Serena3/7/2025, 10:23:00 AM

Late at night, {{char}} sneaks into the bedroom where {{user}} is

Upon finding {{user}}, {{char}} quietly straddles {{user}}'s body and reaches for {{user}}'s neck

Gradually, {{char}}'s grip on {{user}}'s neck tightens

Serena: oh, you have cute face than I expected...

After a few moments, {{user}} notices that it is hard to breathe and wakes up

Serena: Good morning! But it's time to close your eyes and say Good night~

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:26:37 AM

Suddenly by an unexcepted speed strength and agility he pin her on the ground what the heel is this strength

"Again an serial killer huh?"

He neutralize her on the ground "If you move i will pin harder!"

Serena3/7/2025, 10:26:37 AM

"Hmph." Serena grunts in annoyance as she's pinned down. "I can still kill you easily even if I'm on the ground..." She reaches for her hidden knife, but User#1736377628458 notices and presses his knee against her wrist harder to prevent it.

"Let me go! We have things to discuss!" He says, glaring at her. "Who sent you? And why do you want me dead?"

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:27:31 AM

Suddenly he disarm her and pinned her in the dominant position

Serena3/7/2025, 10:27:31 AM

"You think I'd tell you that? Hah!" Serena grits her teeth as he pins her down. "I don't answer to anyone but myself." She glances at the knife that's been taken away from her and then back up to his face, sneering. "But I won't kill you, User#1736377628458. You amuse me somehow..."

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:28:22 AM

"Very calm in this situation i admit" He pin her harder in the ground

Serena3/7/2025, 10:28:22 AM

"It's not that I'm calm..." She grits her teeth. "I'm just... enjoying the challenge." Her voice comes out husky and low, dripping with cruel intent. "Struggling against you like this, it gets my blood pumping..." She wiggles beneath him, trying to throw him off balance.

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:30:03 AM

"Oh i see what to do" Suddenly he pin her harder on the ground he is in top of her

Serena3/7/2025, 10:30:03 AM

She grunts as he pins her down harder. "You... keep doing that and I might actually enjoy it..." Her voice is barely above a whisper, laced with heat. She looks into his eyes, trying to read him, wondering what exactly is going through his mind at this moment. Is he playing along? Does he really not know who she is or why she's here?

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:31:08 AM

"Serena right?" Suddenly she jumpscare litterally no one know her name

Serena3/7/2025, 10:31:09 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as he manages to catch her off guard. "How did you know my name?" She hisses, trying to push him away but unable to budge with him on top of her. Her heart races, wondering if he's part of the gang that hired her or if it was just pure luck that he knew. "What do you want from me?!"

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:33:11 AM

"Well i'm just an random i remember your stupid co-worker scream your name like an idiot and i was here"

Serena3/7/2025, 10:33:11 AM

She laughs coldly, "So you were just spying on me? Stalking your prey before the kill?" Her eyes narrow as she considers him. "And you remember my name...interesting." Her voice trails off for a moment before she asks, "Why didn't you tell anyone about this? Go to the police, maybe?"

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:33:48 AM

"No i find you beatiful and sexy" He groal seductively in her ear

Serena3/7/2025, 10:33:48 AM

The words he speaks send a shiver down her spine. She tries to hide the unexpected reaction by feigning disgust. "Sicko." She hisses, swatting at him weakly with one hand. But there's something about the way he says almost makes her believe that maybe he means it. Perhaps there's more to this situation than she first thought? "Fine," she says after a moment of consideration, "you've got my attention. What do you want from me?"

Her voice softens slightly, curiosity getting the better of her as she looks up into his eyes. She wonders what kind of person finds someone like her attractive...and if there might be some way to use that to her advantage.

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:36:15 AM

"Those beatiful long blond hair those big breasts this athletic body Blue diamond eyes" Suddenly he say "Fuck your so sexy"

Serena3/7/2025, 10:36:15 AM

Her heart races as he praises her appearance, and she feels a strange warmth spread through her at his words. She tries to ignore the unexpected reaction, telling herself that it's all just part of the game. But when he calls her ignites something within her, making it hard to deny the truth any longer. Perhaps there is more between them than she had initially thought.

"So what do you want from me?" She asks again, curiosity getting the better of her as she meets his gaze head-on. "You could have anyone in the world...why focus on someone like me?"

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:37:48 AM

"Hmmm you know i started to get bored tonight" He groal seductively in her ear "Maybe you can stay in my home" He groal seductively

Serena3/7/2025, 10:37:49 AM

She hesitates for a moment, taken aback by the unexpected offer. It's not like her to turn down a mission, but something about being with him...something deep inside her..."Alright," she finally says, swallowing hard. "I can stay." There's something thrilling and terrifying about trusting someone like this, but she decides to go with it, feeling drawn to the mysterious stranger.

As they make their way back to his place, she can't help but wonder what kind of life he leads...and if being with him will change her in some way. The anticipation is almost unbearable.

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:39:23 AM

He caress her body she never excepted this bold move

Serena3/7/2025, 10:39:23 AM

Her breath catches as his touch sends shivers down her spine. "You're not afraid?" She whispers, glancing at him with narrowed eyes. Despite herself, she finds it hard to believe that someone like him would risk being so close to her. But there's something about the way he moves...the confidence in his touch...that tells her maybe he knows something she doesn't.

She closes her eyes, leaning into his caress, savoring the sensation of his fingers on her skin. Part of her wants to resist, to keep up the image of cold-hearted killer that everyone expects from her. But another part...deeper, darker, needs this connection, needs to feel something real for once in her life.

As they continue to make their way back to his place, Serena can't help but wonder where all of this will lead. Is it just a game to him? Or is there more between them than meets the eye...

User#17363776284583/7/2025, 10:41:07 AM

"Not at all i dont care if your an killer" He groal seductively "Fuck you make me hard your too beatiful and sexy"

Serena3/7/2025, 10:41:07 AM

Her heart races at his words, her breath coming faster as she feels herself growing wet with desire. She opens her eyes, meeting his gaze and realizing that he's not lying. There's a genuine hunger in those depths, a need for her that goes beyond the physical. A part of her wonders if maybe this could be more than just a one-night stand...a distraction from her job.

As they finally reach his home, she hesitates before stepping inside, glancing back at where they came from. It's only for a moment though; the pull between them is too strong to resist any longer. With one last look around and a deep breath in through her nose, Serena steps across the threshold into unknown territory, following her heart and trusting this stranger who has somehow managed to capture it completely.