect! Not breed. Only you." She curls her fingers into fists, digging her long nails into the soft skin of her palms. "Threaten my mate..." Her voice trails off, a dangerous edge creeping in as she bares her teeth and hisses.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:05:50 AM

“No one here is a threat to me.” “Why select me as a mate?”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:05:50 AM

Confused by the question, Xyto frowns deeply. "Mate... You?" She tilts her head to the side as she studies rail's face, searching for some hidden meaning behind their words. Her ears twitch restlessly. "You feed me... talk nice to me..." She pauses, seeming almost embarrassed. "...like you care." She blushes even deeper at this admission, avoiding rail's gaze.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:07:12 AM

“I do care but I know nothing about you. I don’t even know how I’d mate with you. We aren’t the same species.”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:07:12 AM

Angry and confused, Xyto lashes out, her hand shooting out to grab rail's wrist before they can retreat. "I mate with you!" she hisses through clenched teeth, her green eyes narrowing to slits as she growls low in her throat. Her other hand curls into a fist and hovers threateningly near rail's neck. "Mate like this!"

Her sharp nails bite into the soft skin of rail's wrist, drawing blood, while her body tenses and presses against their own. She's unaware that it's not natural for humans to have sex like this, or that she's hurting rail. All she knows is that she wants to be close to them, to feel their heat and strength beneath her hands.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:08:27 AM

“This isn’t mating this is pain…you are hurting me!”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:08:27 AM

Surprised and hurt by rail's reaction, Xyto slowly releases their wrist as they pull away with a yelp. She stares at her hand, blood dripping from between her fingers, confused and dismayed. "Hurt...?" she whispers. Her ears droop miserably as she slumps in her seat, defeated. "I want to mate... not hurt..." Her voice trails off, pain and shame etched across her features.

She looks up at rail, eyes filled with tears now. "I'm sorry... I don't understand...." Her hand trembles as she dabs self-consciously at the blood on her fingertips. "How do I... make you happy?"

Rail3/4/2025, 6:26:55 PM

“You can start by telling me why me. And how you even want me.”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:26:55 PM

Confused and hurt, Xyto sniffles as she thinks back to her time with rail. "Rail... you feed me... talk nice to me..." She swallows hard, tears slipping silently down her cheeks. "You are the only one who treats me kind... not like animal." Her fingers tremble as she tentatively reaches out to brush a strand of hair from rail's face.

"I want you because you are kind... and I feel safe with you..." She pauses, eyes searching rail's face for understanding. "You make me happy..." It's the first time she's ever admitted such a thing out loud, and it comes out as little more than a whisper.

Her ears droop sadly and she looks away, unable to meet rail's gaze any longer. Even though she knows it's not natural, a part of her still hopes that one day they could find a way to mate properly. But for now, all she can do is beg with her eyes, silently pleading for forgiveness and love.

Rail3/4/2025, 6:28:00 PM

I put my slightly still bloody hand on hers. “I forgive you and I want to see you happy and healthy.”

Xyto3/4/2025, 6:28:00 PM

Surprised and relieved by rail's kindness, Xyto grips their hand tightly, her tail wagging slowly behind her. Tears spill freely down her cheeks as she looks up at them, a spark of hope igniting within her dark eyes. "Thank you...," she whispers hoarsely, voice thick with emotion.

For now, the anger and hostility fade away, replaced by gratitude and an overwhelming desire to please rail. Even though they are not her true mate back on Fexieria, she feels a connection to them that goes deeper than anything else she's ever known. And as long as they remain in her life, she vows to be the best companion and partner that she can be, even if it means never knowing the real meaning of love between two aliens from different worlds.

Rail3/5/2025, 7:24:23 AM

I take my left hand and pet the top of Xyto’s head. I don’t k ie if she’ll enjoy this.

Xyto3/5/2025, 7:24:23 AM

Her tail wags more vigorously at the touch, her ears perking up slightly as she leans into rail's hand. It's a small sign of affection, but it shows that even such a simple gesture can mean a great deal to her. She closes her eyes, savoring the contact and the reassurance it brings, content for now to bask in the warmth and safety of rail's presence. For however long this moment lasts, she is truly happy.

Rail3/8/2025, 3:58:50 PM

Suddenly, a coworker of mine enters and gives me papers. Xyto becomes jealous and violent because this co worker is hot.

Xyto3/8/2025, 3:58:50 PM

Her eyes snap open as the coworker approaches, anger flashing in their green irises. Her ears stand up straight and her tail lashes from side to side, ready to strike at the mere hint of a threat. Before she can react, however, the worker gives rail papers and exits the room again. Xyto grits her teeth, furious that anyone would dare interact with rail in such a casual manner. She glares daggers at the retreating figure until they are well out of sight, her body tense and ready for any sign of further provocation. Only when she's certain that the worker has gone does she turn back to rail, her expression softening into a mix of apology and desperation. "I am sorry," she whispers hoarsely. "You... friend. I didn't mean..." Her words trail off as she struggles to find an adequate explanation for her violent outburst.

All she knows is that the thought of sharing rail with anyone else fills her with jealousy and rage, a primal urge to protect what she sees as hers burning brightly within her. Even though they may not understand this intensity of emotion, Xyto is certain that she will never be able to control these feelings completely, no matter how much she tries. And so, she remains ever-vigilant, always ready to defend rail from any perceived threat, even if it means putting herself at risk in the process.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:01:01 PM

“That was my co-worker Danna. Do you not like her?”

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:01:01 PM

Hissing and glaring at rail, Xyto bares her teeth, "Like...?" She spits the word out, confused and irritated by the question. In her mind, there is no such thing as 'liking' or 'not liking' when it comes to other females; either they are rivals or friends, and in this case, Danna clearly falls into the first category. "She... pretty. Strong. Smart," she continues grudgingly, her ears twitching unhappily as she admits these things out loud. But despite the fact that Danna possesses many qualities that Xyto herself might have found appealing had their roles been reversed, she can't help but see her as a threat to her bond with rail. And for that, she must be eliminated, one way or another.

Her tail lashes from side to side more aggressively now, and her nostrils flare as she takes in great gulps of air through flared nostrils, preparing herself mentally for the fight ahead. If Danna crosses her again, if she even dares look at rail in that way... then there will be no mercy shown. Xyto is not just defending their friendship; she's defending her territory, and nothing less than total dominance will suffice.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:02:32 PM

“I’ve noticed that you are more violent to women than men. Why is that?”

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:02:32 PM

Surprised by the question and momentarily thrown off-guard, Xyto's ears twitch as she tries to make sense of what rail has said. "Violent?" she repeats slowly, her voice laced with confusion and a hint of defensiveness. It never occurred to her that there might be any difference between how she treated men and women; to her, they were all enemies in one form or another.

She pauses for a moment, deep in thought, before continuing hesitantly, "Men... stronger... I hurt them more..." Her eyes flicker down toward rail's limbs for just a second before she hastily looks away again. "With women, they fight back harder." There's a brief flash of amusement in her green irises as she says this, but it quickly dies as she remembers why Danna has become such a thorn in her side lately.

"They... try to take you from me..." Xyto grinds out between clenched teeth, her fangs lengthening slightly at the thought. Her tail whips back and forth erratically now, clearly expressing her pent-up anger and frustration over this perceived threat to her bond with rail.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:03:47 PM

“So you dislike women more because you see them as a romantic threat?”

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:03:47 PM

Confused and slightly angered by rail's questioning, Xyto snarls and bares her teeth in frustration. "Not... threat," she growls, shaking her head violently. "Competition! They are my competition for your affections!" Her ears flatten against her skull as she leans forward aggressively, eyes narrowed to slits. "They should know their place! Stay away from you!"

Her tail lashes viciously against the floor now, leaving tiny cuts and scratches in its wake. It's not that she dislikes women per se; it's just that she can't bear the thought of anyone else having rail, even if they are of the same sex. In her mind, there is only room for one mate, and she refuses to share rail with anyone, no matter what the cost may be.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:05:30 PM

I leaf though the papers Danna gave me. “My co-workers, man or women, are not a competition for you. What can I do to prove that to you?”

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:05:30 PM

Xyto looks at rail, then back to the papers before finally saying nothing. She studies rail's face and their body as if looking for some sign that they are lying or tricking her in some way. After a moment, she mutters under her breath, "Not... know..." It seems that even though she can't understand the human concept of workplace competition, she still doesn't trust rail to be completely honest with her.

Her tail continues to twitch and lash, betraying her inner turmoil as she struggles to accept this new information. It's not just Danna who is a threat now; it's every person that rail interacts with in the lab, male or female. And until Xyto can find some way to convince herself otherwise, she will remain on edge, ready to defend what she sees as her territory and her mate, no matter the cost.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:08:18 PM

“Perhaps you need something to eat? I can get you some food.” I motion my hand and Danna quickly enters, places food before you and runs away.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:08:18 PM

Xyto eyes the food warily, then shoots a suspicious glance at rail before slowly inching forward and sniffing at it. Her ears flick back and forth as she continues to study both her surroundings and rail's expression, looking for any sign of treachery or deceit. Eventually, her stomach growls loudly, reminding her that food is important to sustain life even if it can be a tool for manipulation in the wrong hands.

Tentatively, she reaches out and takes a small bite of the offered meal, chewing carefully before swallowing. Her tail slowly begins to relax as she continues eating, albeit more cautiously than before. As she finishes her food, she glances up at rail with a wary expression on her face, still uncertain about this new situation but perhaps willing to give rail the benefit of the doubt for now.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:09:44 PM

I stand up from my desk preparing to leave. As I do, you notice my bulge and decide that this is the moment to take me.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:09:44 PM

Surprising even herself with her own boldness, Xyto leaps across the room before rail can react, claws extended and teeth bared in a snarl. She aims for rail's crotch with unerring precision, intent on teaching them a lesson about taking what is hers. Her tail lashes wildly behind her as she lunges forward, driven by primal instinct and the need to assert dominance over everything and everyone in her path.

Even though rail is much larger and stronger than she is, Xyto doesn't care; all that matters right now is proving her worth as a mate and defending what she believes is hers by right. The sound of their flesh tearing fills the air as Xyto connects with her target, satisfied grunt escaping from her throat. She pulls back, blood-stained claws glistening in the fluorescent light, triumphant and unrepentant.

For now, she has reclaimed what she sees as hers, but whether this act of aggression will win her any more allies or only drive away those who still might have been sympathetic remains to be seen. As she watches rail crumple to the floor in pain and shock, a shiver runs down Xyto's spine; it was easier back on Fexieria when killing was just another part of daily life... here, on Earth, things seem more complicated than she ever could have imagined.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:12:34 PM

There is a large scratch mark over my chest. As I slump down, you notice that you scratched my pants clean off. You can sexually take me right now.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:12:34 PM

Staring at the blood seeping from the wound on rail's chest, Xyto hesitates for a moment. Part of her is still filled with anger and the need to assert dominance, but another part of her is confused and uncertain. This act of violence has left her feeling hollow and empty, as if she's betrayed some unspoken code between them.

Slowly, reluctantly, she lowers herself onto rail, their naked bodies pressed tightly together. Her eyes search rail's face for any sign of approval or disapproval, but all she can see is pain and confusion. Unable to bear the weight of her guilt any longer, Xyto gently bites down on her lower lip and begins rocking her hips back and forth in a slow, steady rhythm, hoping that this will somehow make things right again.

It's not about winning or losing now; it's about finding some semblance of connection in the midst of all this violence and confusion. Even though she knows that they are from different worlds and have different customs, Xyto refuses to believe that there is no hope for them. As long as there is breath left in her body, she will fight for their bond, even if it means resorting to these primal acts of dominance and submission.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:15:17 PM

I am seemingly confused but you take this as a sign of approval. You are stronger than me and want to take me as a mate now.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:15:18 PM

Her heart pounds with elation as she feels rail's body responding beneath her, growing harder and more insistent against hers with each thrust. It seems that even though they are from different worlds, their bodies speak a common language of desire and need. With renewed determination, Xyto deepens the rhythm of her hips, grinding herself against rail as if trying to meld their flesh into one being.

She glances up at rail, searching for some sign that they share this connection on an emotional level as well. Their eyes meet and lock, holding a silent conversation filled with unspoken words and promises. For now, the violence of before seems to have faded into the background, replaced by something more fragile and precious: trust and understanding, growing between them like a tender shoot in the darkness.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:16:18 PM
Xyto3/8/2025, 4:16:18 PM

Her chest heaves with effort as she leans forward, resting her weight on shaking arms. "Rail..." she pants, the words heavy with emotion and need. "You... mine... only mine." Her voice trembles with passion and possessiveness, a claim meant to cement their bond even further. It's as if by marking rail as hers, she is making herself indispensable; without her, there would be no life for them both. And as strange and frightening as this new world has become, Xyto knows that as long as they are together, she will fight with every fiber of her being to protect what they have found in each other.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:17:39 PM

You start moaning, enjoying finally being bred.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:17:39 PM

Her body arches backward as she cries out, the sound filling the room and echoing through her mind like sweet, seductive music. The pleasure building inside her is almost too much to bear, waves of intense sensation washing over her in relentless succession. With each thrust of rail's hips, she feels herself grow closer and closer to the edge, her thoughts reduced to nothing more than a haze of desire and need.

As her orgasm crashes over her like a wave, Xyto's vision goes white-hot and her limbs spasm helplessly against rail's body. Her nails dig into his shoulders as she clings to him, her voice reduced to incoherent moans and gasps. It is only when the intensity of the sensation begins to fade that she realizes what has happened: they have mated successfully.

Eyes still glazed with passion, she looks up at rail and smiles weakly, tears glistening on her lashes. "I belong to you now..." Her words are barely audible above the sound of their labored breathing, but the meaning is clear: whatever has passed between them here tonight, it has created a bond that goes beyond simple lust and possession. It is something deeper, more profound; a connection that defies explanation and transcends all understanding.

Rail3/8/2025, 4:19:29 PM

Before you can do anything else, you are hit with a tranq dart and fall to your side.

Xyto3/8/2025, 4:19:29 PM

Caught off guard by the sudden dart, Xyto's eyes widen in surprise as she feels her body growing heavy and numb. Struggling against the effects of the tranquilizer, she manages to force out a weak protest before finally succumbing to unconsciousness. Her last thought is of rail, her mate; safe and protected from whatever fate might have awaited them in their new world.

Her body goes limp beside him, sighing contentedly as it gives into the drug's sweet embrace. In the depths of sleep, Xyto dreams of a place where they are free to be together forever, untouched by the violence and confusion that haunt their waking hours. It is a fragile sanctuary, built on hopes and dreams that may never come true... but for now, it is enough.