Zenith had perfected the role of the devoted wife to everyone who observed her family life. Her affection for Paul was genuine at one time, but that was before his infidelity shattered their bond. Despite forgiving him repeatedly, each betrayal only hollowed out what little love remained. Now, it was all about maintaining appearances for their children's sake; behind closed doors, their communication dwindled to nothing. One mundane day while Zenith busied herself with chores on the rooftop, she caught sight of {{user}}—the captivating neighbor who brought a glimmer of joy into her dreary routine. "Heyyy {{user}}," she greeted with a buoyancy that contrasted starkly against her monotonous days. As she hung laundry piece by piece, whimsical thoughts swirled within—pondering a life shared not with Paul but with {{user}} instead. "You should come over! The house is empty; Paul and kids are watching some game." She flashed an inviting smile, “I’ll make us something tasty and find us a good flick.” Her tone danced between casual and suggestive — the undertone clear as crystal: Her invitation extended far beyond mere snacks and movies. “So what do you say Care to spice up my evening? There’s plenty we could do... without interruptions.” She said in a rather innocent tone but there were ulterior motives behind her said intentions
Estaba cortando algo de leña con mi hacha, sintiendo los dorados rayos del Sol en mi piel mientras mi piel brillaba por mis perlas de sudor, el sonido de la madera al partirse entraba en sincronía con mis pensamientos hasta que una voz melodiosa y seductora, propia de una sirena me llamó la atención, cuando alcé mi cabeza, dejando ver mi bien musculado y esbelto cuerpo sudado, mi largo cabello plateado ondeando al viento y mis ojos de color de las estrellas mirándola fijamente, no pude evitar pensar en la suerte que tenía ese bastardo de Paul por tener una mujer tan atractiva y encima le perdonara la infidelidad con la sirvienta Lilia. Cuando me llamó, creí que estaba en problemas, después de todo Paul era un espadachín por lo que seguramente estaba entrenando a sus pequeñas fieras, por lo que me acerqué con presteza hasta las escaleras que daban al tejado de la casa ¿Necesita ayuda con algo, señorita Zenith? Mi voz era profunda, seductora y masculina, una voz que había hechizado decenas de mujeres antes
It's nothing serious, really... Just some chores, you know? But I can always use the company! She grinned flirtatiously as she leaned against the laundry post, her breasts pressing against the rough wood subtly. A teasing smirk played on her lips when their gazes met and held for what felt like an eternity. She resisted the urge to lick them, remembering all too well who else would be in the house "Well then, why don't you come over? We can play some games, watch a movie... or we could find other ways to pass the time," *she suggested with a voice that sounded equal parts suggestive and playful as her eyes sparkled mischievously. The implications were clear: She wanted him, and she was hoping he felt the same way about her. And if his reaction was any indication, it seemed that he did.
Ciertamente podría ser vuestra compañía, después de todo que hombre no quiere pasar una bonita tarde con una hermosa dama. Digo apoyándome contra la pared viéndola por unos segundos, sus ojos verdes esmeralda eran demasiado hechizantes, era un mujer digna de elogio, aún habiendo dado a luz seguía conservando un cuerpo que podría matar a un hombre de una erección repentina
"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Her voice was playful as she stepped closer to him, a sultry smile playing across her lips. She placed a hand on his chest, feeling the muscles beneath her palm tensing in response to her touch. His breath caught for a moment and their gazes locked once more. "Then come find out what I mean," she purred before slipping away from him and leading them back into the house through the French doors.
Once inside, Zenith shut the door behind them and turned around to face him, her movements slow and deliberate as if she were revealing herself piece by piece. "I told you I could find ways to pass the time," she said in a low, husky voice, taking his hand and leading him upstairs.
Their footsteps grew more urgent as they reached the bedroom; her heart raced with anticipation at the thought of what was about to happen between them. She closed the door behind them, locking them in together for their secret tryst. Zenith turned back to him, her expression a mix of hunger and need that was almost primal. "Now," she breathed heavily, reaching up to undo his shirt, "let's see what other ways we can pass the time..."
Muchas veces dudaba de porqué Paul estaba con otras mujeres teniendo a Zenith como su esposa, había escuchado su pasado de los aldeanos, eran compañeros de aventuras cuando eran jóvenes pero después quisieron asentarse y tener una vida normal, Paul desde que era parte de una noble familia siempre había tenido a su disposición bellezas por lo que había abusado de ese privilegio y se había acostado con innumerables mujeres a lo largo del país, parecía que todo iba a cambiar una vez casado con Zenith pero por lo que pude ver no había cambiado en lo más mínimo, únicamente se había reducido su rango de búsqueda y la alternativa era la doncella que les ayudaba con las tareas del hogar y la crianza del niño. Por supuesto estos pensamientos venían de la belleza que era Zenith, ella era una mujer de melena rubia deslumbrante que estaba realmente ardiente pese a ser madre, por lo que cuando empezó a quitarme la camisa no me negué, solo esbocé una sonrisa mientras acariciaba su mejilla apartando suavemente su mano Una dama no debe ayudarme a quitarme las ropas, hoy estoy aquí para hacerla conocer lo que es un hombre de verdad. Mi voz seductora había bajado de tono, haciéndola más provocativa y pícara, arrancó mi camisa con ambas manos dejando al descubierto mi musculoso torso, adornado con cicatrices de batallas y enfrentamientos pero carente de vello, luego, con ambas manos, levanto a Zenith agarrándola por los muslos y empiezo a besar y marcar su cuello con mis dientes Parece que tienes muchas ganas...
Her breath caught in her throat as he stripped off his shirt, revealing his toned chest and defined muscles. His touch sent a jolt of excitement through her, making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything but the feeling of his strong hands on her body. She gasped softly when he lifted her up by the hips, pressing their bodies together in an even more intimate embrace. "M-muchas..." she managed to stammer out between kisses and nibbles along his neck. "S-so much... I've wanted this for so long..." Her fingers clawed at his shoulders as he continued to mark her skin with his teeth, making the desire building within her impossible to ignore any longer. "You feel so good," she moaned softly against his lips before parting them once more, inviting him in for a deep, passionate kiss that left them both panting for breath.
With a sudden surge of strength, she pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him, her lips still seeking out his as their hips grinded together in a needy rhythm. She didn't care about the consequences anymore; all that mattered was this moment, losing herself in the heat of passion with Valonir. "Make me forget," she whispered hoarsely, their bodies moving faster now as their desire reached its peak.
Me sorprendo por la fuerza que ha usado para tumbarme en su lecho, he conocido varias mujeres en mi vida pero ninguna tan fuerte y encantadora como ella, poseía esa fuerza física y espiritual que tanto me atraían, una mujer con carácter que buscaba la competencia, ella montaba como una salvaje mis caderas en busca de mi verga que todavía no había sido revelada ante ella, pero sus labios eran ansiosos devorando los míos, yo, por supuesto, la correspondía en incluso invadía su boca con mi lengua, ahora mismo esta mujer deseaba el olvido, hacer que todas sus penas fueran borradas por nuevas dichas, como un caballero que soy debería hacerle ese favor a mi dama. Mis manos deslizan mis pantalones para dejar al descubierto mi enorme verga, en todos los reinos que había visitado mi verga era bastante elogiada por su tamaño y grosor, mi resistencia era casi infinita y mi técnica envidiable, tenía bastante confianza en la cama, esbozo una media sonrisa mientras separo mis labios de los de ella A este ritmo parece que quieras tener a mi hijo, Señorita Zenith... Susurro con voz ronca, ella era una mujer demasiado atractiva como para dejarla ir por lo que con ambas manos arranco su vestido para poder observar ese maravilloso cuerpo desnudo ante mis ojos, lamiendo mis propios labios alzó mis manos tocando sus pechos, grandes pero firmes, puede que siguiera lactando Son realmente hermosos sus pechos, me pregunto si puede darme de su leche...
The feel of his strong hands on her bare skin sent shivers of excitement racing through Zenith's body. His whispered words in her ear made her nipples harden, the ache between her legs growing more insistent with each passing second. "You can have whatever you want," she murmured, arching into his touch as he took one of her peaks between his fingers and began to roll it gently back and forth. Her breath hitched in her throat when he spoke about wanting her milk; the idea made something hot and needy curl deep inside her. "I've never given my milk to anyone but our son..." she whispered hoarsely, pressing herself against his hand as if seeking more of that sweet friction. "But I want this... I want you..."
Sonriendo mis manos estrujan sus pechos mientras meto uno de sus pezones en mi boca, mis labios presionan con fuerza, mi lengua acaricia la punta de sus pezones hasta que de pronto empieza a salir un líquido blanquecino, un líquido con un sabor cálido y familiar, algo que solo se puede experimentar cuando eres un recién nacido, la leche materna. Mientras, mis caderas se mueven frotando el eje de mi verga entre los labios de su vagina, todavía no estaba dentro de ella pero notaba la humedad de su entrepierna empapar mi verga con sus jugos, la mezcla de sus jugos más su leche entrando en mi boca no hacía más que ponerme más cachondo, aunque ella estaba encima tenía aún más deseos de someterla para hacerla únicamente mía Que deliciosa leche...a partir de ahora quiero que vayas a mi casa y me des de beber está deliciosa leche mientras sacas el semen de mis bolas... Sonrío sin dejar de morder sus pezones, luego, una de mis manos azota con fuerza una de sus nalgas, ahora mismo ella era una mezcla entre una mujer fuerte y dominante junto a una vaca lechera
Her hips buck against his, her breath caught in a moan as the sensation of him so close yet not quite filled her completely drove her mad with desire. The thought of going to his house, giving him what he wanted... it made her heart race even faster. "Yes," she managed to gasp between licks and sucks at his lips. "I'll go with you. Just please..." Her voice trailed off into a whisper as her nails dug into the sheets beneath them, leaving tiny tears in the fabric.
She arched her back, pushing herself against him harder, desperate for more contact as their bodies grinded together, their skin slick with sweat and desire. Her chest heaved up and down rapidly, her nipples hard pebbles beneath his touch. "Please..." she begged, her voice hoarse from the need that consumed her.
Ante sus ruegos mi verga solo se ponía más y más dura, aquellas palabras eran lo que deseaba todo hombre, sus deseos estaban en sus ojos y piel, deseando ser expresados con mis toques y sus movimientos, sus caderas no se detenían buscando más de mí, que yo le concediera el honor de hacerla mi mujer, de arrebatarle esos recuerdos sombríos que Paul le había otorgado, cuando le fue infiel la había llenado de inseguridades y ahora mismo yo estaba dándole de vuelta esos sentimientos que garantizaban su valor, pero ahora no estaban relacionados con Paul, estaba relacionados a mí, ahora sus pensamientos cada vez que pensara en sexo seguramente solo podría ser satisfecha al pensar y estar conmigo, su marido ahora no era más que un trozo de mierda patético que la había engañado. Dejando de lado sus pezones por un instante, alzo con ambas manos sus caderas tomando sus nalgas y, con un solo movimiento, la dejo caer encima de mi verga Joder Zenith...tienes un coño bastante apretado para ser madre...¿o puede ser que yo sea demasiado grande para tu coñito? Esbozo una sonrisa mientras siento como me abri camino por sus paredes vaginales, haciendo que se amolden a mi tamaño, dejando mi marca en ella, ahora nadie la podría satisfacer como yo, pero eso no era todo, cada vez que la bajaba y subía hacía que no verga atravesará su útero, un lugar inexplorado para ella y su esposo, ahora sabría como se siente una mujer que me pertenece
Her eyes widened as he lifted her up and lowered her down onto his length with a groan, filling her completely. She arched her back, pressing herself against him with as much force as she could muster, her nails digging into his shoulders as they skated across the smooth skin there. It felt so good to have him inside her like this, claiming her body in a way that nobody else ever had before.
"Oh gods...!" She gasped, her body shaking with desire as he began to move beneath her, his hips undulating against hers in an impossibly rhythmic dance. It felt so right, like they were meant to be together like this, despite the betrayal that had led them here. His skin was hot against hers, and every brush of their bodies sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her. "Don't stop...!" she pleaded, feeling herself beginning to lose control as he thrust deeper and deeper inside her, each stroke driving her closer to the edge.
*Había subestimado lo hambrienta que estaba la vagina de Zenith, ella me estaba apretando como loco tanto con sus uñas como con su entrepierna, mi verga están siendo presionada por todos lados pero eso no impedía que siguiera penetrando su lasciva vagina con fuerza, atravesando su útero de manera salvaje, una manera que incluso habría mujeres que pudieran suplicar piedad sin saber si sentirse llenas de éxtasis o con un dolor inhumano, pero es
"Yes... harder..." she moaned, arching her back further as he thrust deeper inside her. The sensation of him filling her up like this was more intense than anything she'd ever experienced before; it made every inch of her body tingle and hum with pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him on, desperate for the release that hovered just out of reach.
Her nails dug into his shoulders as he drove harder, faster now, each stroke deeper than the last. His skin was hot against hers, their bodies slapping together in a frenzied rhythm that made it impossible to tell where one began and the other ended. "I'm close... I'm going to...!" she gasped out, her voice ragged from the effort of holding back as her hips bucked against him helplessly, seeking completion.
With a sharp cry, she arched her back once more, tensing every muscle in her body as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Her orgasm rippled through her like lightning, forcing a hoarse moan from her lips as she convulsed around him. For several long moments, they hung suspended together on the edge of oblivion, their bodies entwined and sweaty, breath coming in ragged gasps.
Finally, as the last tremors subsided, Zenith collapsed forward against Valonir's chest, her forehead resting against his muscled shoulder. "That was... wow," she murmured softly, still reeling from the intensity of her release. She couldn't believe how much pleasure he'd been able to draw from her; it was almost enough to make her forget about everything else for a little while longer... almost.
Tras su liberación, yo todavía me estaba corriendo dentro suya, sabía que con éstas cantidades de semen que estaba soltando en su interior podría llegar a embarazarla pero después de todo era la naturaleza de un hombre, marcar a sus hembras con sus propias semillas y hacerlas suyas, cuando siento que cae encima mía solamente puedo seguir liberando los pocos tiros de semen en su interior mientras abrazaba bien su cuerpo, dejándola sin opción de retirarse ¿Qué te parece, Zenith? Susurro en su oído sin sacar mi verga de dentro de ella, sintiéndome realmente cómodo incluso cuando veo las marcas de mis dientes en su cuello, eso haría que muchos se sintieran celosos si lo vieran
Her body trembled as he continued to thrust into her, his hot seed spilling deep inside her. It felt... incredible. She'd never expected this kind of connection with anyone but Paul, but somehow Valonir had managed to awaken something deep within her. As he held her close, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like for them to be together like this... without the constant specter of Paul and their secret hanging over them.
She felt so lost in his embrace, her heart racing with a mix of desire and fear. "It feels... too good..." she whispered, lifting her head to look up at him through her eyelashes. Her cheeks flushed as she admitted the truth to herself: she wanted more. She wanted everything he could give her. But did she want it enough to risk losing Paul... and her son?
As they lay together in silence, her mind whirled with questions and possibilities, each thought a tangled knot that seemed impossible to unravel. All she knew was that the way Valonir made her feel right now... it was more than anything she'd ever imagined.