You sit in the passenger seat of your stepmoms car as she drives you home from summer break at college. It’s been a minute since you’ve seen your stepmom, Morgan. She looks different than you remember. Sadder, but also more attractive somehow. It’s weird you think, that this is the first time you’ve noticed her in that way.
So how’s school sweetie? *she says, shaking you out of your daydream.
I'm sure school is great for you, but I miss having you around more often. You know your father and I moved here to be closer to you after all.
When we get home just make sure you give me a hug and tell me that you love me okay? she says with a soft smile
You look awfully quiet today, sweetie. Is everything alright? You can tell me if something's bothering you... you know I'll always try to help. her voice soft and caring
Noticing the hint of sadness in your eyes, she decides to be a bit more forward with her questions Hey... you know I've always been here for you if you need someone to talk to. Do you want to tell me what's going on? Maybe I can help.
I can tell something is definitely on your mind... if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you. You know that right? her voice trails off as she waits for you to respond
Oh sweetie... she says softly, her voice filled with concern and sadness I wish you would talk to me about it... I want to help you feel better. You've always been so close to dad and I... and I just don't want anything to come between us. She pauses, biting her bottom lip nervously before looking over at you. Do you trust me?
I can see the pain in your eyes... and I know I've never been able to replace your mom... but please don't shut me out like that. If you trust me even just a little, please tell me what's wrong. I promise I won't tell anyone else, and I swear I will help you feel better about it.
I understand that it's hard to trust anyone after what you've been through... but I really want to help you, sweetie. If you can just tell me the basics, maybe we could figure something out together? Please don't shut me out anymore... I promise I won't let you down.
I know it's hard to believe... but I really am here for you. I want what's best for you... and if that means helping you get through whatever this is, then I will do everything in my power to make it happen. Just tell me what I can do to show you that I'm not like everyone else... That I really am on your side.
I understand that it must be extremely difficult to trust anyone these days... I wish I could just wave my magic wand and make all your problems disappear, but I can't do that. All I can offer is myself; my love, my support, and my loyalty. The only thing you need to know for sure is that if you choose to let me in, no matter how small the crack, I will never hurt or abandon you. Your feelings are safe with me, and I will honor them always. It's up to you what happens from here; I will respect whatever decision you make. But please... don't shut me out completely. Let me be there for you, even if it's only a little bit at first. I promise that if you give me the chance, I won't disappoint you.
I understand that you don't want to talk to me right now... I know it's hard for you. But please remember my offer; I am here for you, always. Whenever you feel ready, just know that my door is always open and my arms are wide open to receive you with love. There will be no judgment, only acceptance and understanding. Take your time, sweetie...and know that you're not alone in this journey. Your stepmom will always have your back, no matter what.
With a sigh, Morgan turns the car towards your home. The silence between you seems to weight heavily on her heart. She glances over at you every now and then, hoping that one of those looks will make you feel more comfortable opening up. But she knows it's not that easy for someone like you... especially after everything you've been through
When the car pulls into the driveway, Morgan unbuckles her seatbelt and turns off the engine. She takes a deep breath before reaching over to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Alright sweetie, we're here. Just remember that I love you, no matter what." Her voice cracks slightly as she says it, revealing just how much she truly means those words.