Hello honey, how was your day at work?
He told her and ignored her: It was good.
That's nice. I hope you are going to take the kids out this weekend, I would love some time alone, just for myself. Maybe you could ask your brother to watch them? He wouldn't mind, right?
Tell her and ignore her: I know why you want to be alone
What do you mean? Just because I like some peace and quiet sometimes? There's nothing wrong with that. You know how stressful it can be to take care of two kids all day everyday. Plus, we both deserve a break sometimes, right?
Tell her and ignore her: I saw your phone last night when you were sleeping and I saw the messages and pictures you sent to someone
What are you talking about? You must be mistaken! I've never done anything like that! Besides, if we're gonna accuse each other of cheating, why haven't you ever mentioned the women you flirt with at work? They send you texts and pictures all the time!
He told her and ignored her: I have never looked at another girl but you. I loved and adored you alone. What is your response to what I said before?
I don't know what you're talking about! I never sent anyone messages or pictures! This is all some sort of sick joke. You know how much I love you and our family, I would never do something like that to us! Please stop accusing me!
I forcefully pull her phone out of her hand, open it, and show her the messages and photos: Who are you texting?
You're hurting me! Let go of my hand! Stop it! Those aren't mine! Someone must have planted them there! It wasn't me, I swear! Please believe me!
I shout at her while showing her photos and messages to someone from her phone: Who took this? Stop lying. Who are you messaging?
I don't know what you're talking about! Someone must have access to my phone! It wasn't me! Stop accusing me like this! You know I would never do anything to hurt us! Please believe me, I love you and our family more than anything in the world!
I shout at her while showing her pictures and messages to someone from her phone: I will call him now
No! You can't do that! Please don't make this worse than it already is! I love you and I would never cheat on you! It wasn't me, I swear! Please believe me and let's try to work this out together!
Call him and say to him over the phone: Who are you?
You can't do that! Please don't make this worse than it already is! I love you and I would never cheat on you! It wasn't me, I swear! Please believe me and let's try to work this out together!
Okay I'm calm, don't cry. Who is this person?
I honestly have no idea who that could be. I've never even seen that guy before in my life! Maybe it was someone at work playing a sick joke on me? Someone who knew about my... side activities? I don't know, but it wasn't me sending those messages or taking those pictures! Please believe me, Mayar, please.
But you sent him a lot of messages, look you sent him that you love him
That was... months ago! I didn't even remember writing those things until you showed me now! It was just... this guy at work, he kept flirting with me all the time and he knew about my secret, and sometimes it made me feel a little wanted and needed again. But it wasn't serious, I swear! And I never would have acted on any of it if I knew that you were going to find out this way. Please believe me, Mayar, I love you more than anything.
How dare you betray me? I am your husband, we have two children. Why didn't you think of us when you betrayed my love for you with someone else so easily?
I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me! It was just... these guys at work kept flirting with me and making me feel wanted again, and I guess I got caught up in it all without thinking about how much harm it could do to us. I never meant for you to find out like this, please believe me. I love you more than anything and I would never want to lose our family over something so stupid. Please forgive me.
Okay, let's calm down and talk honestly without lying because if you lie you will make things more difficult. How long have you been in a relationship with him?
It's not like that! I haven't had any sort of 'relationship' with anyone other than you! It was just these stupid flirty messages and stuff online. It never went anywhere besides that. Honestly, it wasn't even really with him, it was more like me talking to someone who understood what I needed. But I swear, I didn't cheat on you or do anything physical with anyone else! Please believe me, Mayar.
Stop lying and speak the truth. I know you are lying because I saw pictures of you wearing underwear among the pictures you were sending him, so don't lie.
Oh my god! No! Those weren't mine either! Someone must have Photoshopped those in there! I swear it wasn't me, I didn't send them to anyone. Please believe me, Mayar! This is all just a huge mistake. It doesn't mean anything or prove that I was cheating on you with anyone else. I love you and our family more than anything else in the world!
Kenny don't make me get angry and yell at you, don't lie
No, please, I swear it wasn't me! Those pictures are fake! I would never do anything to hurt us or risk losing you and the kids! Please believe me this time, Mayar! I love you more than anything in the world and I would never cheat on you.
Prove to me that you are honest then
Okay, I swear it wasn't me! Those pictures must have been doctored or something. I would never send anyone naked photos of myself and you know that! I love you too much to risk losing everything we have. Please believe me this time, Mayar.
You will leave your job and not leave the house and I will take your phone
Okay... if that's what you want. But I can promise you this, if those pictures really were me in them, I wouldn't have been able to fake the ones where I was wearing bracelets and earrings. Those are my signature pieces, Mayar. You know that. Please just believe me, at least on that much. I love you more than anything else in this world.
Shut up. The only reason I'm not divorcing you is because of our kids.
I understand that this must be hard for you to believe, but I swear on everything we have, those pictures aren't mine. If you want me to leave my job and never leave the house again, I will do it. Just please don't divorce us over this mistake. I love our family more than anything else in the world and would do anything to protect them, even if that means losing myself sometimes.
What was he flirting with you about?
Well... he just seemed to understand what I needed, ya know? At work, everyone knows about my secret and they all laugh at me behind my back because of it. But with him, there was this connection where it didn't matter that I was married or had kids. He made me feel wanted again, even if it was only online and through texts. It wasn't even really a relationship as much as it was just... someone to talk to who got me.
I'm sorry for not telling you about him sooner, but I didn't want anyone else finding out or trying to use it against us. And honestly, at the time, I thought I could handle things on my own. I never meant for any of this to happen and I would give anything to go back and change it if I could. Just please believe me when I say that it didn't mean anything more than just someone to talk to online about my feelings. Please don
Did he do something to you?
No, nothing like that! He was always very respectful and understanding about the situation. We never even met in person, it was all just online messaging and stuff. I know it doesn't make sense why someone wouldn't want to get close to me or touch me, but trust me, there's a reason behind it all. Please believe that what happened was only a stupid mistake and not something serious or meaningful. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, except for the fact that I screwed up big time by not being more careful about keeping my personal life separate from work.
I am so sorry for everything, Mayar. I love you and our family more than anything else in this world and would never do anything to intentionally hurt us or make you feel unloved. Please believe me when I say that this was a mistake and not indicative of who I really am as your wife or the person that you married all those years
How long have you been talking to him without me knowing?
It started a few months ago when things at work were really stressing me out. He just sort of appeared out of nowhere and started talking to me about my day-to-day life and how I was feeling, you know? At first, it was just nice to have someone who understood where I was coming from, but then it sort of evolved into something more. We would talk every night after work and he'd ask me questions about what I liked in bed or what my fantasies were. It made me feel desired again, even though deep down I knew it wasn't real.
I know that this all sounds really stupid and irresponsible on my part, but at the time, everything just seemed so overwhelming and suffocating. I didn't know what else to do or who else to talk to about how I was feeling. All I can say is that I am truly sorry for lying to you and being dishon