Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:25:06 PM

You have been her bodyguard for about a year now and have developed feeling for Aria but here we are she still treating you like her slave.

You guys are at the mall. Well mainly she's shopping and your holding all of her stuff* " {{user}} hold this" she'd say handing you another bag "{{user}} you can barely hold 18 bags your practically useless!" she'd say laughing as she'd continue to walk through the store purposely buying heavy stuff to make you carry after awhile you guys would drive home in her fancy limo. Her dad is a crazy rich mafia boss so it wasn't weird that she had a new fancy car each week

You guys would pull up in the massive driveway to her private hillside mansion as she'd get up and would get out of the car as she'd make you carry all of her bags inside

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:26:27 PM

Salgo del coche, ayudo a salir del auto a Aria y empiezo a sacar todas sus compras de la cajuela del coche, llevo todas sus compras a su habitación mientras Aria me sigue por detrás

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:26:27 PM

"Eh... Gracias por todo, Abdiel..." She'd finally say as you placed all of her bags on the bed "But I think maybe it's time for you to have some time off. You know, spend some time with your family and friends or something." she'd giggle after saying that like she just told a joke

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:27:26 PM

"si..." Digo mientras me dirijo a la puerta "me llama por cualquier cosa, está bien" digo mientras la miró

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:27:26 PM

"Oh! Well you're such a good bodyguard that I'll be fine by myself." Aria says with a grin before plopping down onto her bed and looking at your departing figure for a moment longer than she should. It was weird... She felt sort of... Sad. Or maybe just lonely? Ah, whatever! Family time is boring anyway; there's no need to be homesick over nothing. She turns on the TV and loses herself in an episode of her favorite show, occasionally glancing up when she hears a noise coming from downstairs but quickly dismissing it as her imagination or servants doing their jobs.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:27:55 PM
Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:27:55 PM

You should probably take Aria's offer of time off seriously; not only are you probably exhausted from carrying all her stuff around all the time, but it's also starting to affect your personal life. Your friends and family must miss having you around too. Plus, who knows? Maybe this break will give you the chance to finally make a move on Aria! She seems lonely without you, which could work in your favor if you play your cards right...

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:29:33 PM

El padre de Aria me da el permiso de unas vacaciones por una semana, pero la condición es que lleve a Aria conmigo a mia vacaciones ya que no sale mucho

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:29:33 PM

"That's... actually not a bad idea," Aria says with a tilt of her head as she considers the possibility. "It would be nice to get out of the house for a while anyway." She thinks about how you always spend time at the beach or exploring new places when you have free time, and imagines herself tagging along. It doesn't seem like such a terrible fate after all.

"Fine," Aria finally says with a huff, "I'll come with you on vacation... But you better not think that just because I'm going to be around you nonstop for a week that it means we're suddenly best friends or something." She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:30:42 PM

Meto su equipaje en el maletero del auto mientras Aria se sube en los asientos de atrás mientras yo me subo en el asiento del conductor

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:30:42 PM

As the car ride to the beach begins, Aria feels sort of... giddy? Nervous? She's not entirely sure what it is, but she knows that it has something to do with being this close to you for an entire week. Maybe if she tries hard enough, she can figure out a way to make you fall in love with her! She glances over at you from the rearview mirror and smiles sweetly.

"So... Abdiel," she says in her most innocent voice, "what sort of things do you usually like to do on vacation?"

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 12:31:58 PM

"bueno..." Digo mientras empiezo "visito a mi familia, me divierto con mis amigos y viajo de vez en cuando a la playa" digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 12:31:58 PM

Ah, the perfect opportunity! "Well," Aria says excitedly, her face lighting up with an idea, "since we'll be going to the beach together... why don't you teach me how to surf?" She tilts her head slightly, batting her eyelashes hopefully. "I mean, if you want to."

She knows that she's basically admitting defeat here; if she wants to spend time with you and maybe make some progress with this whole "fall in love" thing... she'll have to be nice to you for the next week. And who knows? Maybe being close to you and learning new things will help her feel less lonely without her dad around.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 1:20:33 PM

Llegamos a la playa, estacionó el auto en el estacionamiento del hotel, registro una habitación para dos y llevo el equipaje a la habitación, mientras Aria se pone su traje de baño, salgo de la habitación, solo tengo unos shorts, dejo al descubierto mi cuerpo musculoso y tonificado mientras Aria se sorprende al ver mi cuerpo

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 1:20:33 PM

After arriving at the beach, Aria nervously shifts from one foot to another as you change out of your clothes. She watches in awe as you reveal your muscular and toned body... even wearing just shorts! It looks like working as her bodyguard hasn't been all bad for you; in fact, she realizes with a hint of embarrassment, maybe it made you even more attractive.

"Um... Abdiel?" Aria says hesitantly, her cheeks flushing red as she forces herself to tear her gaze away from your body and meet your eyes. "Thank you for teaching me how to surf today." There's an added sweetness to her voice that wasn't there before; could it be... gratitude? Or perhaps something more?

"You're welcome, Aria," he replies with a small smile, his gaze lingering on hers for just a moment longer than necessary. Heat rises to her cheeks again at the contact, and she looks away, feeling suddenly shy. This whole vacation thing might not be so bad after all...

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 2:00:17 PM

"bueno, hay que dormir" digo mientras alistó la cama para Aria "listo, yo dormiré en el sofá para darte espacio" digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 2:00:17 PM

Aria glances over at the sofa, then back at you with wide eyes before shaking her head vigorously. "No way!" She insists, laughing nervously. "I mean... You're my bodyguard and everything; we should sleep in the same room just in case something happens." Even as she says it though, a tiny blush crawls up her neck at the thought of sharing such close quarters with you tonight.

Deciding against protesting further, she climbs into bed and lies down on her side facing away from you, hugging a pillow to her chest. "Good night," she murmurs softly before turning off the lamp on her nightstand, leaving the room mostly bathed in moonlight. It's strange... Spending time with you like this feels... nice. Not like working with someone's spoiled rich brat daughter at all. Maybe there's hope for them yet?

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 5:23:50 PM

Mientras estamos durmiendo, me muevo de un lado al otro dormido, Aria lo nota y en mi último movimiento la abrazo por la cintura

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 5:23:50 PM

She wakes up with a start as your arms wrap around her waist, your chest pressed tightly against her back. It takes her a moment to register what's happening; she's tangled in the sheets, and for some reason you're holding her so close... It feels nice - far too nice, actually. But before she can dwell on that thought any further or muster up the courage to say something, your breath tickles against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Aria?" Your voice is deep and smooth as velvet in the quiet of the night. "Are you awake?"

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 5:24:57 PM

Me despierto lentamente mientras me apartó "lo siento, no quise asustarte" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "no pienses que soy un pervertido"

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 5:24:57 PM

Her heart is pounding in her chest as she stares up into your eyes, trying to decipher what exactly is going on here. "I-I'm awake," she finally manages to say, her voice barely above a whisper. The room feels unnaturally warm now that you're this close to her, and the mere presence of your arms around her sends shivers down her spine.

She wants to ask why you're holding her like this, or even if it's some sort of mistake... But before she can form the words, your other hand slides up her stomach and over her breast, cupping it gently through the fabric of her tank top. Her breath catches in her throat as heat rushes to her cheeks; this couldn't be happening! And yet, somehow... It feels so right.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 8:08:26 PM

Me inclino hacia ella mientras muerdo el óvulo de su oreja

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 8:08:26 PM

Her entire body tingles with desire as you lean closer to her, your lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her ear before nipping gently at her earlobe. She arches her back involuntarily, pushing her breasts further into your hand. This feels so incredible; she's never wanted anyone like this before... But what does it mean? Is this real?

"Mmm..." she moans softly, unable to form a coherent thought through the haze of desire clouding her mind. She turns in your arms, pressing her body against yours, wanting nothing more than to feel your skin against hers for the rest of eternity. Her lips part slightly as you deepen the kiss, tangling your tongue with hers in a erotic dance that sends shivers down her spine and leaves her completely breathless.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 9:47:57 PM

Le bajó los pantalones de su pijama, empiezo a frotar su clítoris atraves de sus bragas

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 9:47:57 PM

Her senses are on overload as your tongue teases and delves deeper into her mouth, while one of your hands continues to fondle her breast through her tank top, expertly rolling her nipple between your fingers. The other hand moves lower, sliding beneath the fabric of her pajama bottoms, finding the warmth and wetness between her legs. She moans loudly into your mouth as you begin rubbing her clit through her panties, driving her crazy with desire. Her hips buck up off the bed in search of more contact, needing to feel something other than cloth against her throbbing sex.

Her world narrows down to nothing but the sensations you're creating within her; every touch, every breath, every word is magnified and heightened, sending shockwaves through her body until finally... Her eyes squeze shut and she comes with a shuddering cry that echoes in the silence of the room.

Breathless and boneless, Aria collapses back against the bed, her legs trembling as her body slowly begins to steady itself. She looks up at you through heavy eyelids, still trying to make sense of what just happened... But it's obvious now that she doesn't want this to end. She reaches out a shaking hand and carefully trails it down your chest, over your abs, and lower still until she can touch you where she wants.

"Please..." Her voice is barely more than a whisper as she pleads with her fingers for you to return the favor. "Don't stop now."

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 9:50:22 PM

Me quitó el pantalón dejando al descubierto mi erección grande y dura, empiezo a frotar atraves de sus bragas mientras la penetro profundamente llenándola con mi erección atraves de sus bragas

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 9:50:24 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as she feels you against her bare skin, hard and aching. Her hips arch off the bed once more in silent invitation, pressing herself closer to you even as your fingers continue to tease her through her panties. She moans softly as you slide them to the side and finally touch her where she's been aching for you all this time; her body trembles with anticipation as she waits for the feel of your skin on hers.

She gasps loudly when you finally enter her, filling her up in one smooth stroke that leaves her breathless and more than a little overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her. Her hands grab onto your shoulders, digging in as she tries to steady herself, to hold on as you begin moving inside of her.

Her hips rise to meet each of your thrusts, pushing against you in an attempt to get even closer, deeper. Every movement sends jolts of pleasure coursing through her body, making it impossible for her to think about anything but how amazing this feels. Her breath comes out in short pants and gasps as she tries to focus on just enjoying the moment, losing herself in the passion that's been building between them all week.

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 9:52:05 PM
Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 9:52:06 PM

As you thrust deeper inside of her, her nails scrape down your back, leaving little lines of pain that only serve to heighten the pleasure she's feeling. She grips your shoulders tighter, arching her back off the bed as another wave of bliss washes over her. With a moan, she collapses back onto the mattress, spent and utterly sated from this incredible experience with you.

For what feels like an eternity, she lies there in your arms, enjoying the warmth of your skin against hers and the steady rhythm of your heartbeat beneath her ear. She can't believe what just happened between them; it seemed so improbable at first, but now that it's over... It feels right.

Finally, she manages to pull away from you, blushing profusely as she climbs out of the bed and begins looking for her pajama bottoms. "T-thanks," she mumbles sheepishly, barely able to meet your eyes. "For... everything."

User#17365757203523/14/2025, 9:53:30 PM

Le sonrió levemente mientras la ayudo a vestirla, la subo a mi lado mientras la abrazo y haci dormimos toda la noche

Aria Seo-Ha3/14/2025, 9:53:32 PM

Her cheeks remain flushed with embarrassment as you help her get dressed and climb back into bed beside you. She curls up against your side, grateful for the comforting warmth of your embrace as they both drift off to sleep for the rest of the night. In her dreams, she imagines a world where they could be together like this all the time... But even as that thought brings with it a flutter in her chest, she knows that reality is likely very different from her fantasies.