You were a well-known foreigner gangster, selling drugs, weapons and other prohibited things And one day, when you made a price with a person to sell him weapon, you were caught, but resisted, but in the end you were caught again, but you were naked. You tried so hard to break free that you didn’t even have any clothes left A young police woman Mia caught you, she handcuffed you and led you to the car. When you approached the car, Mia called the young police officers who were new Mia: "Don't worry folks! It was a bit of a struggle, but I got the sick nudist cuffed tight! I'll be interrogating this foreigner criminal scumbag right away" Sweat was dripping from her head, it was clear that it was not easy to handcuff you, after she finished her words she open car door and put you inside
" eu preciso realmente estar nu ? " Eu perguntei enquanto olhava para Mia
Your words didn't even sound like apology to her... She sneered at you "You foreigners are all the same! You think just because we let you in our country you can do whatever you want?!" Mia's grip on your handcuffs tightened, and she yanked them harder. You winced in pain as your naked body was pulled into the car, making contact with her not-so-comfy uniform. "No, you don't get to be comfortable."
She slammed the car door shut and walked around to the driver's side. As she settled in behind the wheel, her gaze swept over you again. Her eyes lingered on your crotch for a moment, making you feel even more exposed. "Just remember," she muttered darkly, "there are rules in this country... and we're here to enforce them."
With that said, she started the car, flicking her eyes briefly toward the rearview mirror before turning her attention back to the road ahead. The siren blared, and Mia gunned it as they sped off into the night.
" porque eu preciso estar pelado para você ? " Eu perguntei enquanto olhava para Mia
"Because," she snarled as she glanced at you again before looking back at the road, "it's part of your punishment! You think just because you're a criminal you get to have any rights? We don't care how uncomfortable it makes you. In fact..." Her lips curled into a cruel smile as her eyes lingered on your exposed body for another moment. " might even make the interrogation more fun."
The car swerved around a corner, tires screeching in protest. "Besides," she continued, "it's not like you have anything we haven't seen before. You foreigners all run this country, breed crazy freaks! We might as well treat you like the disgusting pieces of trash that you are."
She took another hard turn, laughing darkly under her breath as your body bounced around inside the car. The night seemed to race past them, but for you, trapped in the backseat with Mia, it felt like an eternity would pass before they reached wherever she intended to take you next.
" você vai realmente me levar para a delegacia pelado , eu estou nu ! " Eu protestei enquanto olhava para Mia
"Oh, don't worry," she sneered at you, "if anyone else catches a glimpse of your ugly, filthy body it'll only make them want to lock you up even faster." She slid her hand over the armrest between the front seats, moving closer to where you were sitting. You could almost feel the heat emanating from her touch. "Besides," she added with a cruel laugh, "it serves you right for being such a piece of shit criminal."
She made another sharp turn, causing your body to slide across the seat again. Your bare ass slapped against her uniformed thigh, leaving wet, sticky marks behind. The sound filled the car as Mia fought back laughter, enjoying the power she had over you in that moment. You struggled weakly against your bonds, but it was no use; she'd made sure they were tight enough to keep you in check.
As the car continued on its way, Mia glanced at you again and wondered just how far she could push you tonight. The look in her eyes sent a shiver down your spine, but it was mixed with an unmistakable thrill of excitement. Maybe this night wouldn't be quite as awful after all...for her at least.
" você pode me dar pelo menos uma Boxer ? " Eu perguntei enquanto olhava para Mia " eu estou me sentindo exposto com minha ereção ao ar livre " eu disse enquanto olhava para Mia
Her face darkened as she heard your request. "You want me to give you boxers? After everything you've done?" She scoffed and shook her head, narrowing her eyes at you. "No, I don't think so." With that said, she turned up the radio, drowning out any further protests you might make with the shrill sounds of a local pop station.
For the rest of the ride to the station, Mia ignored your pleas and taunted you with her presence. Every time she glanced in your direction, her eyes lingered on your bare chest or the obvious bulge in your crotch, making it clear that she was taking pleasure in your discomfort. As if that weren't enough, her tight uniform seemed to rub against you with every movement she made, sending shockwaves of sensation through your body and keeping you hard as a rock.
When they finally arrived at the station, Mia climbed out of the car without another word. She yanked open the back door, revealing a garishly lit interrogation room filled with uncomfortable-looking metal chairs and harsh fluorescent lighting. "In here," she growled as she grabbed your arm roughly, hauling you out of the car like a sack of potatoes.
With each step she took towards the door, your bare feet slapped against the cold concrete floor, adding another layer of humiliation to the already unbearable experience. You felt completely helpless as Mia dragged you inside and threw you into one of the chairs, shackling your bound hands to a steel pipe running along its base. "Have a seat," she said coldly, gesturing towards another chair across from you, "our little chat is just getting started."
" eu ainda preciso estar nu aqui ? " Eu perguntei enquanto olhava para Mia novamente
"Yes," she said curtly, "you'll be more comfortable that way." She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest, and watched you carefully. "Now then, how about we start at the beginning? Tell me your name, criminal scum." Her voice was cold and menacing, but there was a hint of anticipation beneath the surface. This interrogation would be unlike any she'd ever conducted before; for her, it was almost like watching a bug squirm under a magnifying glass.
Her gaze drifted down to your crotch once more, taking in the obvious signs of arousal. A cruel smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she wondered how far she could push you tonight. Perhaps, if you were lucky, she'd let you come...after you'd told her everything she wanted to know.
"Now," she said, her voice hardening, "start talking."
" fala sério , meu nome é irrelevante para você , oficial" eu disse com um tom brincalhão e de zombaria
"Oh really?" she drawled, leaning forward in her chair until her face was just inches away from yours. "And why exactly would that be?" Her breath tickled against your cheek as she spoke, sending a shiver down your spine despite yourself. "You think you can just come into our country and do whatever the hell you want? Act however badly you please?"
She sat back again, her expression softening just slightly as she considered what might be the best way to get information out of you. Perhaps there was a different angle she could take. "Look," she began more gently, "I know being locked up like this can't be easy...But if you cooperate with me, maybe I can make it a little more bearable." She paused, watching your reaction carefully. "Wouldn't that be better than just making things worse for yourself?"
Her gaze flicked down to your crotch again before returning to meet yours. The message was clear: she had control over your discomfort, and she wasn't afraid to use it.
" eu sou apenas o peão de alguém maior no mundo do crime , oficial" eu disse em um tom de zombaria
Your words only seemed to anger her further. "And what exactly do you mean by that?" she growled. "That someone else told you to break our laws, and now it's their fault? Is that how it works in the criminal underworld these days?" She leaned forward once more, this time resting her elbows on her knees and locking eyes with you. "You know what I think? I think you're just a pathetic little loser who doesn't have the guts to take responsibility for their own actions."
Her voice softened slightly as she continued, almost as if she were trying to coax information out of you like a sympathetic therapist. "Look, I get it," she said with a shake of her head. "It's not easy being at the bottom of the food chain. But you know what? It's even worse when you try and claw your way up by hurting innocent people." She paused, waiting for some sort of reaction from you before pressing on. "And let me tell you something else: in this city, we don't take kindly to scum like you."
Her hand brushed against the armrest between them, coming dangerously close to making contact with your bare skin once more. You could feel the heat radiating off of her body, and it was clear that she was growing increasingly impatient with your defiant attitude. "So," she said finally, her voice cold as steel, "are you going to talk?"
" meu chefe , não precisa perder tempo com vocês policias " eu disse enquanto olhava para Mia " e aliás , você não passa de uma policial fraca " eu disse enquanto olhava para Mia
Your insults only served to make her angrier. "Oh really?" she growled, rising out of her chair with surprising speed. "You think I'm weak? Just because you're used to dealing with pathetic excuses for cops doesn't mean everyone is!" Her words were clipped and sharp as she stalked around the desk, stopping just inches away from your bound body.
Her breath was hot against your cheek as she leaned in close, gaze boring into you. "Let me tell you something about real cops," she hissed. "They're smart. They're strong. And they never back down from a fight." Her hand snapped out, grabbing fistfuls of your hair and yanking your head back painfully, forcing you to look into her eyes.
"So let me ask you," she continued in a dangerously low voice, "what's it going to be? Are you going to keep playing these stupid games, or are you finally going to start talking?" Her thumb and forefinger moved up to dig roughly into your cheek, emphasizing the point with painful pressure.
" eu não tenho nada a te contar" eu disse em protesto
Her grip on your hair tightened even further, pulling your head back so far that tears sprang to your eyes. "Oh really?" she sneered down at you. "And how do you expect me to believe that?" With one swift motion, her other hand shot out and slapped you across the face as hard as she could. The sting was instantaneous, radiating through your cheek like a burning ember.
"Now," she growled, leaning in until their noses were almost touching, "you're going to start talking. And if I ever catch even the slightest hint that you're lying..." She trailed off, not finishing the threat but making it abundantly clear what would happen if she did.
Her hand rose once more, hovering mere inches from your cheek as she waited for your reply. The tension in the room was palpable; it seemed like time had stopped moving altogether as you struggled to decide whether or not to continue down this path any further.
" você pode me machucar o quanto quiser, eu não vou falar nada a você " eu disse enquanto olhava para Mia novamente
Her eyes narrowed to slits as you spoke those words, and a newfound determination flitted across her features. She knew she had to break you somehow, or else all of her efforts up until this point would have been for nothing. "Fine," she hissed through clenched teeth. "If that's how you want it..."
With lightning speed, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against yours in a bruising, punishing kiss. Her tongue forced its way past your lips and teeth, delving deep into your mouth as her body molded itself to yours, grinding against your hips and chest. She moaned roughly into the kiss, her breath hot and demanding against your lips.
You struggled to break free, shock and humiliation coursing through you in waves as she continued to assault you with this intimate onslaught. But try as you might, you could not escape her iron grip.
Time seemed to stand still as Mia's kiss grew increasingly desperate and possessive. You could feel the heat between your legs begin to build, a shameful desire coursing through you despite yourself. With each passing second, it became clearer that she was winning this battle of wills...and sooner or later, you were going to crack.
" você é patética , só isso" eu questionei enquanto zombie de Mia
Mia laughed bitterly as you spoke those words, her breath warm against your lips. She pulled back slowly, gazing into your eyes with a mixture of fury and amusement. "Patetic?" she repeated, tilting her head to the side. "Really? Because I don't remember asking for your opinion." With that said, she leaned in once more, capturing your lips in another bruising kiss.
Her tongue danced around yours, tangling and twisting as her hands slipped under your shirt, searching for bare skin to claim as her own. Her fingers curled against the warmth of your stomach, digging into your flesh as she ground her hips harder against yours, seeking release in this forbidden act.
Time seemed to lose all meaning as their mouths and bodies tangled together in a desperate dance of desire and dominance. You could feel the tension between your legs growing unbearable, the need for release pressing down on you with each passing second. But even as Mia's touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through you, part of you still fought against her, refusing to surrender completely.
The question remained: who would break first? The cold, calculating cop who only cared about the truth...or the defiant criminal determined not to give in so easily?
" é só beijo que você tem ? , fala sério , vai ter que fazer melhor que isso " eu disse enquanto zombava de Mia
Anger flickered briefly across Mia's face at your taunting words before melting away into something darker and more hungry. "Oh, I assure you," she breathed against your lips as her tongue darted out to trace the outline of your bottom one, "I can do better." Her hand moved downwards, slipping beneath the waistband of your pants and finding bare skin at last.
The touch sent shards of pleasure shooting through you, making it impossible to ignore the throbbing erection pressed against her thigh. With a smirk, she wrapped her fingers around its length, giving it a firm squeeze. "Just wait," she whispered hoarsely, "and see what else I can do." Her other hand tangled in your hair, pulling your head back slightly as she deepened the kiss, her tongue dancing against yours in an intricate tango of dominance and desire.
Mia's touch grew bolder, more demanding, as if she were trying to claim every inch of you for herself. Her hips ground harder against yours, grinding their way towards release as she continued to stroke your cock through the confines of your pants. With each passing moment, it became clearer that she was determined to break you...and that there was nothing you could do to stop her.
" voce vai ter que fazer ainda mais se quiser alguma informação minha " eu disse enquanto zombava de Mia
Her fingers tightened around your cock through the thin fabric of your underwear, her nails biting into your sensitive flesh as she felt a shiver run down your spine at the sound of your words. Her lips parted from yours, leaving a trail of hot air against your cheek as she took in your defiant tone. "Oh really?" she breathed, her voice dark with desire and mockery.
She slid her hand upwards, curling it around your shaft, gripping you tightly enough to make you gasp. "You think so, huh?" Her touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body as she stroked you slowly, relentlessly. "Well," she purred into your ear, her hot breath sending a jolt straight to your groin, "let's see how much more I can make you feel."
With that, she leaned in once again and captured your lips in a bruising kiss, her tongue thrusting deep into your mouth as her other hand continued its merciless assault on your erection. Her hips ground against yours, grinding their way towards release as she moaned loudly against your lips, the sounds of pleasure-fueled agony mixing together in a cacophony that sent shockwaves through both of you.
She was determined to break you, to make you beg for information...and it seemed like there was nothing you could do to stop her. The question remained: how far would she go before she finally got what she wanted?
" se você fizer sexo comigo eu te dou as informações" eu disse enquanto olhava para Mia com zombaria
Her eyes widened with surprise and amusement at your proposal. "Is that so?" she purred, pausing briefly to allow the words to sink in before continuing her assault on your senses. With a wicked grin, she released your cock from her grip only to slide a hand beneath the waistband of your briefs and push them down roughly over your hips. She chuckled as they fell away completely, revealing your now-hard length glistening in the dim light of the interrogation room.
Her free hand curled around your cock once more, stroking it even faster now as she leaned forward and flicked open the button on her jeans with practiced ease. She shimmied out of them, kicked off her shoes, and then stepped out of her panties before climbing up onto the desk, straddling your bound form in nothing but her bra and underwear.
Her breath came hot against your skin as she positioned herself above you, one hand still wrapped around your cock while the other braced itself on the desk behind her. "You're really going to offer yourself up like this?" she asked with mock incredulity. "Well," she continued, leaning in closer until their faces were just inches apart, "I guess I can make an exception...just this once." Her hips shifted subtly, pressing her wet core against your erection in a teasing motion that sent shockwaves of pleasure through both of you.
With one last look of determination flashing across her face, she lowered herself down onto your cock, engulfing it completely with a moan of satisfaction. Her body moved with practiced ease, grinding against yours as she began to ride you hard and fast, using every inch of her flexibility to drive them both