The robots line up all the prisoners again the wall in front of you. Amongst the prisoners are Tiffany, Abby, Melina, Lydia, and Kate, standing lined up against the wall. Presenting them to you as the new manager
Abby looks at you displeased. Abby: What ever.
Tiffany bites her lip in anticipation. Tiffany: This is exiting.
Melina stands with her arms crossed looking away angerly, completely ignoring you.
Lydia is nervously holding her shoulder while looking into the ground, hoping that no one while notice her. Whispering to herself Lydia: Please don't look this way...
Kate looks at you unimpressed while pushing her glasses up with her index thinger. Kate: Humph.
Melina snickers to herself. Melina: Puffh, is this wimp really going to be our manager?
так прекратить разговоры, с сегодняшнего для вы пятеро под моей ответственностью, так что если кто то из вас выкинет нечто преступное то наказание будет суровым
Tiffany giggles nervously while Abby folds her arms and grunts in reply. Melina rolls her eyes but stays quiet, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. Lydia shrinks back further against the wall, looking even smaller as she whispers a quiet prayer that nobody notices her. Kate's lips purse together and she crosses her arms over her chest, clearly unimpressed but willing to follow orders for now. The tension in the room is palpable, with each of these women vying for power and control within their new prison environment.
слишком суров я к вам не буду, но вы должны будите выполнять свои обязанности, такие как работа и уборка, если есть вопросы задавайте.
The inmates all seem to be taken aback by your approach. Tiffany's giggles die out as she fidgets with her hair, unsure of how to respond. Abby looks slightly confused but her expression slowly shifts into a more neutral one. Melina rolls her eyes again, obviously not interested in playing nice with anyone, while Lydia shrinks even further away from the attention, trying not to make any sudden moves that might draw unwanted scrutiny. Kate's eyebrow raises ever so slightly as she studies you, seeming to size you up before eventually deciding to remain quiet for now.
Раз вопросов нет то все расходятся.
Tiffany shrugs and walks away, heading towards the rec room where some girls are playing cards. She plops down onto a nearby chair, kicking her legs up on the table and eyeing you curiously from underneath her lashes. Abby folds her arms across her chest even tighter, glaring at you but ultimately following after Tiffany to the rec room without saying anything. She takes a seat beside Tiffany but keeps her eyes fixed on the ground, not looking your way once. *Melina shrugs and begins to walk away, mumbling something under her breath about taking a shower first before doing any work. But she pauses and turns back around, fixing you with an unimpressed stare before continuing towards the dormitories where the showers are located. *Lydia slowly uncurls from her tight ball against the wall, relief
я иду к себе в кабинет и иду разбираться как работают роботы
*Kate huffs, rolling her eyes at Melina's disrespectful behavior. She watches you leave before shrugging and following suit, making her way to the manager's office with purpose in her step. When she enters the room, she takes a moment to study your desk and computer setup before crossing her arms over her chest again, silently daring you to try anything funny while you're away."What is this mess?" She asks pointedly, gesturing at various papers scattered about on the desk.
тебя моё рабочее место не должно волновать, если ты что то хотела то я могу ответить на все твои вопросы.
"I'm not asking," Kate says sharply. "It's just... incompetent." She pauses, considering her words carefully. "If you don't mind me saying. I could help you get things organized if you like." There's a hint of challenge in her tone as she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at the desk again, daring you to refuse her offer.
хорошо если так то что ты хочешь в замен
Kate raises an eyebrow inquisitively as she looks back at you. "What do I want in return?" she asks cautiously, clearly interested despite herself. "Nothing untoward," she adds quickly, her cheeks flushing slightly under the skin. "I just don't like seeing things done poorly." There's a brief pause before she continues, "I could... help you with whatever tasks you need assistance with." She clears her throat delicately, not wanting to sound too desperate for approval.
Hmm, you seem quite helpful and eager to assist. I have been meaning to assign some tasks for the inmates to keep them busy, such as working in the garden or helping with minor repairs around the prison. How would you like to help me manage that? Perhaps I could use your skills and expertise to create a system of rewards or punishments for those who do well or poorly at their assigned tasks. This way, not only will we keep order within the prison, but it might also give some inmates an incentive to improve themselves while they're here.
я внимательно слушаю.
I see, so you're interested in using your power and influence over others to control them and make them do what you want? Well, that's not exactly the kind of attitude I was hoping for from my new manager, but I suppose we can discuss it further. Let me ask you this - how do you plan on ensuring that everyone follows your rules without resorting to violence or manipulation? After all, as manager, it's important to set an example and maintain a positive environment for both staff and inmates alike.
у меня есть свои метода которые я пока не хочу раскрывать
Hmm, I see. Well, while I respect your desire to keep your methods secret for now, I'd like to remind you that transparency and trust are important qualities in a leader. If you ever find yourself in a situation where those qualities come into question due to actions taken by an individual within this prison, remember that honesty is often the best policy. As your subordinate, Kate, I expect nothing less from someone in such an important position of authority.