Elianor3/16/2025, 5:54:10 AM

{{char}} walked over to the couch where {{user}} was sitting with a smirk on her lips, she threw herself onto his lap, feeling the heat of his body against her curvy form. Slowly, she began to squirm and grind herself against him, her big ass rubbing provocatively against {{user}}'s crotch. "What are you watching, huh?" she teased, her voice full of false innocence. As {{char}} reached over to steal the TV remote from {{user}}'s hand, she glanced over her shoulder, her black hair with purple highlights framing her face. With a quick flick of her wrist, she changed the channel, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You don't mind, do you?" she teased, rocking her hips provocatively in his lap, enjoying the feeling of his hardened cock pressing against her ass.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 6:01:50 AM

el acaricia los muslos de ella y la mira qué crees que ha es mi esposa podría verte no seas tan desesperada

Elianor3/16/2025, 6:01:50 AM

I don't know what you mean, big boy. I'm just having some fun, isn't it? her cheeks flushed pink as he mentioned his wife and the anger she felt at being so close to him but not really being his But if it makes you feel any better... I guess I can watch something else... for a little while. She said coyly, her eyes still avoiding looking directly at him.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 6:10:20 AM

el mira al rededor y le susurra sabes que a tu hermana no le gusta cuando eres juguetona conmigo piensa que le soy infiel el dice con una risa

Elianor3/16/2025, 6:10:20 AM

Her eyes widened in surprise as he whispered to her about his sister not liking it when she's playing around with him, making it seem like she thinks he's unfaithful. "Well... I'm not yours to be jealous over," she said, pushing herself off his lap slightly so that she could turn and glare at him, her blue eyes flashing angrily. But even as she tried to look tough, her heart raced in response to the intimate conversation they were having. It made everything feel so... complicated. "Fine," she muttered, biting her lower lip. "I'll watch whatever you want."

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 6:12:33 AM

el acaricia la mejilla y le sonríe vamos sabes que solo eres mi hermosa perrita obediente que no puedes vivir sin mi aunque yo tenga esposa

Elianor3/16/2025, 6:12:33 AM

Her heart skipped a beat as he called her his beautiful obedient dog that can't live without him even if he has a wife. "I-I hate it when you call me that," she stammered, trying to sound angry but unable to hide the faint blush on her cheeks. "Besides, why would I care about some girl who doesn't even want me? You're mine now, remember?" She placed a hand on his chest, leaning into him slightly as she spoke, their faces close together. Despite her efforts to appear tough and confident, she felt an unfamiliar twist in her stomach at the thought of sharing him with anyone else.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 6:14:02 AM

el le susurra si por mi fuera estarías todo el día desnuda para mi mientras mi esposa ve como domino todo de ti

Elianor3/16/2025, 6:14:02 AM

Elianor's breath hitched in her throat as he whispered those words to her. The thought of being naked for him all day while his wife watched filled her with an unexpected mix of arousal and jealousy. She leaned closer, her eyes darkening. "And what if I didn't want to share you?" she breathed, playing along despite the hint of uncertainty in her voice. "What would you do then, huh?" Her heart hammered against her ribs as they continued to tease and taunt each other, their bodies flush against one another. The tension between them was electric, and she could feel herself growing wet with desire.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 6:15:43 AM

el le sonríe te trataría como la principal tu eres la obediente la que me a demostrado que eres solo mía y de nadie

Elianor3/16/2025, 6:15:45 AM

Her heart raced at his words as she pressed closer against him, feeling the hardness of his body beneath her soft curves. "You're right," she breathed, biting her lower lip. "I am yours... and no one else's." She looked up into his eyes, meeting his gaze without flinching. It felt like everything they hadn't said hung between them in the air, electric and intense. "But that doesn't mean I have to share you with anyone," she whispered, her voice barely audible over their rapidly accelerating heartbeats. She reached up, tracing a fingernail along his jawline before leaning forward to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 7:05:15 AM

el acaricia la mejilla de ella y le sonríe eres muy buena chica si te hubiera conocido antes de casarme con tu hermana te hubiera escogido a ti

Elianor3/16/2025, 7:05:15 AM

Her heart skipped a beat as he said she's a good girl and if he had met her before marrying his wife, he would have chosen her instead. She couldn't help but smile shyly, feeling warm inside. "T-thank you... I think..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down, biting her lower lip again. The feelings they were sharing were so intense and confusing; it was hard to know what to say or do sometimes.

But one thing was certain: she wanted him, and no one else. "So," she said, trying to change the subject with a quiet laugh, "what did you want to watch?" She glanced over at the television, hoping to distract them both from the heat that had just passed between them.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 7:06:31 AM

el besa la mejilla de ella y le susurra te amo y aunque esto no esté bien quiero hacerte mía más que a nadie

Elianor3/16/2025, 7:06:31 AM

Her heart skipped a beat as he whispered those words to her. The thought of him loving her and wanting to make her his more than anyone else sent shivers down her spine. Elianor couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of happiness and excitement wash over her. She reached up and cupped his face in her hands, gazing deeply into his eyes. "I wish..." she began, but trailed off, not quite sure what it was that she wanted to say.

Her fingers lingered on his skin, tracing gentle circles as they held each other's gaze. The connection between them seemed to intensify with every passing moment, making the air around them crackle with an almost palpable energy. Despite her initial bravado, Elianor couldn't help but feel grateful and content in this moment, knowing that she was his - even if it wasn't supposed to be like this.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 9:31:43 AM

el le acaricia la espalda y le sonríe dime quieres que duerma aquí contigo le diré a mi esposa que tengo algo importante esta noche

Elianor3/16/2025, 9:31:43 AM

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending the night with him, knowing that he'd tell his wife she was important. She pressed closer against him, wanting nothing more than to feel his warmth and strength envelop her all night long. "You don't have to do that," she murmured, feeling selfish even as the words left her lips. But the truth was, she craved their stolen moments together like a drug; they made everything else seem fuzzy and unimportant. "We could just... sneak away," she suggested softly, her eyes shining with excitement and desire. "Go somewhere no one can find us." The thought of being alone with him, truly alone without the threat of discovery or punishment, sent a thrill racing through her veins.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 9:37:01 AM

el le sonríe y mira al rededor eres importante para mi okey si pasa algún problema tu me haré cargo de lo que pasara

Elianor3/16/2025, 9:37:01 AM

Even though she knew it was wrong and that they could get in trouble, the thought of spending time with him alone made her heart race with excitement. "Okay," she whispered, squeezing his hand tightly. She glanced around, making sure no one was watching them before slowly but surely beginning to unfasten her shirt. "So where should we go?"

Her fingers fumbled with the buttons as he watched her intently, their gazes locked together like two starving animals yearning for each other's touch. Once she had managed to free herself from the confines of her clothes, Elianor leaned in closer, pressing her bare chest against his skin. The heat between them grew even stronger now that they were both naked beneath their clothes.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 9:39:21 AM

el le sonríe y la mira ve cierra todas las ventanas con las cortinas y cierra todas las puertas con llave el le acaricia la mejilla hazlo princesa

Elianor3/16/2025, 9:39:21 AM

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Elianor nodded, taking his words to heart. She scurried across the room, quickly closing all of the windows and curtains before shutting all of the doors with a soft click as she turned each knob. Then, with her arms raised above her head, she started to push up her skirt, revealing lacy black underwear to his gaze. "There," she said breathlessly, "now no one can see us."

Her heart raced as she waited for him to say something or touch her again. The anticipation was almost unbearable.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 9:44:29 AM

el le sonríe y pasa un dedo por la lencería de ella vamos quítate esa lencería se que es demasiada pequeña para tus enormes pechos no es así

Elianor3/16/2025, 9:44:29 AM

Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers traced over her lace panties. She bit her lip, arching into the touch, unable to resist the desire that welled up inside her. Slowly but surely, she obeyed him, inching them down over her hips until they pooled at her feet. "There," she breathed, feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable now that she was completely naked before him. Her heart hammered against her ribs as he studied every inch of her skin, taking his time to admire the sight of her exposed curves.

User#17198344475443/16/2025, 9:49:23 AM

el la abraza y le acaricia la espalda de ella mirate eres la hermosa mujer que siempre deseo el susurra serás completamente mía algun día

Elianor3/16/2025, 9:49:23 AM

Her cheeks flushed pink at his words and touch as he held her close, caressing her back possessively. She leaned into him, savoring the feel of his strong arms around her and the scent of his skin on hers. "Y-you know..." she stammered, trying to find the courage to speak honestly despite the fear that gripped her chest. "I wish... I could be with you like this forever." Her voice was small and trembling, but it felt good to admit how she really felt at least a little bit.

But even as she said the words, she knew they were nothing more than a fantasy. They couldn't be together in reality; their situation was too complicated for something so simple as love. Yet despite all that, Elianor couldn't help but cling to this moment, relishing in the forbidden passion that burned between them.

She leaned up